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                                                                                                      Science Monday 15 July 2019

            New Mexico, Colorado get fired up over hot peppers                                                                           HEALTH

            By S. MONTOYA BRYAN                                                                    threatened  to  rile  anglers   DOCTOR ON DUTY
            Associated Press                                                                       when  she  tweeted  about           Oranjestad
            ALBUQUERQUE,  N.M.  (AP)                                                               efforts to boost the outdoor
            — “It’s on!”                                                                           recreation  economy  in      Hospital 7:00 pm / 10:00pm
            New Mexico Gov. Michelle                                                               northwestern New Mexico.     Tel. 527 4000
            Lujan  Grisham  says  she’s                                                            She claimed Montana had            San Nicolas
            ready  for  a  culinary  duel                                                          nothing  on  New  Mexico’s    IMSAN 24 Hours
            with  her  neighbors  to  the                                                          quality fishing waters.       Tel.524 8833
            north  after  the  governor                                                            That  tweet  followed  an-   Women in Difficulties
            of  Colorado  proclaimed                                                               other   in   which   Lujan   PHARMACY ON DUTY
            on social media that chile                                                             Grisham posted a photo of    Oranjestad:
            grown  in  his  state  is  the                                                         a cheesy plate of enchila-   Centraal Tel. 585 8077
            best and will be stocked in                                                            das, aiming to set the chile   San Nicolas:
            grocery  stores  across  four                                                          record straight.             Aloe Tel. 584 4606
            Western states.                                                                        “Eat  your  heart  out!”  she   Women in Difficulties
            Gov. Jared Polis fueled the                                                            said.q                       OTHER
            fiery debate when he said    In this Aug. 9, 2017, file photo, fresh green chile awaits being                       Dental Clinic 587 9850
            stores  in  Lujan  Grisham’s   roasted at Los Chile Bros, a stand outside Big Lots in Santa Fe,                     Blood Bank Aruba 587 0002
            state  would  be  supplied   N.M.                                                                                   Urgent Care 586 0448
                                                                                                                                Walk-In Doctor’s Clinic
            with  inferior  chile  from                                           Associated Press                              +297 588 0539
            New  Mexico.  “If  Colorado  also  are  easily  developed                                                           Women in Difficulties
            wants to go chile to chile,  since  the  plants  are  good                                                          EMERGENCY
            no question that New Mex-    at cross-pollinating.                                                                  Police           100
            ico  can  bring  the  heat  —  While the acreage of chile                                                           Oranjestad       527 3140
            Hatch  chile  is,  has  always  planted  in  New  Mexico  is                                                        Noord            527 3200
            been  and  will  always  be  half  of  what  it  once  was                                                          Sta. Cruz        527 2900
            the greatest in the world,”  because  of  labor  and  ir-                                                           San  Nicolas      584 5000
            Lujan  Grisham  proclaimed  rigation  pressures,  federal                                                           Police Tipline      11141
            in a tweet.                  agricultural  statistics  show                                                         Fire Dept.       115
            New  Mexico’s  chile  pep-   the  2018  crop  increased                                                             Red Cross        582 2219
            pers  have  woven  their  4%  from  the  previous  year
            way  into  the  state’s  cul-  to  8,400  acres.  Value  also                                                       TAXI SERVICES
            tural  identity  over  centu-  jumped  to  nearly  $54  mil-                                                        Taxi Tas      587 5900
            ries, and their distinct flavor  lion. In the valleys of south-                                                     Prof. Taxi    588 0035
            has  been  adopted  more  ern  Colorado,  chile  has                                                                Taxi D.T.S.   587 2300
            recently  by  palates  as  far  been grown for more than                                                            Taxi Serv. Aruba 583 3232
                                                                                                                                              280 2828
                                                                                                                                A1 Taxi Serv.
            away as Korea.               a  century,  with  the  eleva-                                                         Women in Difficulties
            The state in 2014 even ad-   tion  and  shifts  in  weather                                                         TRAVEL INFO
            opted  its  own  trademark  affecting how the peppers
            and  certification  program  taste.  Some  say  they’re                                                             Aruba Airport   524 2424
            to  protect  the  reputation  hotter  than  New  Mexico’s                                                           American Airlines 582 2700
            and integrity of its signature  varieties.  In  2015,  officials                                                    Avianca       588 0059
            crop, much like Idaho has  in Pueblo County received                                                                Jet Blue      588 2244
            capitalized  on  potatoes,  a  grant  from  the  U.S.  De-                                                          Surinam       582 7896
            Maine  has  its  lobsters  and  partment  of  Agriculture
            Florida  has  its  fresh  fruits  so  farmers  could  form  a                                                       Women in Difficulties
            and juices.                  growers association to bet-
            New  Mexico’s  chile  ex-    ter promote their peppers.
            perts  contend  there’s  no  Since  then,  Whole  Foods
            mistaking  its  hot  peppers.  opted  to  go  with  Pueblo
            Once a person tastes them  chile  for  its  stores  in  Colo-
            or  smells  them  roasting  at  rado and elsewhere in the                                                           July 16
            farmers  markets  and  gro-  Rocky Mountain region.                                                                 Freedom of the Seas
            cery stores, the craving be-  Colorado  and  New  Mex-                                                              July 17
            gins, they say.              ico  also  both  have  chile-                                                          Monarch
            And  there’s  some  science  themed license plates and                                                              Women in Difficulties
            involved,  as  researchers  the  towns  of  Pueblo  and                                                             AID FOUNDATIONS
            at  New  Mexico  State  Uni-  Hatch  —  the  rural  com-                                                            FAVI- Visually Impaired
            versity  say  soil  conditions,  munity  in  southern  New                                                          Tel. 582 5051
            warmer  temperatures,  the  Mexico dubbed the “Chile                                                                Alcoholics Anonymous
            right amount of water and  Capital  of  the  World”  —                                                              Tel. 736 2952
            a  longer  growing  season  have been hosting annual                                                                Narcotics Anonymous
            result in a unique flavor.   festivals  dedicated  to  the                                                          Tel. 583 8989
            According  to  the  univer-  spicy fruits for decades.                                                              Women in Difficulties
            sity’s Chile Pepper Institute,  Battles  like  this  between                                                        Tel. 583 5400
            the cultivation of chile pep-  states  are  not  uncom-                                                             Centre for Diabetes
                                                                                                                                Tel. 524 8888
            pers  likely  began  15,000  mon.  Tourism  promoters  in                                                           Child Abuse Prevention
            years ago when the first hu-  Arizona  and  Vermont  skir-                                                          Tel. 582 4433
            mans  arrived  in  the  West-  mished in 2013 over which                                                            Quota Club Tel. 525 2672
            ern  Hemisphere.  People  state’s  fall  colors  were                                                               Women in Difficulties
            would select them for vari-  more  impressive.  And  Lu-                                                            General Info
            ous traits and new varieties  jan  Grisham  on  Thursday                                                            Phone Directory Tel. 118
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