Page 86 - ARUBA BANK
P. 86

10                                                 ADVERTENTIE                        Antilliaans Dagblad Dinsdag 4 juni 2019




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      Management report           increase in its loans and advances from   HYI XS XLI IǺ IGXW SJ .+7     4XLIV STIVEXMRK   expect to adequately manage the rapid growth
                                  ANG 348 million to ANG 388 million, while  its   expenses increased from ANG 6.0 million to   SJ :MHERSZE 'ERO   ;I FIPMIZI ǻ VQP] XLEX SYV
      ECONOMIC SITUATION          cash & due from banks decreased from ANG   ANG 6.2 million. Personnel expenses increased   commitment to provide high quality service
      According to the Central Bureau of Statistics   92 million to ANG  73 million.   from ANG 8.2 million to ANG 8.9 million as a   and personal attention in commercial banking,
      the Curacao economy is experiencing a   On the liability side of the Balance Sheet, the   consequence of movements in personnel.   mortgages, international transactions,
      prolonged recession with an economic   increase in assets was accompanied by an   8LI GYQYPEXMZI IǺ IGX SJ XLIWI HIZIPSTQIRXW   e-commerce and bond/loan agency will
      contraction since 2016 (-1%), 2017 (-1.7%) and   increase of funds entrusted from ANG 376   resulted in a decrease in operating expenses   enable Vidanova Bank to continue to prosper.
      2018 (-1.6%).  While the CBCS projects some   million to ANG 417 million as the over-liquid-  from ANG 19.3 million to ANG 16.8 million.  In order to adopt to new emerging technologies,
      growth in 2019 this is based on the underlying   ity was reduced. Shareholders’ equity   8LI VIWYPXMRK STIVEXMRK TVSǻ X MW &3,     QMPPMSR   Vidanova Bank has initiated the process of
      EWWYQTXMSR XLEX XLI VIǻ RIV] [MPP GSRXMRYI XS   decreased from ANG 80 million to ANG 79   (2017: ANG 1.4 million). Taking into account the   actively investing in this area. Digital
      operate, albeit in a limited way (paying the   million as a consequence of the increase in   TVSǻ X XE\ SJ &3,     QMPPMSR  XLI RIX TVSǻ X MW   technologies and services will be one of our
      salaries). This assumption is a very tenuous   the regulatory reserve and a decrease in the   ANG 4.2 million. (2017: ANG 1.1 million).  focal points for the near future. The introduction
      SRI EW MX MW YRGIVXEMR JSV LS[ PSRK XLI VIǻ RIV]   retained earnings due to the implementation   of our mobile banking application is not far
      will continue to pay salaries and if and when   of the IFRS 9 accounting standard.  OUTLOOK  away. Further digitalization will follow shortly.
      a new operator will be found.                           In view of the Venezuelan developments and   We are convinced that our strategy will further
                                  CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT  their repercussions on our economy it is unlikely   FIRIǻ X SYV GPMIRXW  WXEǺ  ERH SYV WLEVILSPHIV
      On the positive side 2018 was the best year   Interest income increased with ANG 0.4 million   that Curacao will see economic growth in   ;I SRGI QSVI [ERX XS XLERO SYV GPMIRXW  WXEǺ
      ever for Curacao tourism (both stay over and   while interest expenses decreased with ANG   2019. Whether PdVSA will continue to pay the   and shareholder for making it possible to
      cruise). Another big challenge facing the   0.2 million. The cumulative effect of these   salaries to the ISLA personnel till the end of   continue to provide them with high quality
      monetary union (Curaçao and Sint Maarten)   developments resulted in an ANG 0.6 million   2019 is uncertain. Whether a serious partner   and personal attention.
      MW E LMKL HIǻ GMX SR XLI GYVVIRX EGGSYRX SJ XLI   increase in interest margin to ANG 16 million.  will be found to operate let alone modernize
      balance of payments. While the deficit for   Net fee & commission income increased from   XLI VIǻ RIV] ERH KYEVERXII MXW PSRK XIVQ WYVZMZEP   Curaçao, May 31, 2019
      2017 was ANG 1.1 Billion the estimates for 2018   ANG 2.4 million to ANG 3.0 million.  is also uncertain at this moment. On the other
      is ANG 1.6 Billion and 2019 ANG 1.8 Billion.  Total operating income increased from ANG   hand the tourism sector is looking very   Managing Board of Directors of Vidanova
                                  20.6 million to ANG 22.2 million.  promising with many large and smaller projects   Bank N.V.:
      CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET  In 2018 the net impairment gain on loans and   opening soon, in construction or in operation.
      During 2018, Vidanova Bank realized an   advances of ANG 1.2 million was  primarily   )IWTMXI XLI HMǽ  GYPX IGSRSQMG WMXYEXMSR [I   L. Rigaud & R. de Lanoy

       Consolitated Balance sheet           ŅĹŸŅĬĜÚ±ƋåÚ FĹÏŅĵå                  B. SPECIFICATION OF ACCOUNTS
                                                                                The specification of accounts is an extract of the most
       ±Ÿ Ņü Ƒŏ %åÏåĵÆåųØ Ɨljŏî             ŸƋ±ƋåĵåĹƋ üŅų ƋĘå Ƽå±ų åĹÚåÚ         important accounts derived from the statutory consolidated
       (After proposed appropriation of results)  Ƒŏ %åÏåĵÆåųØ Ɨljŏî             ǻ RERGMEP WXEXIQIRXW SJ XLI 'ERO
                        12.31.2018  12.31.2017                  2018    2017     I Assets         12.31.2018  12.31.2017
                         ANG 000  ANG 000                     ANG 000  ANG 000                     ANG 000  ANG 000
       ASSETS                                                                   INVESTMENT SECURITIES
                                           Interest income     20,678  20,282
       Cash and due from banks  73,112                                          Shares and participations  106  106
                                           Interest expense     4,693   4,877   Investment in Treasury
       Investment securities  17,970  106                                       Papers              17,864      -
                                           Net interest income  15,985  15,405
       Loans and advances to
       customers          387,928  347,884                                      Net investments     17,970    106
                                           Fee and commission
       Bank premises and   6,934   6,734   income               6,007                             12.31.2018  12.31.2017
       equipment                                                                                   ANG 000  ANG 000
                                           Fee and commission
       Goodwill and other   9,429  9,239   expenses             2,982   2,763   LOANS AND ADVANCES
       intangible assets                                                        TO CUSTOMERS
                                           Net fee and commission               Retail customers    182,243  170,643
       Deferred tax assets  934       -                         3,025   2,405
                                                                                Corporate customers
       Other assets        9,097   8,863                                        Other               62,874   36,431
                                           Net trading income     41      32
       Total assets       505,404  464,741                                      Total loans and advances   393,362  352,890
                                           Other operating income  3,131  2,802
                                                                                to customers
                                                                ƐØŎƀƖ   ƖØíƐĉ
       EQUITY                              Operating income    22,182  20,644   Accrued interest
       Liabilities                                                              receivable on loans and   3,214
       Customer deposits  417,468  376,073                                      advances
                                           Salaries and other
       Due to other banks    162           employee expenses    8,862   8,233   Less: allowance for   (8,648)
       Deferred tax liabilities          1,298                                  expected credit losses
                                           Occupancy expenses   3,048   2,820
       Other liabilities    7,422
                                           Net impairment losses/               Net loans and advances   387,928  347,884
                          426,643  384,361  (gain) on loans and   (1,230)  2,249  to customers
       Stockholder’s equity                Other operating expenses                FF XĜ±ÆĜĬĜƋĜåŸ
       Issued capital                                                                             12.31.2018  12.31.2017
       Share premium                       Operating expenses  16,834  19,259                      ANG 000  ANG 000
       Other reserve       11,703  10,370
                                           cåƋ ųåŸƚĬƋ üųŅĵ ŅŞåų±ƋĜŅĹŸ  ĂØƐĉí  ŎØƐíĂ  CUSTOMER DEPOSITS
       Retained earnings   42,123
                                           cåƋ ųåŸƚĬƋ ÆåüŅųå Ƌ±ƻ                Retail customers            80,842
                           ƀíØƀƅŎ  íLjØƐíLj
                                                                                Corporate customers           81,144
                                           5VSǻ X XE\ I\TIRWI   1,173    302    Other               219,847  214,087
       Total liabilities and   505,404  464,741
       stockholders’ equity                Net result after tax  4,175  1,083   Total customer deposits    417,468  376,073
   81   82   83   84   85   86   87   88   89   90   91