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              Saturday 29 September 2018

            Experience San Nicolas - Sani Market

            SAN NICOLAS —Experience  the  Sunrise  City  by  visiting  can  also  visit  the  brand
            San Nicolas will take takes  both museums, the murals,  new  museum  in  San  Nico-
            place  in  the  city  center  of  Cosecha Store with a final  las. If you would like to get
            San Nicolas. Come and en-    stop at the Sani market. The  to  know  more  about  Aru-
            joy what this great City has  tour is provided by a guid-  ba’s  history,  the  Commu-
            to offer.                    ed  professional.  The  start-  nity Museum is the place to
                                         ing  time  is  10:30  AM.  Start  visit. Its nostalgic stories and
            Starting from 9:00 AM to 1:00  point is Museum of Industry  illustrations  create  a  vivid
            PM  you  can  join  different  situated in the iconic Water  picture  of  Aruba’s  history,
            workshops  taking  place,  Tower.                         culture  and  community
            taste  locally  brewed  cof-  At Cosecha Creative Cen-    and  will  take  you  back  in
            fee,  visit  the  museum,  sa-  ter  you  can  join  the  work-  time. Entrance to the muse-
            vor  local  food  and  dance  shop  to  make  your  own  um is free. From 11:00 AM to
            to  live  music  &  live  perfor-  3-in-1  jewelry.  This  jewelry  12:00 PM there is a special
            mances.  The  local  market  piece will become a neck-    event  guided  by  the  mu-
            Sani  Market  will  be  filled  lace,  which  you  can  use  seum curator amongst spe-
            with various local treats and  two  ways  and  a  bracelet  cial guests sharing the story
            numerous sweets. Come try  too!  Match  this  by  mak-    of  an  unexpected  coffee
            homemade Johnny Cakes,  ing your own gold or silver  industry that took over the
            snacks,  dished  and  local  plated  earrings.  The  Cose-  Island in the late sixties and  on the streets.         or  coffee  geek  this  event
            soup. If you love the Carib-  cha also has locally hand-  seventies.                   Also the first annual Carib-  is  designed  especially  for
            bean then this is a must visit  crafted arts and paintings.  So  if  you  like  music,  then  bean Coffee Festival is tak-  you. Let us show you the art
            on your list.                Come  by  for  an  original  MO & Michael are the mul-    ing  place  with  six  different  of Coffee.
            If  you  wish  to  learn  more  and  unique  piece  to  take  titalented  duo  from  San  stations  providing  compli-  Follow us on the Facebook;
            about local history and the  back  home.  The  3-in-1  Nicolas,  who  delight  the  mentary  coffee  tastings,  Experience  San  Nicolas  &
            arts the local way, you can  jewelry  workshops  starts  at  public with their instrumen-  demonstrations  and  world  stay  up  to  date  with  ev-
            join  the  San  Nicolas  City  10:00 am.                  tal  Caribbean  vibes  and  class  baristas.  If  you  are  a  erything  happening  in  San
            Art Walk. This tour highlights  During  the  Experience  you  provide entertainment right  newbie,  caffeine  addict  Nicolas.q

            The Strongest Man of Aruba will be held at fabulous MooMba Beach

            PALM  BEACH  —  The  third  edition  competitions  take  place;  there
            of  the  Strongest  Man  of  Aruba  will  be  a  bar  on  the  beach,  live
            competition will again be held at  music  every  evening  as  well  as
            MooMba Beach. From September  daily  bands  and  DJ’s,  who  will
            28th  through  September  30 ,  play  until  1  am.  On  Sunday  the
            starting at 5pm.                    participants  are  in  for  a  surprise,
                                                as they are required to navigate a
            The  beach  will  be  a  showcase  track during which a combination
            of  sheer  willpower,  incredible  of  various  elements  should  be
            strength,   trembling    muscles,  performed.
            bulging  biceps  and  other  well-  MooMba  will  host  daily  Happy
            trained  body  parts.  Judges  will  Hours,  from  6  -7  pm  and  from  10
            have  a  difficult  task,  judging  –  11  pm  (Sundays  no  late  happy
            game  elements  like  Barrel  Throw,  hour).
            Truck Pull, Stone Run, Log lift, Yoke  Nagico is the main sponsor of the
            Carry  and  Tire  Flip  to  get  to  their  second  Strongest  Man  of  Aruba
            conclusion of who is the winner.    competition,  assisted  during  the
            During  the  competition  MooMba  sporting  events  by  the  fit  men  of
            will  be  ready  to  receive  loads  of  the  Marinierskazerne  Savaneta.
            fans,  family  members  and  friends  Fresh  FM  104.3  and  Amstel  Bright
            of the athletes. The beach will be  and  Cas  di  Max  also  partnered
            well-lit  on  the  areas  where  the  up.q
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