P. 8
8 Antilliaans Dagblad Maandag 11 februari 2019
Sleepboot KTK naar Trinidad vertrokken HET WEER OP
Kapitein Robert Abdul Hamid en zijn be- DE ANTILLEN
manning zijn aan boord van de sleepboot
Mero voor een belangrijke job naar Trinidad Verwachting voor N
en Tobago vertrokken. Recent tekende vanmiddag 12 uur
Kompania di Tou Kòrsou (KTK) een over- windkracht 4 - 5 bft
eenkomst met de National Energy Corpora- golfhoogte 1 - 1.5 m Z
tion van Trinidad en Tobago Ltd. (NEC) om
het bedrijf bij te staan in Trinidad. Minister BOVENWINDSE EILANDEN
van Economische Ontwikkeling Steven Sint Maarten
Martina onderkent het belang om samen-
werking te zoeken in de regio. De hulp van Saba
KTK aan NEC is onder meer het resultaat The Bottom 27 Philipsburg 27
van een handelsmissie naar Trinidad en Oranjestad
Tobago, geleid door minister Martina. Hij St. Eustatius 27
twijfelt er niet aan dat deze mooie opdracht
deuren opent voor meer werk voor het BENEDENWINDSE EILANDEN
sleepbootbedrijf. Mero heeft in principe een
werkovereenkomst van zes maanden in
Trinidad en Tobago en hoopt dat dit wordt 27 27
verlengd. FOTO CPA
Self-inflicted mistakes compromising Isla’s future
OPINIE MDPTs president, Mr. Werner MDPT in June 2017. An investi- carte blanche without any mea- 23 Kralendijk Bron:
Wiels, had been doing on his gation uncovered grave misap- ningful oversight. We need to Bonaire
By Alex Rosaria mysterious (private)solo travels propriation of public funds and develop and implement detailed Venezuela
ith the Venezuelan in Asia. China’s Guandong the fact that Mr. Wiels was approaches to prevent, control,
state-owned PdVSA’s Zenhrong Energy (GZE), a hiding official documents (on and minimize such corruption
W contract to run Cura- rookie with zero experience in his personal computer) which risks. We have not been able to
çao’s refinery (Isla) expiring at refinery building, was chosen he refused to release. These show a balanced approach re-
the end of 2019, the Multidisci- (we still don’t know how it was findings led to the dismissal of garding the Isla dossier. So far
plinary Project Team (MDPT) selected) and signed a MoU the then director of the refinery, we have created a somewhat
was created in November 2013 with Mr. Whiteman to build a Mr. Jose van den Wall-Arne- desperate and internally bellige-
to find an operator to moderni- state-of-the-art refining facility. man, who was replaced by Mr. rent attitude. Curaçao should
ze Isla and to look for alternati- Progressively a ‘GZE-mania’ Roderick van Kwartel. carefully balance its position to
ves should Isla close. What came about. GZE was conside- Back to square one. But a few ensure that our negotiators are
happened since, is troubling. red by the current Administrati- months later came the announ- not blindsided to the point that
In mid-2016 Prime Minister on as a wonder that was going cement of a ‘preferred bidder’ Isla’s future will come to the
Ben Whiteman went to Caracas to make everything shiny. At for Isla. We breathed a sigh of detriment of our overall well- VANDAAG
on what should have been a least 6 state enterprises signed relief. Our hopes were however being and development. This
high-level summit about Isla’s MoUs with GZE. We were also soon shattered when it was danger is real, especially as we Overwegend half bewolkt
future. Instead he was humilia- told that GZE would build the- announced that the selection of approach the December 2019 zonder neerslag van beteke-
ted, left waiting for hours wit- me parks and big hotels. It took a new operator had to wait for deadline. nis. De wind waait uit het
hout being able to talk to anyo- US$ 10 million and 2 costly an investigation into corruption Looking at the current and oosten en matig, windkracht
ne. Later, the Venezuelan Ener- years to realize, despite my allegations involving individuals past composition of our negoti- 3 tot 4; af en toe vrij krachtig
gy Minister declared that warnings, that these penniless close to the bidding process, ating team, it seems that we tot mogelijk krachtig in uit-
PdVSA had no money for Isla’s wannabe refinery builders including the refinery director have not considered sufficiently schieters. De zee is rustig tot
upgrade. played us. who was later fired. The bidder, creating leverage, looking into vrij rustig met golfhoogtes
Late September 2016 it final- Turns out we were also Motiva, the US-based arm of other mutual beneficial activi- tussen 0,5 en 1,5 meter.
ly became clear what the played by Mr. Wiels, who left Saudi Aramco withdraws. ties with the negotiators at the
So far we have botched this other side of the table. I miss MORGEN
Advertentie process. I know that one never (advising) team members with a
gets all that he wants during cross-section of skills, especially Half bewolkt met kans op
OPENBARE VERKOOP negotiations. But some of these a geopolitical strategist and een bui in de ochtend. De
wounds are self-inflicted. someone with relatable expe- wind neemt geleidelijk toe.
We’ve never been able to take rience of the opposing team.
Op donderdag, 14 februari 2019, des voormiddags the Isla discussion to a national Are we back where we star-
om 10.00 uur, zal door de ondergetekende deur- level. Instead, we’ve been pla- ted? No. We are further away
cing party line officials in key from home, especially conside-
waarder in het openbaar worden verkocht :
positions in order to execute the ring the showdown between
party groups interest goals. This some unions and the Govern-
een automobiel van het merk Toyota, model issue doesn’t belong to a hand- ment last week. We need to
Yaris, bouwjaar 2005, kleur Wit, ful of people. It’s a national realize that yet another start, Zaterdag 9 februari
concern. Outreach to all stake- long after the tip-off does not
holders and giving the commu- bode well. There is less time on 5265
een automobiel van het merk BYD, model F3, nity the opportunity to voice the board, less resources, more
bouwjaar 2015, kleur Blauw Metallic, concern is key. fatigue and less game plans. So
Transparency since the get-go far, we have botched this pro- 2615
was not executed in practice and cess.
een automobiel van het merk Hyundai, model the Isla dossier is, even for
EON, bouwjaar 2013, kleur Wit, connoisseurs, a black box. No Alex Rosaria was partijleider/ 3205
one seems to know what’s hap- Statenlid voor Partido pa Adelan-
Voormelde voertuigen zullen een uur voor de verkoop pening with the redevelopment to i Inovashon Soshal (PAIS), die Zondag 10 februari
path of Isla. Is this path no vanaf de jaarwisseling 2012/2013
te bezichtigen zijn, aldaar aan de Roodeweg no. 159 longer followed as Mr. White- een coalitieregering vormde met
(CVD Gebouw), alwaar de verkoop zal plaats- man tried to do in February Pueblo Soberano (PS), Partido 2933
vinden, bij opbod en tegen gerede betaling. 2016? The need for transparen- Nashonal di Pueblo (PNP) en
cy and communication at every het onafhankelijke Statenlid
stage of the project is essential. Glenn Sulvaran (voorheen PAR). 4096
De deurwaarder bij het Gerecht op Curaçao, We have not been able to Tegenwoordig staat Rosaria bui-
R.A. RAMAZAN. control corruption and abuses ten de politiek en is hij onder meer 7392
of power within our ranks. in Azië werkzaam als onafhanke-
Certain actors have been given a lijke adviseur.