Page 7 - DESPA - MARCH 25 V
P. 7

                 Saturday 25 March 2017

               Colombia official says Venezuela raid may be tied to crisis

                                                                                                   can States to restore Ven-   its  borders.  Santos  in  the
                                                                                                   ezuela’s democratic order.   past  has  generally  re-
                                                                                                   The official, who spoke on   frained from criticizing Ven-
                                                                                                   the condition of anonymity   ezuela as forcefully as oth-
                                                                                                   because  he  was  not  au-   er regional leaders, worried
                                                                                                   thorized to discuss the call,   that  it  could  unnecessar-
                                                                                                   said Santos also ordered his   ily  heighten  tensions  and
                                                                                                   top  military  commanders    lead to retaliations against
                                                                                                   to  arrest  the  Venezuelans   the  millions  of  Colombi-
                                                                                                   unless they had withdrawn.   ans  living  in  Venezuela.  In
                                                                                                   Colombia    on    Thursday   2015,  Maduro  closed  the
                                                                                                   joined  the  U.S.,  Canada   1,378-mile  (2,219  kilome-
                                                                                                   and 11 other western hemi-   ter)  border  and  expelled
                                                                                                   spheric nations in a strong-  thousands  of  Colombians
                                                                                                   ly-worded  statement  call-  who he accused of fueling
                                                                                                   ing for Maduro to immedi-    crime  and  contraband.
                                                                                                   ately  hold  elections,  free   Venezuela’s  Foreign  Minis-
                                                                                                   political prisoners and rec-  ter Delcy Rodriguez reject-
                                                                                                   ognize  the  legitimacy  of   ed  attempts  to  present  a
                                                                                                   the  opposition-controlled   “distorted” account of the
                                                                                                   National Assembly.           raid  by  people  seeking  to
                                                                                                   It  was  the  strongest  state-  promote  a  “confrontation
            Venezuela’s President Nicolas Maduro speaks during a rally in Caracas, Venezuela. A Colombian   ment  yet  from  a  growing   between  the  two  broth-
            official said a four-day incursion into the country by Venezuelan troops may have been linked   cadre  of  nations  in  Latin   erly  nations.”  She  said  the
            to Colombia’s call for elections in the troubled, neighboring south American nation. The troops
            withdrew Thursday after President Juan Manuel Santos called Maduro to protest.         America  concerned  that     troops  were  on  a  routine
                                                                         (AP Photo/Ariana Cubillos)  the  political  standoff  in   patrol  of  the  border  and
                                                                                                   Venezuela at a time of se-   attributed their location on
             JOSHUA GOODMAN              tional flag in a camp they  slowly  wading  across  the   vere  food  shortages  and   the  wrong  side  of  the  po-
             Associated Press            set up on a plantain farm.   parched Arauca River that    triple-digit  inflation  could   rous,  mostly  empty  border
             BOGOTA,  Colombia  (AP)  The  troops  withdrew  Thurs-   divides  the  two  countries   erupt into a full-blown crisis.  to  a  seasonal  change  in
             —  A  Colombian  official  day  after  President  Juan  as  dozens  of  Colombian     This  week’s  cross-border   the Arauca River’s course.
             said  a  four-day  incursion  Manuel  Santos  called  his  troops  heavily  armed  with   raid,  which  shocked  Co-  Earlier  this  month,  OAS
             into  the  country  by  Ven-  Venezuelan   counterpart  assault rifles look on.       lombians  but  drew  scant   Secretary   General    Luis
             ezuelan  troops  may  have  Nicolas  Maduro  to  protest  A   Colombian      official   attention  in  Venezuela,  is   Almagro  urged  regional
             been linked to Colombia’s  what  he  called  a  “totally  briefed  on  the  call  be-  the  latest  in  an  increasing   governments  to  suspend
             call for elections in the trou-  unacceptable” violation of  tween the two leaders de-  number of border disputes   Venezuela from the group
             bled,  neighboring  south  Colombia’s  sovereignty.  A  scribed it as tense. He said   to rattle relations between   unless  general  elections
             American nation.            video provided by Colom-     that  during  the  conversa-  the  two  neighbors.  It  also   are  held  soon,  detailing
             Around 60 Venezuelan sol-   bia’s Defense Ministry show  tion  Maduro  complained     underscores  the  risk  that   in  a  75-page  report  the
             diers  crossed  the  border  the  Venezuelans  lowering  about Santos’ support for a   Venezuela’s   deepening     Maduro       government’s
             into  Colombia  Monday  their flag hoisted on a giant  diplomatic  intervention  by   political  and  economic     systematic  violation  of  hu-
             night  and  raised  their  na-  bamboo  stalk  and  then  the Organization of Ameri-  problems could spill across   man  rights  and  standards
                                                                                                                                of democracy. The 14 na-
                Venezuela asks UN help in boosting medicine supplies                                                            tions in their statement said
                                                                                                                                that while they are “deeply
                                                                                                                                concerned” about the situ-
            JORGE RUEDA                  war  and  the  sharp  fall  in  atop the world’s largest pe-  gency  supplies,  including   ation  in  Venezuela,  expul-
            Associated Press             petroleum prices,” Maduro  troleum  reserves  has  fallen  some medicine,              sion  from  the  OAS  should
            CARACAS, Venezuela (AP)  said in a televised appear-      under Maduro.                  for  victims  in  Peru  of  that   only  be  considered  as  a
            —  Venezuela’s  President  ance Friday.                   Maduro’s  socialist  adminis-  nation’s  worst  flooding  in   “last  resort”  and  instead
            Nicolas Maduro has asked  He  didn’t  provide  any  de-   tration prides itself on being  two decades.              called for dialogue.
            the  United  Nations  for  tails  about  the  request  ex-  a provider of humanitarian  Opponents  say  such  gen-  Michael  Shifter,  president
            “help”  boosting  medicine  cept  to  say  that  the  U.N.  aid to poor nations around  erosity  should  be  reserved   of  the  Inter-American  Dia-
            supplies  as  he  struggles  to  has  the  expertise  to  nor-  the world.             for   Venezuelans,    who    logue, said Thursday’s dec-
            combat  crippling  short-    malize the supply and distri-  Even  as  he  called  Friday  have  been  suffering  from   laration “is a clear measure
            ages.                        bution  of  pharmaceutical  for the U.N.’s assistance, his  widespread shortages and   of  both  the  political  shift
            “I’ve asked for support from  drugs in the country.       aides  were  hosting  a  busi-  triple-digit  inflation  since   in  South  America  toward
            the U.N. to help treat eco-  But  just  acknowledging  ness forum called “Venezu-      Maduro  was  elected  in     more conservative govern-
            nomic  and  social  injuries  that Venezuela needs out-   elan Powerhouse” and the  2013  following  the  death     ments and the rapidly de-
            that  have  hit  our  people  side help is a telling sign of  military  was  dispatching  from cancer of former Pres-  teriorating situation in Ven-
            caused  by  the  economic  how  far  the  nation  sitting  two cargo planes of emer-   ident Hugo Chavez.q          ezuela. q
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