Page 25 - cmb - aug 15_Neat
P. 25

36                                                            AWEMainta                                        Diaranson, 15 Augustus 2018

                                                                       Cu presentacion di servicionan “Fast & Easy”

                                                                  E banco pionero Aruba Bank a inaugura

                                                                    programa di 30 aña di Hubileo OPPA

           With deep sadness and sorrow but in acceptance of God's Holy Will
                                        we announce the passing of our beloved
                                         husband, father, grand-father, brother,
                                   brother-in-law, uncle, great-uncle and godfather

                                                                  Pa celebra e hecho cu dia 26 di au- Aruba Bank n’e  miembronan pre-
                                                                  gustus benidero OPPA ta celebra su  sente di OPPA na Biblioteca Nacio-

                        Ramon Alfredo Sharpe                      30 aña di existencia, OPPA a traha  nal na Playa.
                       (also known as: Fritz, Fritzy, Pappie, Opa)  un  programa  cu  actividad  diversi- Den cuadro di e meta di OPPA, pa
                    Sunrise: 14-09-1933  -  Sunset: 12-08-2018    fica pa su miembronan.                      amplia  e conocemento  y educa  su
                                                                  Aruba Bank tabatin e honor pa in- miembronan riba tereno di tecnolo-
           Left to mourn are                                      augura e prome dia di e dos (2) si- gia digital, Aruba Bank, a percura pa
           his wife:        Lucy Joan Sharpe-Bardouille           man  di  actividad  p’e  miembronan  un programa “taylor-made” p’esnan

           children:      Tirza and Chris van Kordelaar-Sharpe and children Sachelle    di OPPA cu un breakfast-presenta- interesa por sinti nan mes comodo
           and Axel      Aitza Sharpe and Diederik Goddeeris and daughter Daniella  cion di tur su servicionan Self-Ser- y sigur cu e opcionnan “facil y lihe/
                                 Christopher Sharpe               vice “Facil y Lihe/Fast & Easy”, cu  fast & easy” di Aruba Bank.
            also Sonia Cham-Sharpe and Lidia Sharpe and family    ta desiguala aki na Aruba, y cu ta  Ta un placer, como e banco pione-
                   brothers and sisters
                   * Leoncio Sharpe     USA                       consisti tambe di su tan gusta Aru- ro di Aruba pa a sostene Directiva
                   * Roberto Sharpe     USA                       ba Bank  Online  Banking  y Aruba  di OPPA y Comision di Actividad
                   * Lidia Sharpe, Ramon's twin sister, the Netherlands  Bank Mobile App.                     (CdA) di OPPA den nan meta y cel-
                      Louisa Elvira de Palm-Sharpe  Aruba         E presentacion  a  wordo  haci  p’e  ebracion di nan di 30 hubileo. Ma-
                   * Cynthia Sharpe      St. Maarten
                     Hugo Sharpe          Venezuela               ekipo di IT, Security y Marketing di  sha pabien!
                    Julieta (Eta) Moons-Sharpe      Aruba
                    Roy Sharpe                                    the Netherlands
                    Denise (Dotty) Sharpe               the Netherlands  Premio di “LOTTO 5” ta na 675 mil
                 * Dennis Sharpe (Dottie's twin brother)    Germany
                    Rita de Caluwé-Sharpe              the Netherlands         florin pa sorteo di awe nochi
                 * Franklin Sharpe                          Aruba

             In-laws                                              E “jackpot” a alcansa 675 mil flo- un suma progresivo, al igual si bo
             Goya Sharpe-Aleman             USA                   rin pa sorteo di awe nochi y cu cada  match 4 number bo ta gana e di tres
             Mariana Vanterpool                 USA
             Juan de Palm                           Aruba         compra di un ticket di 4 florin, bo  premio cual tambe ta un suma pro-
             Jacky Añasgo-Sharpe            Venezuela             ta den wega pa por bira e feliz ga- gresivo. Cu 3 number bo ta gana 12
           * Hendricus (Harry) Moons       Aruba
             José Swart                               the Netherlands  nado di e tremendo jackpot grandi  florin y si bo match e free letter, lo
           * Antoine (Toine) de Caluwé     the Netherlands        aki.                                        bo haya un Ticket di Lotto 5 gratis.
                                                                  Pa  hunga  Lotto  5  ta  masha  facil.  No lubida,  cumpra  bo ticket  pa  4
           * Leroy Bardouille and wife Eleonor
             Errol Bardouille and wife Berthy                     Kies bo cinco numbernan entre 01  florin  so y percura  pa bo ta den
           * Felix Bardouille and wife Jacky                      te cu 35 of pidi bo rebendedor pa  wega y bira ganado di 675 mil flo-
             Franklin Bardouille and Cheryl
             (and deceased Marie Bardouile-Mers)                  ticket “Loco”.                              rin cumprando bo Lotto 5.
                                                                  Tambe bo por kies pa keda den wega
           nephews and nieces: Sharpe, de Palm, Peterson, Moons, Vandormael, Croes,
           Martina, Wright, Spieker, Prinssen, de Caluwé, Dirne   cu e próximo sorteonan di Lotto 5
           other relatives: Bardouille, van Heynigen, Philips, Bryson, Cyrus, Brown,   cu  Multi Draw. Bo numbernan di
           Smith, Richardson, Tearr, Poterson, Hanson, Henson, Hamlet, Romney,   suerte ta keda den wega te cu 10
           Beauperthuy, Rolon, Cannegieter, Gumbs, Lejuez, Eights, James, van Dinter,
           Richardson,Kingsale, Nicholson                         sorteo benidero cu Milti Draw.
           caretakers: broeder Neil Romero and Germina Koolman    Pa opcion di Combo, puntra bo re-
           neighbours and good friends too numerous to mention...
           On Thursday August 16th 2018 from 7.00 p.m-9.00 p.m the family will   bendedor pa mas informacion.
           accept your condolences at the Aurora Funeral Home
           On Friday August 17th 2018 the funeral service will take place at the
                                          Capiya Santa Famia Pos Chiquito  Pa bo gana e jackpot di 675 mil flo-
           The body of the late Ramon Sharpe will be laid out from 2:30 p.m.  rin awe, bo mester “match” e cinco
           Opportunity for Rendition from 2:30p.m.- 3:30 p.m.     number durante sorteo. Si en caso
           The funeral service will commence at 4:00 p.m. followed by interment at
            Sabana Basora Cemetery                                         May his soul rest in Peace  bo match  4  number  plus e  joker,
                                                                  bo ta gana e di dos premio cual ta
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