P. 15
CLASSIFIED Friday 7 december 2018
Splits deepen as UN climate talks near 527 4000
crunch time Imsan- San Nicolas
524 8833
By FRANK JORDANS week 1 Presidential Unit #1313 DOCTOR ON DUTY
Associated Press 2 br, 2 bath, Ocean view, Oranjestad
KATOWICE, Poland (AP) — Sleeps 6 Dr. Hertogen Tel. 586 3434
Divisions deepened at the $14,900
U.N. climate talks Thursday, e-mail San Nicolas
pitting rich nations against _________________________________210447 Women in Difficulties
poor ones, oil exporters PHARMACY ON DUTY
against vulnerable island
nations, and those govern- Oranjestad:
Eagle Tel. 587 9011
ments prepared to act on San Nicolas
global warming against San Nicolas Tel. 584 5712
those who want to wait Women in Difficulties
and see. OTHER
The stakes were raised Dental Clinic 587 9850
by a scientific report that Partially covered by fog heating plant is seen in Minsk, Belarus, Blood Bank Aruba 587 0002
warned achieving the most Thursday, Dec. 6, 2018. Mobility Equip . Gire
ambitious target in the Associated Press 568 5165
2015 Paris climate accord Urgent Care 586 0448
Women in Difficulties
to limit emissions is getting ilar leeway as developing construction. In the U.S., EMERGENCY
increasingly difficult. Fresh nations. an unusual year, cold win-
figures released this week — Several oil exporting ter and hot summer, both Police 100
527 3140
showed that emissions of countries have objected to boosting the energy de- Noord 527 3200
heat-trapping carbon di- the idea of explicitly men- mand. In Europe, the emis- Sta. Cruz 527 2900
oxide jumped the highest tioning ways in which glob- sions are down but less San Nicolas 584 5000
in seven years, making the al warming can be kept at than they used to be, and Police Tipline 11141
task of cutting those emis- 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 de- that's because of growing Ambulancia
sions one day to zero even grees Fahrenheit). The In- emissions in transport that Fire Dept. 115
Red Cross
582 2219
more challenging. tergovernmental Panel on are offsetting benefits else-
Negotiators at the climate Climate Change, a body where," she told the meet- TAXI SERVICES
talks in Katowice, Poland, made up of scientists from ing in Katowice. Taxi Tas 587 5900
still disagree on the way around the world, recently Le Quere, the director of Prof. Taxi 588 0035
forward but have just a few proposed "policy path- the Tyndall Centre for Cli- Taxi D.T.S. 587 2300
days to finish their technical ways" that would achieve mate Change Research at Taxi Serv. Aruba 583 3232
talks before ministers take this goal, which foresee the University of East Anglia A1 Taxi Serv. 280 2828
Women in Difficulties
over. phasing out almost all use in England, noted some TRAVEL INFO
"It's going to be a big chal- of coal, oil and gas by 2050. positive news.
lenge," said Amjad Abdul- But Saudi Arabia and some "We have renewable en- Aruba Airport 524 2424
American Airlines 582 2700
la, the chief negotiator for of its allies say it would be ergy," she said. "It is displac- Avianca 588 0059
the Alliance of Small Island wrong to cite those path- ing coal in the U.S. and in Aruba Airlines 583 8300
States. "We are going to ways in a text about future Europe, and it is expanding Jet Blue 588 2244
forward the sticky issues to ambitions. elsewhere." Surinam 582 7896
next week." — Developing countries "It's not enough to meet the Venezolana 583 7674
Among the splits that need are frustrated that rich na- growing energy demand Women in Difficulties
to be overcome before the tions won't commit them- in developing countries in CRUISES
conference ends on Dec. selves to providing greater particular," she said. "But
14 are: assurances on financial the industry is growing."q
— The question of what support for poor nations
kind of flexibility devel- facing hefty costs to fight
oping countries will have the effects of climate
when it comes to reporting change. European govern- December 8
their emissions and efforts ments argue that they are Norwegian dawn
to curb them. bound by budget rules that
The issue is central to the limit their ability to allocate Women in Difficulties
Paris rulebook, which coun- money more than a few AID FOUNDATIONS
tries have committed to years in advance. FAVI- Visually Incapasitated
finalizing this year. Environ- What's clear is that few Tel. 582 5051
mental activists insist that countries are moving in the
countries such as Brazil, with right direction to halt glob- Alcoholics Anonymous
Tel. 736 2952
its vast Amazon rainforest, al warming. Narcotics Anonymous
and China, the world's big- "The first data for this year Tel. 583 8989
gest polluter, should have point to a strong rise in the Women in Difficulties
to provide hard data on global CO2 emissions, al- Tel. 583 5400
emissions and not be treat- most all countries are con- Centre for Diabetes
ed like poorer nations who tributing to this rise," said Tel. 524 8888
don't have the ability to do Corinne Le Quere, who led Child Abuse Prevention
Tel. 582 4433
a precise greenhouse tally. the team that published
Complicating matters, a the emissions study this Quota Club Tel. 525 2672
Women in Difficulties
group of rich countries that week. General Info
includes the United States "In China, it's boosted by
and Australia is seeking sim- economic stimulation in Phone Directory Tel. 118