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                                                                                               CLASSIFIED Tuesday 30 May 2017

             American Living             “You  know  there’s  a  war                                                              dOCTOR ON dUTY
               Continued on page 7       going on?” his mother re-                                                                       Dr. Jones
                                         called saying to him.                                                                           Tel. 583 9919
                                         “Yes, I do,” he said with a                                                                       San Nicolas
             Moon  had  had  his  own    determined  look.  Though                                                                       Dr. de Cuba
             struggles,  with  PTSD,  af-                             Time Share Resale            TIME SHARES FOR SALE                  Tel. 584 1984
                                                                                                   Caribbean Palm Village Weeks
             ter  coming  home  from     worried,  his  parents  gave   Marriott Ocean Club        week 7 $6,500.00                EMERGENCIA 911
             the  war.  He  hadn’t  been   him their full support.       Gold season               week 26 $2,000.00
             able to offer much support   Now their daughter is the   1 BR Ocean View $6500        all are 2 beedroom all are
             when  Jon  died,  he  said,   major focus.               2 BR Ocean View $8500        garden view
             but things had changed for   “Who  knew  what  kind  of   Marriott surf Club          e-mail:
             him in recent years.        healing would come from      2 BR Ocean View $8000        Call: 609 775 3836           POLICE           100
             Now  the  head  of  a  non-  this  process?”  Moon  said   2 BR Ocean Front $16,000   FOR SALE BY OWNER            ORANJESTAD     527-3140
             profit  arts  organization  for   of  Sonja’s  personal  jour-  3 BR Ocean View $16,000  Wk 9 Divi Little Bay      NOORD            527-3200
             veterans,  called  Warrior  ney in helping create the    Call:(011-297-630-1307)      St. Maarten                  STA. CRUZ        527-2900
             Songs, Moon asked Sonja if  song,  which  is  being  re-      Rm 621 1 Br /1 Ba RTu: exp.   SAN NICOLAS     584-5000
             she’d be interested in help-  leased  this  weekend  on   _______________________________207497  2042 ocean / bay view   POLICE TIPLINE    11141
             ing  create  a  song  for  his  the Warrior Songs website.  Time Share Resale         717 319 9324 +10 accelerated   FIRE DEPT.      115
             group’s second album. This  Still,  it  was  clear  that  she   Costa Linda Beach Resort   sleeps 4 $6,000         FIRE DEPT.       582-1108
             one will focus on telling the  was nervous. She’d never   2 BR Week 21,22,23,24        e-mail:                     DENTAL CLINIC    587-9850
             stories  of  women  in  com-  played in a recording stu-  Room # 2001 Pool/Ocean View    AMBULANCE        582-1234
             bat, as well as the mothers,  dio  before  and  was  still   Price : $7500 each,      _________________________________207466  IMSAN        524-8833
             wives  and  sisters  who’ve   feeling rusty.             Call :(011-297-630-1307)     RAW REAL ESTATE              Women in Difficulties
             lost loved ones to war.     To help keep her calm, she       Underveloper Property  Land       PHARMACY
             The Warrior Songs CDs are   placed photos of Jon on a    ________________________________207497  at Canashito, size 23,010 m2  Oranjestad:
             given free of charge to vet-  nearby music stand. Then   Time Share Resale            Land is suitable for a Business   Central Tel. 585 8077
             erans and are intended to   she  played  a  solo  that   La Cabana BRC                and housing project.         San Nicolas
             be a source of support and   would, like the song itself,   1 BR week #23 Room #311 a  asking Price: usd.1,098.792  Aloe Tel. 584 4606
             healing.                    become  a  message  of       Ocean View Thursday check in   00297 5679787
             In honoring Jon — and tell-  another kind, much more     Price : $3500                e-mail:                      INFORMATION   118
             ing her own story — Sonja,   public  than  those  slips  of   Call:(011-297-630-1307)  info@rawrealestate-construction.  TAXI-TAS   587-5900
             now 33, also saw a chance                             com                          PROF. TAXI    588-0035
             to  move  forward  and  to   paper  hidden  inside  a    ________________________________207497  _________________________________207493  TAXI D.T.S.   587-2300
             stay sober.                 violin  that  may  never  be   Time Share Resale          FOR SALE                     SERVICE AUA   583-3232
                                                                                                                                A1 TAXI SERVICES 587-8850
             “I just really woke up when   seen.                      Free : Non exclusive Listings   Casa del Mar                                 280-2828
             I  realized  I  know  that  my   As she finished, audio en-  Free : appraisal Report  wk 1 +deed                       CRuIse sHIP
             brother  was  willing  to  die   gineer  Jonathon  Leubner   Rent, sell. Buy.         2bedroom and 2 bath #1313
             for  me  and  our  country,”   smiled.  “That’s  lovely,”  he   Call:(011-297-630-1307)  Presidential / ocean view
             she  said.  “I  better  be  will-  said.  “I  can’t  thank  you  $21,000
             ing to live and take advan-  enough.”                    _______________________________207497  e-mail:
             tage of what I DO have.”    “Well,” she replied through                               _________________________________206677
             She agreed to play a violin   a studio microphone, “let’s                             ASSOCIATED REALTORS
             solo for the song and soon   all thank my brother.”                                   For Sale                               May 30
             began practicing again.     Online:                                                   Two storey house with two           Celebrity equinox
             She also began building a   Warrior   Songs:    http://                               bedrooms and two bathrooms
             new  violin,  work  she’d  set                                 situated  at Cuquisastraat /
             aside  to  focus  on  instru-  Sonja’s  site:  http://www.                            Ponton on property land and   Aruba Airport   524-2424
             ment repair.                                                $190,000                     American Airlines 582-2700
             This winter, Moon recorded                                                            Call Mito at 593 6318        Avianca       588-0059
             an  interview  with  Sonja,                                                           _________________________________207496  Aruba Airlines  583-8300
                                                                                                                                Jet Blue
             and  she  gave  him  some                                                                                          Surinam       582-7896
             of  her  journal  entries.  He                                                        ASSOCIATED REALTORS          Venezolana    583-7674
             then  shared  those  materi-                                                          For Sale                     Aruba Foundation
             als  with  songwriter  Kevin                                                          spacious family house with   For those Visually Incapasitated
             Welsh,  who  wrote  the  re-                                                          three bedrooms ant two       Tel. 582-5051
             sulting  song,  titled  “Star  in                                                     bathrooms with basement      AL-ANON group
             the Dark.”                                                                            situated in Nuñe             Sabana Liber #8, Noord
             “Hey  brother,  where  you                                                            Residence / Paradera on      Tel. 736-2952 or 593-7081
             gone?” the song begins.                                                               property land and for $252,000  FUNDACIONS
             “It’s  been  too  long  since                                                         Call Mito at 593 6318        Respetami
             you’ve been home.                                                                     _________________________________207496  Tel. 582-4433
             “They called it ‘casualty.’                                                           ASSOCIATED REALTORS
             “It doesn’t seem casual to                                                            For Sale                     Centro Diabetic Arubano
                                                                                                                                Tel. 524-8888
             me.”                                                                                  Nice and good maintained
             This month, Sonja recorded                                                            family house with three      Narcotics Anonymous
             the violin accompaniment                                                              bedrooms and two bathrooms   Tel. 583-8989
             for the song at a  studio in                                                          situated at Washington /     QUOTA Club
             suburban  Milwaukee.  Her                                                             Noord on property land and for   Tel. 525-2672
             parents,  Kay  and  Jon  Sr.,                                                         $220,000
             were  there,  too.  They  re-                                                         Call Mito at 593 6318        Women in Difficulties
             called the son who, in 2005,                                                          _________________________________207496  Foundation
                                                                                                                                Tel. 583-5400
             showed up with Army bro-
             chures to tell them he’d be                                                                                        Bloodbank Aruba
             leaving in 36 hours for basic                                                                                      Tel. 587-0002
             training at Fort Hood, Texas.
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