Page 13 - HOH
P. 13
Wednesday 12 June 2019
Jon Stewart lashes out at Congress over 9/11 victims fund
By MATTHEW DALY spent time working in the
Associated Press soot, often without proper
WASHINGTON (AP) — Co- respiratory protection. In
median Jon Stewart scold- the years since, many have
ed Congress Tuesday for seen their health decline,
failing to ensure that a vic- some with respiratory or
tims’ compensation fund digestive-system ailments
set up after the 9/11 attacks that appeared almost im-
never runs out of money. mediately, others with ill-
Stewart, a longtime advo- nesses that developed as
cate for 9/11 responders, they aged, including can-
angrily called out lawmak- cer.
ers for failing to attend a More than 40,000 people
hearing on a bill to ensure have applied to the Sep-
the fund can pay benefits tember 11th Victim Com-
for the next 70 years. Point- pensation Fund, which
ing to rows of empty seats covers illnesses potentially
at a House Judiciary Com- related to being at the
mittee hearing room, Stew- World Trade Center site,
art said “sick and dying” first the Pentagon or Shanks-
responders and their fami- ville, Pennsylvania, after the
lies came to Washington for attacks. More than $5 bil-
the hearing, only to face a Entertainer and activist Jon Stewart lends his support to firefighters, first responders and survivors lion in benefits have been
nearly deserted dais. The of the September 11 terror attacks at a hearing by the House Judiciary Committee as it considers awarded out of the $7.4 bil-
sparse attendance by law- permanent authorization of the Victim Compensation Fund, on Capitol Hill in Washington, Tuesday, lion fund, with about 21,000
makers was “an embarrass- June 11, 2019. claims pending.
ment to the country and Associated Press Stewart and other speak-
a stain on this institution,” congressional business. Pointing to rows of uni- want to know, “Why this is ers lamented the fact that
Stewart said, adding that Rep. Mike Johnson, R-La., formed firefighters and po- so damn hard and takes so nearly 18 years after the at-
the “disrespect” shown to predicted the bill will pass lice officers behind him, he damn long?” tacks, first responders and
first responders now suf- with overwhelming sup- said the hearing “should The collapse of the World their families still have no as-
fering from respiratory ail- port and said lawmakers be flipped,” so that first Trade Center in September surance the fund will not run
ments and other illnesses “is meant no disrespect as responders were on the 2001 sent a cloud of thick out of money. The Justice
utterly unacceptable.” they moved in and out of dais, with members of Con- dust billowing over Lower Department said in Febru-
Lawmakers from both par- the subcommittee hearing, gress “down here” in wit- Manhattan. Fires burned for ary that the fund is being
ties said they support the a common occurrence on ness chairs answering their weeks. Thousands of con- depleted and that benefit
bill and were monitoring Capitol Hill. questions. First and fore- struction workers, police of- payments are being cut by
the hearing amid other Stewart was unconvinced. most, Stewart said, families ficers, firefighters and others up to 70 percent.q
U.S. troops, civilian defense workers get political reminder
By LOLITA C. BALDOR nation should be apolitical. a Federal building.” staff aware of his dislike of chief of staff to look into the
Associated Press “Those of us privileged to Both Shanahan and Trump McCain. ship incident and find out
WASHINGTON (AP) — Act- serve our Nation, in and out have distanced themselves Asked about the memos what happened, but he
ing Pentagon chief Patrick of uniform, in the DoD must from the ship incident, in Tuesday, Shanahan said: also said he is not planning
Shanahan told troops and be the epitome of Ameri- which an unknown official “What I wanted to do is, af- to seek an investigation
civilian workers Tuesday can values and ethics,” in the White House military ter the McCain situation, re- by the Pentagon’s internal
to avoid political displays Shanahan said. office directed the Navy mind everyone that we’re watchdog.
while on the job, a remind- He told military command- to keep the McCain out of not going to politicize the Shanahan said he was told
er that comes after the ers to remind those in uni- sight, presumably to avoid military. So it’s just a good that, despite the White
White House told the Navy form that they must avoid reminding the president of healthy reminder.” House request, the Navy did
to keep the USS John S. Mc- actions that imply Penta- the late Sen. John McCain. Last week, Shanahan or- not move the ship and that
Cain out of sight to avoid gon approval of political The warship was named dered his chief of staff de- a barge that was in front of
offending President Donald candidates or causes. In a for McCain’s father and liver a similar message to it was moved before Trump
Trump during a visit to Ja- memo to the civilian work- grandfather and was post- the White House military arrived. He said a tarp that
pan. force he said personnel humously rededicated in office, reaffirming his man- had been draped over the
In separate memos to ci- may take part in limited po- the name of the senator date that the Defense De- ship’s name was removed,
vilian and military leaders, litical activities, but “they and former prisoner of war. partment must not be po- but it was put there for
Shanahan said their mission may never engage in such The president blamed the liticized. maintenance, not to ob-
to protect and defend the activity while on-duty or in order on “well-meaning” Shanahan has asked his scure its identity.q