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                                                                                                                           Saturday 8 June 2019

            Social entrepreneur James Ocalia in cooperation with HopeAruba Movement

            ‘Sustainable agriculture for healthier locals and rehabilitated drug addicts’

                                                            Maybe  it  is  best  described  as  pure:  the  land,  myself want to make a difference for my island
                                                            the taste of the vegetables, the drive of the stu-  with  my  passion:  sustainable  agriculture.  My
                                                            dents  and  the  sincerity  of  James,  all  together  goal  is  that  locals  include  the  typical  Aruban
                                                            it is ‘Hope’ indeed. On the 7.000 m2 land only  veggies in their food system and eat healthier.”
                                                            local  crops  are  grown:  comcomber  chiquito  He has a thing for Aruba’s traditional vegeta-
                                                            (cucumber),  jambo  (okra),  boonchi  (beans),  bles  and  fruits,  since  he  was  a  kid.  “I  wrote  a
                                                            pika (hot peppers) form the main production.  book, ‘My favorite Curacaos and Aruban Dish-
                                                            But one can also find patia (watermelon) and  es’,  and  found  myself  asking  my  granny  how
                                                            dragon fruit as well as moringa. The plants are  actually to prepare traditional dishes with local
                                                            seeded and grown in the nursery, built by the  veggies. That is not right, we need to implement
                                                            students, and when strong enough being trans-   them  into  modern  cooking  to  preserve  these
                                                            ferred to the land.                             treasures of culture. Italians may have their zuc-
                                                                                                            chini and tomatoes, Aruba has her comcomb-
                                                            How it Began                                    er  chiquito  and  jambo.  Our  generation  does
                                                            Aruba  is  a  nation  of  hopeful  individuals,  who  not know how to cook our own veggies, we are
                                                            want the best for their island. It is a fact that the  often keen on preparing meals from the Italian
                                                            social challenges facing our island affect us all  or  other  foreign  gastronomy,  but  what  about
                                                            in one way or another. Whether it is child abuse  our  own  culture?”  His  story  creates  a  curiosity
                                                            or  neglect,  domestic  violence,  life-controlling  towards the real taste of local gastronomy. “In
                                                            addictions,  the  high  rate  of  high-school  drop  my opinion three ingredients are necessary to
                                                            outs, increasing poverty, etc. etc., when one is  develop  social  enterprise:  the  social  aspect,
                                                            affected, we are all affected. While HopeAruba  the environmental aspect and support by eco-
                                                            Movement understands that it is the role of gov-  nomic pillars, in Aruba’s case tourism.”q
            NOORD  -  Somewhere  uphill  in  Alto  Vista  you  ernment to be the primary catalyst in providing
            will find a beautiful piece of land with an old,  the framework, platform and financing for ad-
            white,  traditional  cunucu  house  on  it,  dating  dressing these social challenges, they also un-
            from 1923. Nothing remarkable about that, you  derstand that the government is not necessarily
            might think, as there are many of these old aun-  the only agent to heal these issues. Understand-
            ties scattered around the island. But this one has  ing both our responsibility and privilege as citi-
            an  amazing  background  story.  Aruba  Today  zens,  whether  individual  or  corporate,  to  play
            visited the place on a warm, sticky afternoon  an active part in creating the future we want to
            where James Ocalia was working on the land  see, is critical if we are to heal our nation, they
            with a handful other men.                       state.

            ‘Cas  Speransa  Nobo’  says  the  name  sign  on  We must understand the severe consequences
            the cunucu house, it refers to the new hope for  of the long-term mismanagement of Public Fi-
            the students of the rehabilitation program that  nances  and  how  this  affects  us  all,  directly  or
            is available here. “We call them students rather  indirectly.  Government  financial  aid  for  social
            than drug addicts or clients because they have  organizations has dropped by more than 50% in
            chosen to learn another life. Their addict life is  the past years. So what are we to do? A group
            their past, the goal is to learn and graduate in  of citizens decided…we will start by taking re-
            a new life.” The Aruban Ocalia explains that he  sponsibility! This prompted the birth of HopeA-
            runs  his  company  –Goshen,  which  means  ‘in-  ruba  Movement’s  first  Social  Impact  Business,
            undated land’ - with the help of the men that  Goshen Sustainable Development Corporation
            are  part  of  the  rehabilitation  program.  “They  VBA and HopeAruba’s first Social Impact Vehi-
            learn to cultivate local crops and it works in two  cle under the HopeAruba Fundacion Restaura-
            ways. For them it is a subject they learn and a  cion banner Cas Speransa Nobo.
            daily goal in life, for me it is exercising my job
            and doing something good for my island at the  “We developed the Goshen Smoothie and we
            same  time.”  Recently  Goshen  Organic  Farm  started to develop an Agri-Tourism niche “Farm
            was visited by an expert on the field of water  to Table” experience, a unique experience for
            production,  professor  dr.  engineer  Filomeno  our visitors …a true “taste of Aruba”. Now open:  If  you  wish  to  visit  Goshen  Sustainable
                                                                                                              Development/Cas  Speransa  Nobo  and  buy
            A.  Marchena  (Boei).  The  farm  recycles  water  -  Goshen  Villas  -  A  Bed  &  Breakfast  concept   some  local  vegetables,  you  are  welcome
            already and during the visit Marchena shared  and Momentous Café at Goshen at Alto Vista          TODAY  at  Alto  Vista  52  between  10  am  and
            some useful information with Ocalia.            52, as we grow our business to provide entre-     12.30  pm.  Facebook:  Goshen  Sustainable
                                                            preneurial solutions to social challenges. And of   Development Corporation VBA.
            Fair Harvest                                    course, Goshen’s main purpose is to support ve-
            While we are walking on the land the students  hicles for social change as we engage in busi-     Get your fresh organic veggies straight from our
                                                                                                              farm to your table! Choose from: Comcomber
            enthusiastically show ‘their crops’, inviting Aru-  ness with a purpose, we can be an instrument   chikito, Boonchi, Yambo, Pure honey with comb
            ba  Today’s  journalist  to  taste  a  comcomber  for national transformation!”                   and  Watermelon.  While  you’re  there,  try  their
            chiquito. The pride they take in their work and                                                   refreshing Goshen Smoothie, also available in
            their  smiling  faces  are  touching  and  there  is  Make a difference                           frozen packages to prepare at home.
            definitely  something  magic  about  this  place.  To make a difference is where both connect. “I
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