P. 18

                      Tuesday 25 June 2019

            In  this  June  23,  2017,  file  photo,  former  baseball  player  Alex
            Rodriguez sits in the stands before the start of a baseball game
            in Miami.
                                                     Associated Press
            Rodriguez looking

            to improve in

            ESPN baseball booth                                       Eddie Haskell, right, with jockey Kent Desormeaux aboard, win the third race during the last day
                                                                      of the winter/spring meet at the Santa Anita horse racing track Sunday, June 23, 2019, in Santa
                                                                      Anita, Calif.
            By JOE REEDY                 job of being in the moment                                                                         Associated Press
            AP Sports Writer             and reacting to what is go-  Santa Anita season ends after
            LOS ANGELES (AP) —           ing on in front of me, which
            Alex  Rodriguez  had  to  is helping the flow,” he said.  30 horse deaths, trainer ban
            make  some  adjustments  When  it  comes  to  what  is
            when  he  switched  from  happening  on  the  field,      By BETH HARRIS                             ment.    “We  do  not  feel  he  should  be  a
            shortstop to third base after  Rodriguez  said  the  big-  AP Racing Writer                          scapegoat  for  a  problem  which  derives
            signing  with  the  New  York  gest surprises in the Ameri-  ARCADIA, Calif. (AP) — Santa Anita’s trou-  from a number of factors.”
            Yankees.                     can League has been the      bled racing season has come to a close  Still  unknown  is  whether  Hollendorfer
            He  is  having  the  same  play of the Minnesota Twins    after the deaths of 30 horses at the South-  would be allowed to train at Del Mar near
            type of learning curve as a  and  New  York  Yankees.     ern  California  track  rattled  the  industry  San Diego, which opens its summer meet
            game analyst.                The  Twins  have  emerged    and led to Hall of Fame trainer Jerry Hol-  July 17. A track spokesman said Sunday a
            Rodriguez said he is happy  as  one  of  the  top  power-  lendorfer being  banned  when  four  of  his  decision had yet to be made. Neither Los
            with  the  improvements  he  hitting  teams,  while  the   horses were among the casualties.         Alamitos nor Del Mar is owned by The Stro-
            has  made  in  his  second  Yankees  are  leading  the    There  were  no  incidents  during  morning  nach Group. Racing at Santa Anita is set
            year in the booth for ESPN’s  AL East despite of a rash of   training hours or in the 10 races Sunday.  to resume Sept. 27. The track is scheduled
            “Sunday  Night  Baseball,”  injuries.                     About 20 protesters briefly toted signs out-  to host the Breeders’ Cup world champi-
            but he is looking to get bet-  In the National League, Ro-  side an entrance to the track, calling at-  onships on Nov. 1-2.
            ter  during  the  second  half  driguez  considers  the  Los   tention  to  the  deaths  and  condemning  The  Breeders’  Cup  board  of  directors  is
            of the season.               Angeles Dodgers to be the    the sport.                                 expected to meet this week to discuss this
            “I certainly feel better than  favorite, but he does see a   Hollendorfer  had  two  horses  entered  to  year’s location.
            I  did  last  year.  I  think  the  couple of flaws.      run closing day, but they, along with two  The fatalities at Santa Anita since Dec. 26
            flow  between  all  of  us  is  “They  definitely  are  an  of-  others Saturday, were scratched by track  have  raised  alarm  within  California  and
            improving,” Rodriguez said  fensive  juggernaut,  but     stewards  on  the  recommendation  of  a  the rest of the racing industry. Gov. Gavin
            last  week  while  in  Los  An-  their  bullpen  needs  to  be   special panel convened to review horses’  Newsom recently stepped in to direct the
            geles,  where  he  called  a  more consistent,” he said.  medical, training and racing history.      formation of the special panel to evaluate
            pair of Dodgers games.       Rodriguez  said  he  didn’t   The  73-year-old  trainer  was  ordered  by  horses’  histories  before  they  race.  Track
            Rodriguez  was  a  pleasant  find out until after the June   The Stronach Group to remove his horses  and  racing  board  officials  implemented
            surprise  when  he  joined  9  Cardinals-Cubs  game  in   from Santa Anita and Golden Gate Fields  several changes involving exams of horses
            Fox’s  studio  team  in  2015,  Chicago  that  David  Ortiz   in  Northern  California,  which  are  owned  scheduled to train or race.
            but  studio  work  involves  a  had  been  shot  in  the  Do-  by  the  company.  The  fourth  death  in  his  The racing board also is looking at chang-
            finite  amount  of  time  and  minican Republic.          stable during the meet occurred Saturday.  es involving jockeys’ use of a riding crop in
            isn’t  happening  while  the  He  said  he  was  shocked   Track ownership said Hollendorfer was “no  a race.
            game is taking place.        to hear the news about his   longer welcome to stable, race, or train his  Hall of Fame jockey Kent Desormeaux was
            A game has plenty of ebbs  close friend but has been in   horses at any of our facilities.”          fined  $100  by  the  stewards  for  violating
            and flows over three hours  contact with the family.      No  one  from  The  Stronach  Group  spoke  a  CHRB  rule  that  prohibits  use  of  a  crop
            and  can  be  a  challenge  Ortiz has been moved out      to  the  media  Sunday  despite  a  request.  more than three times in succession with-
            when a three-person booth  of intensive care at Massa-    The company said a statement would be  out giving the horse a chance to respond.
            is involved.                 chusetts  General  Hospital   forthcoming in a few days.                The violation occurred in the eighth race
            Rodriguez  said  the  big-   and remains in good con-     Racing next moves to Los Alamitos in Or-   Saturday.Bob  Baffert,  the  two-time  Triple
            gest  challenge  has  been  dition.                       ange  County  beginning  June  29,  where  Crown-winning  trainer,  recently  traveled
            learning  when  to  join  into  “I  look  forward  to  talking   the  California  Horse  Racing  Board  said  to  Sacramento  to  meet  legislators  con-
            the conversation with Matt  baseball  with  him  soon,”   a panel will review horses entered to run  cerned about the horse deaths. The ma-
            Vasgersian  and  Jessica  Rodriguez said.                 there.                                     jority  occurred  during  the  winter  months
            Mendoza,  along  with  still  ESPN’s  Sunday  night  tele-  That track will “gladly” provide stalls to Hol-  when usually arid Santa Anita was hit with
            discovering  when  would  casts  are  averaging  1.5      lendorfer, whom track owner Edward All-    record rainfall totaling nearly a foot.
            be the proper time to inter-  million  viewers,  which  is   red called “an unexcelled horseman.”    Trainers like Doug O’Neill, a two-time Ken-
            ject an anecdote about a  the  same  as  last  season,    “Unless forbidden by the California Horse  tucky  Derby  winner,  are  dismayed  that
            player or manager.           despite beginning an hour    Racing Board, we intend to permit entries  the sport is under fire amid a drumbeat of
            “I  think  I’m  doing  a  better  earlier.q               from  Hollendorfer,”  Allred  said  in  a  state-  negativity.q
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