P. 30
Tuesday 25 June 2019
Jenni Rivera biopic in the works with
her family’s support
By LINDSEY BAHR known for the Tina Turner talk about a movie and silly
Associated Press biopic “What’s Love Got To dream casting scenarios
LOS ANGELES (AP) — The Do With It” and “Set It Off,” (Jenni wanted Costa Rican
late Mexican-American is working on a script. actress Maribel Guardia
singer and activist Jenni Ri- Jenni Rivera died in De- and Rosie picked Charlize
vera always dreamed of a cember 2012 at the age Theron). But beyond glam-
biopic about her turbulent of 43 in a plane crash that our casting, Jenni Rivera
and inspirational life. Now, also killed six others. She left knew that her story on film
seven years after her un- behind five children and might help other women.
timely death, that dream is two grandchildren. Rosie Rivera said she re-
In this March 8, 2012, file photo, Mexican-American singer and coming true. Known as the “Diva de la members her sister crying
reality TV star Jenni Rivera poses during an interview in Los A feature film based on Ri- Banda,” the California- one day about the “love
Angeles. vera’s life is officially in the born daughter of Mexi- of her life” whose drug is-
Associated Press
works from Jenni Rivera can immigrants was at the sues made it impossible for
Enterprises, Mucho Mas height of her career when them to be together. “She
Media and De Line Pic- she died. She was one of was crying like a normal girl
tures, who announced the the most successful fe- and then a few minutes lat-
project in a joint statement male singers in grupero, a er wipes the tears from her
Tuesday. The untitled film male-dominated regional face and says, ‘I know why,
will endeavor to capture style influenced by the I know why: It’s because
the essence of the super- norteño, banda and ran- I can help other women
star who was as admired chero styles. She had sold who have drug addict hus-
for her soulful voice as some 15 million records bands or lovers and my sto-
she was for her openness and received multiple Latin ry will help them,’” Rosie Ri-
about her experiences with Grammy nominations and vera recalled. “I loved her
abuse, sexual assault and two Billboard Mexican Mu- strength. No matter what
finding success in a male- sic Awards. she was going through, she
dominated industry. Rosie Rivera remembers always found a lesson in it.”
“It’s been a long time com- that people started asking The film will likely be pri-
ing,” her sister Rosie Rivera about a biopic days after marily in English with some
said in an interview Mon- her sister’s death, but that Spanish, since that’s the
day. it was too early then for the language they spoke with
Although it’s in the ear- family and her children. She their father. It also will fea-
ly stages and no cast or knew eventually it would ture some unreleased Jen-
director has been set, become a reality though: ni Rivera music, Rosie Rive-
screenwriter Kate Lanier, She and her sister used to ra said. q
Mark Ronson’s ‘Late Night Feelings’
hurts so good
By MELANIE J. SIMS Breaks Like a Heart,” and
Associated Press the result is fantastic.
Mark Ronson, “Late Night Grammy-winning singer
Feelings” (RCA) Yebba sends her voice to
British producer Mark noteworthy highs and lows
Ronson’s fifth studio al- on the thumping “Don’t
bum “Late Night Feel- Leave Me Lonely,” one of
ings” is pretty perfect — a three songs to feature the
cool 13-track compilation budding singer. She’s jazzy
uniquely suited for lone- on “When U Went Away,”
some-hearted cruising — but the real standout is the
and somber grooving — in uber-funky “Knock Knock
the after-hours. Knock” — a minute-and-
In case anybody asks: yes, a-half-long track that one
a song can be simultane- only wishes was longer.
ously sad and dancey. Li, best known for the inter-
Ronson proves it with the In this Feb. 24, 2019 file photo, national hit “I Follow Rivers,”
album’s title track, in which Mark Ronson arrives at the is back for round two on “2
he expertly switches from Oscars at the Dolby Theatre in AM,” her tender vocals laid
steel drums to disco vibes Los Angeles. out over equally sweet pro-
beneath vocals from co- Associated Press duction. And then there’s
writer Lykke Li. Super-pro- Funk”), Amy Winehouse the earnest, outerspace-y
ducer Ronson has a track (“Rehab”) and Lady Gaga “Spinning,” featuring Ilsey.
record of mixing genres, (they won an Oscar for “When I’m spinning, you
blending time periods and “Shallow”). And “Late Night bring me back to Earth
employing unexpected Feelings” continues Ron- and you fix it/When noth-
sounds. son’s trend of great songs ing’s making sense and I’m
He’s scored monster hits — Miley Cyrus channels dizzy, you’re the only one
with Bruno Mars (“Uptown Dolly Parton on “Nothing that I want,” she sings.q