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1  Construction Fair 2018

          AAA successfully organized the 1  Construction Fair for the airport’s Gateway 2030
          Project at the ballroom of the Hilton Hotel on Thursday, November 29 , 2018. The
          main goal of the fair was to introduce prospective international construction firms to
          the business community and government leadership in Aruba, in an effort for
          international construction firms to get familiar with doing business in Aruba, and
          ensure that local companies play a significant role in the construction work
          scheduled to take place over the next few years.

          A total of 13 international construction firms and 55 local contractors, suppliers and
          vendors attended the fair. AAA CEO Mr. James Fazio officially welcomed all
          attendees to the construction fair expressing that this event was the perfect tool for
          local and international construction companies to meet and engage with each
          other in forming new partnerships to achieve the necessary balance of international
          and local expertise needed to execute a large and complex construction project.

          The Prime Minister of Aruba, Mrs. Evelyn Wever-Croes also gave a speech outlining
          the importance of the Gateway 2030 Project for the future growth of the island and
          for the country’s economy. Her Excellency was followed by the Minister of Spatial
          Development, Infrastructure, and Environment, Mr. Otmar Oduber who expressed
          the importance of sustainability, green building methods, and that responsible
          growth is paramount for the island’s success.
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