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Monument Fund Aruba

                                                                                       August 12, 2019

                                                                                       T: 582-7800 | F: 582-7044

                 Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper ruba’s ONLY English newspaper                                                               Page 13
             Epstein's guards worked extreme OT shifts morning of death

            NEW YORK (AP) — Guards
            on  Jeffrey  Epstein's  unit
            were    working   extreme
            overtime shifts to make up
            for  staffing  shortages  the
            morning  of  his  apparent
            suicide,  a  person  familiar
            with  the  jail's  operations
            told The Associated Press.
            The  person  said  that  the
            Metropolitan  Correctional
            Center's   Special   Hous-
            ing  Unit  was  staffed  with
            one  guard  working  a  fifth
            straight  day  of  overtime
            and  another  who  was
            working  mandatory  over-
            time. The person wasn't au-
            thorized to discuss jail oper-
            ations  publicly  and  spoke
            Sunday on the condition of
            The jail staff failed to follow
            protocols leading up to Ep-
            stein's  death  ,  according
            to  a  report  from  The  New
            York Times , deepening the
            fallout from what led to the
            highly  connected  finan-
            cier's apparent suicide.
                                         In this July 30, 2008 file photo, Jeffrey Epstein appears in court in West Palm Beach, Fla.
                 Continued on Next Page                                                                                                     Associated Press
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