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                                                                                        Wednesday                   Living
                                                                                        February 20, 2019
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                                                                                                                                            Page 13
                 Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper ruba’s ONLY English newspaper
            Sen. Bernie Sanders says he’s running for president in 2020

            By JUANA SUMMERS             such  as  “Medicare-for-all”
            Associated Press             and  free  college  tuition,
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  Ver-    Sanders stunned the Dem-
            mont  Sen.  Bernie  Sanders  ocratic  establishment  in
            said  Tuesday  that  he  will  2016  with  his  spirited  chal-
            seek the Democratic presi-   lenge  to  Hillary  Clinton.
            dential  nomination  again,  While  she  ultimately  be-
            a  decision  that  will  test  came the party’s nominee,
            whether he can still gener-  his  campaign  helped  lay
            ate the progressive energy  the groundwork for the left-
            that  fueled  his  insurgent  ward  lurch  that  has  domi-
            2016 campaign.               nated  Democratic  politics
            “Our campaign is not only  in the Trump era.
            about  defeating  Donald  The question now for Sand-
            Trump,”  the  77-year-old  ers is whether he can stand
            self-described  democratic  out  in  a  crowded  field  of
            socialist  said  in  an  email  Democratic   presidential
            to  supporters.  “Our  cam-  candidates  who  also  em-
            paign is about transforming  brace  many  of  his  policy
            our  country  and  creating  ideas  and  who  are  newer
            a  government  based  on  to  the  national  political
            the principles of economic,  stage.  That’s  far  different
            social,  racial  and  environ-  from  2016,  when  he  was
            mental justice.”             Clinton’s  lone  progressive    In this Nov. 27, 2018, file photo, Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., speaks about his new book, ‘Where We
                                                                      Go From Here: Two Years in the Resistance’, at a George Washington University/Politics and Prose
            An enthusiastic progressive  adversary.                   event in Washington.
            who  embraces  proposals                                                                                                       Associated Press
                                                 Continued on Page 3
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