Page 14 - ATA
P. 14
Monday 2 SepteMber 2019
Culturismo established by the Prince Bernhard Cultural Fund Caribbean
ORANJESTAD — On the res- the opportunity to invest;
ignation of Michèle Rus- - strengthening the quality
sel-Capriles as chairman of life for (especially) the is-
and board member of the landers, but also the visitor;
Prince Bernhard Cultural - Promoting mutual knowl-
Fund Caribbean (PBCCG) edge for tourists and locals;
the fund granted her with a - stimulate and facilitate
Fund on her name (FON) as cooperation between mul-
farewell gift. Believing that tiple (cultural) groups on
culture and nature are of and between the islands;
primary importance for the - contribute to the creation
well-being and prosperity of mergers of multiple cul-
of our islanders, Michèle tural expressions that main-
Russel-Capriles decides ly attempt to propagate
with this FON to give an im- our own heritage and sto-
pulse to the cultural experi- ries;
ence and experience that - diversify the offer in the
can be offered by the lo- field of cultural tourism and
cal resident to the (foreign) increase the value of our is-
visitor. lands as a destination;
- Increasing the economic
What are the objectives of value of culture
With this initiative, the new- Application Procedure:
est FON, called CULTUR- - When applying for a sub-
ISMO, is established under sidy from the Culturismo
the umbrella of the PBCCG. Fund you must use a spe-
The Culturismo Fund focus- cific application form. You
es on projects from either can find this via the website
independent artists, per-
formers, musicians or local - Applications must be re-
cultural organizations, mu- ceived before October 1
seums or organizations that - An advisory committee
live or are located on the assesses the applications
island where the project is and gives advice to the
being carried out. Histori- PBCCG Board
ans, scientists and authors - The board of PBCCG
are also eligible for a sub- chooses, based on the
sidy from projects from the advice of the advisory
Culturismo Fund. committee, the plan (or
plans) for which a subsidy is
With this Fund, the PBCCG awarded
hopes primarily to give its - The PBCCG intends to be
field of work an impulse to able to take a board deci-
create new experiences sion within 2 months of sub-
for tourists, in which island- mitting the application with
ers actively participate as regard to the Culturismo
agents of culture and na- subsidies.
For more information check
With the possibilities to: out the website www.pbc-
- offer the cultural sector q