Page 16 - AHATA
P. 16

                        Friday 26 July 2019

            International Day for the Conservation of the Mangrove Ecosystem

            Continued from Page 13                                                                 (Apogonidae)      snapper  tant  nursery  site  for  many
                                                                                                   (Lutjanidae),  grouper  (Ser-  aquatic  species  such  as
            They form dense, often im-                                                             ranidae),  wrasse  (Labri-   fish  and  crustaceans  (i.e.
            penetrable forests, choked                                                             dae), pufferfish (Tetradonti-  crabs, shrimp, lobster)
            with  tangled  prop  roots                                                             dae), boxfish (Ostraciidae),  -  Mangroves  provide  har-
            and bathed in mud. Man-                                                                butterflyfish  (Chaetodon-   vestable  products  such  as
            groves  have  evolved  the                                                             tidae),  damselfish  (Poma-  food,  including  fish  and
            amazing ability to thrive un-                                                          centridae),    scorpionfish  crustaceans
            der extremely harsh condi-                                                             (Scorpaenidae) and grunts  - Mangroves provide regu-
            tions. Not only can they tol-                                                          (Haemulidae)  all  can  be  lating  functions  such  as
            erate high levels of salt but                                                          found milling around man-    carbon  sequestration  and
            they are also able to cope                                                             groves,  darting  in  and  out  water management: man-
            with more or less constantly                                                           of their rootsy home. Some  groves  capture  and  store
            waterlogged  soil.  Need-                                                              species  such  as  the  com-  different  forms  of  carbon
            less  to  say  there  are  not                                                         mercially  important  spiney  responsible   for   climate
            many of them, only 40 spe-                                                             lobster  (Panulirus  sp)  use  change and slow the pas-
            cies  have  been  recorded                                                             the mangrove to as spawn-    sage  of  water,  collecting
            worldwide. Red mangroves                                                               ing grounds. In all between  silt running off the land to-
            (Rhizophera  sp)  survive  by                                                          60  and  80  different  spe-  wards the sea
            breathing through lenticels                                                            cies of fish can routinely be  -  Mangroves  protect  our
            (pores)  in  their  prop  roots   they  do,  at  the  interface  snook  (Centropomus  un-  found in mangroves.      coasts  from  erosion  by
            whilst  black  mangroves     between  land  and  water,  decimalis),  and  mangrove                                 waves and wind
            (Avecennia  sp)  send  up  a   mangroves provide a valu-  snapper  (Lutjanus  griseus),   Prop roots                -  Mangroves  provide  for
            field  of  pneumatophores    able  service  in  protecting  mangroves  provide  a  safe   Mangrove prop roots form  tourism, recreation and hik-
            (aerial  roots)  around  the   land  from  the  buffeting  haven for nearly every kind   veritable  oases  of  life.  ing
            trunk  of  the  tree  through   power of the sea.         of  reef  fish  and  many  in-  The  roots  themselves  are  For this reason the Spanish
            which they breath. All spe-                               vertebrates  at  some  time   smothered in encrusting life  Lagoon  was  designated
            cies  of  mangrove  extrude   Refugia                     during their life. Snorkelling   including  mangrove  oys-  a Ramsar site – a wetland
            salt  through  their  leaves,   In addition to resident plants  throughmangrove is like vis-  ters and barnacles, mussels  site  of  international  impor-
            which  is  why  the  leaves   and animals like killifish, tar-  iting  the  reef  in  miniature.   and  anemones,  sponges,  tance - in 1980 and brought
            glisten in sunlight. Living as   pon (Megalops atlanticus),  The  young  of  cardinalfish   tunicates, stinging hydroids  under  the  protection  of
                                                                                                   and worms.                   the  National  Park  in  2017.
                                                                                                   Crabs  are  a  ubiquitous  Spanish Lagoon alone has
                                                                                                   feature  of  mangrove  eco-  a high biodiversity with 190
                                                                                                   systems. Grapsid crabs live  animal  and  64  plant  spe-
                                                                                                   underwater  emerging  at  cies recorded to date and
                                                                                                   low  water  to  feast  on  the  provides  ecosystem  ser-
                                                                                                   mangrove forest floor. They  vices that are important for
                                                                                                   are herbivores gobbling up  the  economic  and  social
                                                                                                   detritus,  leaves  and  seed-  wellbeing of the island.
                                                                                                   lings.  Fiddler  crabs  also
                                                                                                   forage  on  the  mud  but  StimAruba,  the  organiza-
                                                                                                   they  are  deposit  feeders  tion that devotes herself to
                                                                                                   scooping up sediment and  nature  conservation  and
                                                                                                   sifting  through  it  for  edible  nature  protection,  would
                                                                                                   particles.  The  males  have  like to invite you to a walk
                                                                                                   a  huge,  brightly  coloured  to  explore  the  4  different
                                                                                                   claw  which  is  useless  for  types of mangroves called
                                                                                                   feeding  but  vital  when  ‘Mangel”  in  Papiamento.
                                                                                                   defending a territory or at-  This will take place today at
                                                                                                   tracting a mate.             4:30pm starting at the ruins
                                                                                                                                in Spanish Lagoon ‘Spaans
                                                                                                   Importance of Mangroves:     Lagoon’.
                                                                                                   -  Mangroves  provide  an
                                                                                                   important breeding site for  It  is  of  utmost  importance
                                                                                                   many species of migratory  that  more  mangrove  ar-
                                                                                                   and  non-migratory  bird  eas  of  Aruba  are  brought
                                                                                                   species                      under  protection.  Please
                                                                                                   -  Mangroves  support  a  appreciate  our  precious
                                                                                                   large  range  of  wintering  mangroves and help us to
                                                                                                   and foraging wetland birds   conserve our unique island
                                                                                                   - Mangroves are an impor-    nature!q
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