P. 7
AWEMainta Diahuebs, 8 December 2016 7
Debí na cambio riba mercado
InselAir a anuncia di hañ’é obligá di haci algun
adaptacion den e organisacion y den su operacion
E.o lo reduci personal di InselAir, incluso na Aruba
tabata necesario den e Lo sostené e grupo aki Debí na accionnan
operacion anterior. den búskeda di un posi- implementá reciente-
cion den otro organ- mente, InselAir ya caba
Un operacion mas chiq- isacion. ta experencia mehoransa
INSELAIR a sinti e bahada di buelo pa y uito lo wordo manehá dor den su “on-time perfor-
necesidad di anuncia cu for di Venezuela (di 35% di un grupo di empleado Bista riba 2017 ta hopi mance” di 60% pa 72%
nan ta haya nan oblige pa 4%) agregando ruta y mas chiquito. Pa logra lamentabel, pero e pa- y ta bringando pa yega
di haci algun adaptacion destinacion nobo, mane- esaki InselAir lo reorgan- sonan ariba mencioná na 85% bek den futuro
den organisacion y den ra, Port of Spain, Ba- isá su forsa laboral dor di: ta necesario pa sigurá sercano. Cu buelo for di
nan operacion. ranquilla, Georgetown, 1. Combiná posicionnan; InselAir su posicion den Sur Amérika pa Caribe,
Consecuente a keda an- Manaus, Havana, San 2. Eliminá departamento “Pan American skies” y InselAir lo permanecé e
uncia cu nan lo mester Juan y Quito. y /òf 3. Cambia empleado pa crea un organisacion di 3 compania di aviacion
bay na retira personal Adicionalmente InselAir di departamento. stabil y financieramente mas grandi den region,
na Corsou y Aruba, pa a subi frecuensha di bue- Empleado cu no por wor- saludabel y sólido pa su sirbiendo 22 destinacion
un total di como 160 lo pa Paramaribo, Port au do garantisá un posicion actornan, incluyendo y 140 ruta cu un flota di
trahador. Prince y Santo Domingo. den e structura nobo di nos empleadonan dedicá 14 avion. Pa 2017 Inse-
Di biaha a surgi e pregun- e compania, lamentable- cu lo keda den e organ- lAir lo renobá su flota di
ta, si medidanan necesa- A resultá di ta un reto pa mente lo mester terminá isacion cual ta cla pa MD y Fokker”, Albert
rio lo ser tuma na nivel di compensá e pèrdida aki y e acuerdo di empleo cu futuro. Kluyver, CEO di InselAir
gerencia? nos a realisá cu nos mes- nan. a splica.
ter aceptá y restructurá
Segun un comunicado di nos organisacion rond di
InselAir, e cambionan aki e realidad nobo aki” asina
ta nesesario pa mantené Albert Kluyver, CEO di
un organisacion saluda- InselAir a bisa.
bel pa por cumpli cu e Sr. Kluyver a sigui bisa cu A better
ròl importante cu Inse- p’e parti di nan operacion
lAir tin, entre otro: Den cu nan no por compensá working world ©2016 EYGM Limited. All rights reserved. ED none.
economia di Còrsou y nan lo mester baha gas- starts with you
Aruba en general, treci- tonan.
endo tur aña míles di
turista n’e islanan ABC, P’e motibo aki nos a
InselAir a duna trabou evaluá tur parti den nos
na sentenáres di persona organisacion, manera Vacancy Secretary
directo y tambe míles in- finansa, operacional, co- EY is a global leader in Assurance, Tax, Transactions • Very proficient in writing skills and grammar
directo y e t’e compania mercial, asuntonan gen- and Advisory services. Our family of over 230,000 to proofread written communication (reports,
di aviacion principal en- eral y tambe mantencion professionals are united by our shared values, which proposals, presentations, minutes of meetings,
compose e-mails etc)
inspire us and guide us to do the right thing. EY
tre e islanan den Reino. pa por realisá bahada di is committed to doing its part in building a better • Provide administrative support with time and
working world for our people, for our clients and for
expense reports, billings, travel and other key
Cu e iniciativanan, cu ta gasto. our communities. administrative duties
wordo describí, InselAir Recruiting, developing and retaining top talent is at • Effectively use and act as a knowledge resource
in the firm’s core technology applications (MS
the heart of our organization. We create a workplace
tin fe y confiansa den “Nos a revisá nos red that encourages collaboration and flexibility so the Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook and calendar
futuro di su organisacion di ruta y basa riba esey great people who form our teams can truly excel. We • Good organizational skills and ability to multi-
are looking for more exceptional people to join our
y su habilidad pa keda un e otro iniciativa impor- high performing team in Aruba. task and manage several projects in a fast paced
di e dunador di trabou tante ta pa reducí nos • Corporate Secretary • Mature candidate with positive attitude and
A professional with between 1 - 3 years’ experience as
flexible when required to meet deadlines
mas grandi. operacion di buelo. Kico a management assistant or equivalent. As a corporate • Excellent interpersonal skills; ability to deal with
secretary you will assist management in the broadest
esaki ta nificá? sense of the word with secretarial and support work. varying managerial styles to get results; be a team
Con lo compensá e reduc- Reduciendo actividadnan You will work as a team to support the whole company. Are you up for the challenge?
Required education and qualities for secretary:
cion di e mercado Vene- operacional ta nificá cu • You have at least an MBO level 4 education Please send an e-mail with your application letter and
zolano? Último lunanan InselAir mester reducí • Ability to coordinate meetings, video and CV to our HR Manager, Sacha Griffith, For questions you can also
InselAir a logra compensá su gastonan y tambe e conference calls and do the necessary follow ups contact us at +5999 430 5052.
and circulation of agenda and handouts
pa gran parti y cu éxito, cantidad di empleado cu