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A4   U.S. NEWS
                  Thursday 28 March 2019

            Congress could get Mueller report in April, Graham says

            By  LISA  MASCARO,  MARY                                                               in "weeks, not months."      had  spoken  to  President
            CLARE JALONICK and LAU-                                                                Democrats,     meanwhile,  Donald  Trump  about  the
            RIE  KELLMAN  Associated                                                               frowned  at  the  waiting  Mueller  report,  who  said
            Press                                                                                  game.  Rep.  Elijah  Cum-    "just  release  it."  Graham
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  At-                                                               mings,  one  of  six  commit-  said  Trump  was  unlikely  to
            torney General William Barr                                                            tee  chairmen  who  have  claim  executive  privilege
            has  told  the  chairman  of                                                           demanded  the  full  report  on any of the material.
            the Senate Judiciary Com-                                                              by  Tuesday,  said  much  The  attorney  general  re-
            mittee  that  he's  combing                                                            about  the  path  forward  leased  a  four-page  sum-
            through  special  counsel                                                              depends  on  whether  the  mary of Mueller's confiden-
            Robert  Mueller's  report,  re-                                                        report backs up Barr's con-  tial  report  on  Sunday  that
            moving  classified  and  oth-                                                          clusion  that  Mueller  found  said the special counsel did
            er  information  in  hopes  of                                                         no  evidence  that  Trump  not find that Trump's cam-
            releasing  it  to  Congress  in   President  Donald  Trump  speaks  to  members  of  the  media  as   colluded  with  the  Russians  paign  "conspired  or  coor-
            April.                       he departs a Senate Republican policy lunch on Capitol Hill in   to influence the 2016 elec-  dinated"  with  the  Russian
            South Carolina Sen. Lindsey   Washington, Tuesday, March 26, 2019.                     tions.  By  Barr's  account,  government  to  influence
            Graham  told  The  Associ-                                            Associated Press  Mueller made no finding on  the  2016  presidential  elec-
            ated  Press  on  Wednesday                                                             whether  the  president  ob-  tion. It also said that Mueller
            that  he  had  dinner  the  tify  before  Graham's  com-  Department  officials  said  structed justice, a question  reached no conclusion on
            previous evening with Barr,  mittee  after  he  sends  the  Tuesday  that  more  infor-  now in Congress' hands.    whether  Trump  obstructed
            who said he is willing to tes-  report to Congress. Justice  mation  could  be  released  "The president has now an  the federal investigation, in-
                                                                                                   opportunity  for  weeks,  it  stead setting out "evidence
                                                                                                   sounds like, to do these vic-  on both sides" of the ques-
                                                                                                   tory laps," while Democrats  tion.  Emboldened  by  the
                                                                                                   wait on key decisions about  end  of  the  investigation,
                                                                                                   investigating  the  adminis-  Trump  on  Tuesday  strode
                                                                                                   tration, Cummings said.      into a high-spirited gather-
                                                                                                   Challenges  lie  ahead  for  ing of Senate Republicans,
                                                                                                   both  the  Republicans  and  flanked  by  party  leaders,
                                                                                                   the  Democrats  who  hope  saying the attorney gener-
                                                                                                   to  deny  Trump  re-election  al's summary of Mueller's re-
                                                                                                   next year. Both parties are  port "could not have been
                                                                                                   readjusting  their  aims  and  better."  GOP  senators  ap-
                                                                                                   strategies in the post-probe  plauded his arrival, and he
                                                                                                   landscape,    pivoting   to  celebrated what he called
                                                                                                   health  care  and  other  is-  his "clean bill of health." He
                                                                                                   sues  that  are  more  impor-  showed  an  eagerness  to
                                                                                                   tant for many voters, even  move on, Republicans said,
                                                                                                   with  Mueller's  full  findings  specifically  to  focus  anew
                                                                                                   still unknown.               on   repealing   President
                                                                                                   Graham  said  the  attorney  Barack  Obama's  signature
                                                                                                   general  is  going  through  health care law.
                                                                                                   the report to take out grand  At  House  Speaker  Nancy
                                                                                                   jury  material  and  classi-  Pelosi's  own  closed-door
                                                                                                   fied information, neither of  caucus  meeting  Tuesday,
                                                                                                   which can be publicly dis-   she  urged  rank-and-file
                                                                                                   closed under the law.        Democrats  to  "be  calm"
                                                                                                   Barr  wants  to  make  sure  and  focus  on  the  policy
                                                                                                   nothing  is  released  that  promises  of  health  care,
                                                                                                   could  compromise  nation-   jobs  and  oversight  of  the
                                                                                                   al  security  or  intelligence  administration  that  helped
                                                                                                   sources and methods, Gra-    propel  them  to  the  House
                                                                                                   ham said. He said Barr also  majority last fall.
                                                                                                   told him he wants to check  "Let's  just  get  the  goods,"
                                                                                                   with prosecutors who have  Pelosi said.
                                                                                                   cases    associated   with  Not that the Democrats are
                                                                                                   Mueller's  Russia  investiga-  forgetting  Russia  and  the
                                                                                                   tion.  Mueller  had  referred  2016  presidential  election.
                                                                                                   cases  to  other  federal  Many  Democrats  dismiss
                                                                                                   courts as part of his probe.  Barr's  four-page  summary
                                                                                                   Graham later told CNN he  as inadequate.q
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