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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Thursday 11 May 2017

                    Postal Service, citing losses, seeks higher stamp prices

            By HOPE YEN                                                                                                         bulk of revenue.
            Associated Press                                                                                                    The postal service is urging
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  The                                                                                            relief  from  the  mandate
            U.S.  Postal  Service  is  hop-                                                                                     to  pre-fund  retiree  health
            ing it can soon raise stamp                                                                                         benefits.
            prices by a penny or more.                                                                                          Legislation in 2006 required
            The  postal  service  on                                                                                            the  postal  service  to  fund
            Wednesday  reported  a                                                                                              75  years’  worth  of  retiree
            quarterly loss of $562 million,                                                                                     health benefits, something
            despite growth in package                                                                                           that  neither  the  govern-
            delivery, due to continued                                                                                          ment  nor  private  compa-
            erosion  in  the  use  of  first-                                                                                   nies are required to do.
            class mail as well as expen-                                                                                        Legislation  passed  by  a
            sive mandates for its retiree                                                                                       House  committee  earlier
            health  care  obligations.  It                                                                                      this year would relieve the
            also  attributed  losses  to  a                                                                                     postal  service  of  much  of
            forced  reduction  in  stamp                                                                                        the  expensive  pre-funding
            prices last year.                                                                                                   requirements  and  allow  a
            The  postal  service  is  gen-                                                                                      one-cent  increase  in  the
            erally  barred  under  fed-                                                                                         price of a first-class stamp.
            eral law from raising prices                                                                                        The    Postal   Regulatory
            more than the rate of infla-                                                                                        Commission is also review-
            tion. But it is seeking great-                                                                                      ing  whether  to  offer  more
            er  regulatory  leeway  to   A customer places first class stamps on envelopes at a U.S. Post Office in San Jose, Calif. The U.S.   leeway to raise stamp pric-
            increase  prices,  including   Postal Service is hoping it can soon raise stamp prices by a penny or more.          es,  a  move  opposed  by
                                                                                                        (AP Photo/Paul Sakuma)
            a  one-cent  rate  hike  pro-                                                                                       many trade groups.
            vided  in  a  measure  being   nan.  She  said  the  postal  to  prefund  retiree  health  tinued  to  notch  double-  First-class  mail  volume  is
            considered by Congress.      service  continues  to  ag-  care and other items con-    digit growth in its package   down as people rely more
            The  current  cost  of  a  first-  gressively cut costs.  sidered  beyond  the  man-   business,  boosted  by  the   on email for online bill pay-
            class stamp is 49 cents.     The  financial  report  shows  agement’s  control,  it  post-  strength  of  Amazon  and   ments.
            “America deserves a finan-   what it described as “con-   ed a loss.                   other Internet retailers.    The  number  of  first-class
            cially  stable  postal  service   trollable”  income  of  more  Operating  revenue  came  But that wasn’t enough to   and  marketing  mail  items
            that  can  continue  to  play   than  $12  million  for  the  to $17.3 billion, a decrease  offset  losses  in  both  first-  delivered  during  the  last
            a vital role in our economy   three  months  that  ended  of  $474  million  from  the  class  mail  and  marketing   quarter  was  34  billion
            and society,” said Postmas-  on March 31. But when tak-   same time last year.         mail,  also  known  as  “junk   pieces, nearly a 4 percent
            ter General Megan J. Bren-   ing into account expenses  The  postal  service  con-     mail,”  which  make  up  the   decrease.q

                 Federal government records $182.4 billion budget surplus

            By MARTIN CRUTSINGER         the surplus for April totaled  payments for last year. The  year,  which  ends  on  Sept.  such  areas  as  the  military
            AP Economics Writer          $182.4  billion,  the  second  deadline  had  previously  30, will decline 4.6 percent  and  repairing  the  nation’s
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  The  largest  surplus  after  a  re-  been March.                 to  $559  billion.  That  would  aging infrastructure.
            federal government ran the  cord  $189.8  billion  surplus  Through  the  first  seven  compare  to  a  2016  deficit  The CBO has not been able
            second highest monthly sur-  set in April 2001.           months of the current bud-   of $585.6 billion.           to  project  how  much  im-
            plus on record this April as  The  government  gener-     get year, the government is  The  CBO’s  deficit  estimate  pact Trump’s proposals will
            tax revenues were pushed  ally  runs  surpluses  in  April  running  a  deficit  of  $344.4  is based on current law re-  have  on  this  year’s  deficit
            higher by a change in the  reflecting  the  annual  tax  billion,  down  2.4  percent  maining unchanged. Presi-    or  in  future  years  because
            deadline for corporate tax  deadlines.  This  year’s  sur-  from  the  same  period  a  dent  Donald  Trump  has  so  far  the  administration
            payments.                    plus  was  inflated  because  year ago.                   called  for  a  program  of  has not released its full bud-
            In  its  monthly  budget  re-  of a deadline change that  The  Congressional  Budget  tax cuts for individuals and  get outline. That document
            port,  the  Treasury  Depart-  allowed  corporations  until  Office is projecting that the  businesses,  and  increased  is  expected  to  come  out
            ment said Wednesday that  April to make their final tax  deficit  for  the  full  budget  government  spending  in  later this month.q
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