Page 7 - HOH
P. 7
CLASSIFIED Friday 10 May 2019
California to ban pesticide said to HEALTH
harm child development DOCTOR ON DUTY
By BRIAN MELLEY Divi Dutch Village wk 26-6/29 Hospital 7:00 pm / 10:00pm
LOS ANGELES (AP) — The 2Br -2,5 Baths sleeps 7 Tel. 527 4000
nation's most productive Unit 94-96 21wks left $5650
agricultural state will ban Studio rm 128 wk35 9/7 $2275 San Nicolas
a widely used pesticide Studio unit 13 $2950 IMSAN 24 Hours
blamed for harming brain Studio 3205 35wks left $2700 Tel.524 8833
development in babies, diviPhoenix rm 107 20wks left Women in Difficulties
California officials said wk 34 $2975 PHARMACY ON DUTY
Wednesday. divi Golf studio rm 4201 wk 35- Oranjestad:
The move cheered by en- 26 wks left $2875 Oduber Tel. 582 1780
vironmental groups would Casa del Mar 1Br rm 1335 wk San Nicolas:
Seroe Preto Tel. 584 4833
outlaw chlorpyrifos (klohr- In this July 21, 2015, file photo, a nearly ready-to-harvest al- 21-5/25 for sale BO Women in Difficulties
PY'-rih-fohs) after scientists mond is seen in an orchard in Newman, Calif. wk 29 rm 326 $1,450 OTHER
deemed it a toxic air con- Associated Press Dental Clinic 587 9850
taminant and discovered _______________________________211098 Blood Bank Aruba 587 0002
it to be more dangerous decision and that it would in our fields. Since Califor- Urgent Care 586 0448
than previously thought. hurt farmers who rely on it nia uses more chlorpyrifos Walk-In Doctor’s Clinic
State Environmental Secre- to control insects. than any other state, this +297 588 0539
tary Jared Blumenfeld said Blumenfeld said the state ban will not only protect Women in Difficulties
it's the first time the state took action in part because kids who live here, but kids
has sought to ban a pes- the federal government al- who eat the fruits and veg- Police 100
ticide and the move was lowed the pesticide to be gies grown here." Oranjestad 527 3140
overdue. used after the Obama Ad- The pesticide is in a class of Noord 527 3200
Sta. Cruz
527 2900
"This pesticide is a neurotox- ministration tried to phase it organophosphates chemi- San Nicolas 584 5000
in and it was first put on the out. cally similar to a nerve gas Police Tipline 11141
market in 1965," Blumenfeld The U.S. Environmental developed by Nazi Ger- Ambulancia 911
said. "So it's been on the Protection Agency under many before World War Fire Dept. 115
shelf a long time and it's President Donald Trump II. Its heavy use has often Red Cross 582 2219
past its sell-by date." reversed that effort after left traces in drinking wa- TAXI SERVICES
The decision comes after re-evaluating the science. ter sources. A University of Taxi Tas 587 5900
regulators in several states Environmental groups and California at Berkeley study Prof. Taxi 588 0035
have taken steps in recent farmworkers challenged in 2012 found that 87% of Taxi D.T.S. 587 2300
years to restrict the pes- that decision and a federal umbilical-cord blood sam- Taxi Serv. Aruba 583 3232
ticide currently used on appeals court last month ples tested from newborn A1 Taxi Serv. 280 2828
about 60 different crops ordered the EPA to decide babies contained detect- Women in Difficulties
in California, including by July whether to ban the able levels of the pesticide. TRAVEL INFO
grapes, almonds and or- pesticide. Dr. Gina Solomon, a medi-
anges. "This is a historic victory for cal professor at the Univer- Aruba Airport 524 2424
American Airlines 582 2700
Hawaii banned it last year California's agricultural sity of California, San Fran- Avianca 588 0059
and New York lawmakers communities and for chil- cisco, and former deputy Jet Blue 588 2244
recently sent a bill to the dren nationwide," said secretary of Cal-EPA, said Surinam 582 7896
governor outlawing use of Miriam Rotkin-Ellman, of chlorpyrifos is unusual in
the pesticide. the Natural Resources De- that it's one of the best Women in Difficulties
DowDuPont, which pro- fense Council. "The science understood pesticides be- CRUISES
duces the pesticide, said it clearly shows that chlorpyri- cause it's been so exten-
was disappointed with the fos is too dangerous to use sively studied.q
May 15
May 21
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