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Wednesday 29 March 2017
Liver Fire
By: Dr. Carlos Viana
As we approach the clinic, headaches, high blood to look at the amount of
a gentleman is quietly wait- pressure, eye and ear trou- energy an organ uses in re-
ing for his first Traditional bles, difficulty sleeping or lation to the other organs.
Chinese Medicine (TCM) waking up between 1 and We use the heart beat of
consultation. Several other 3 am. We find a whole both radial pulses to deter-
people seem restless and host of stomach problems, mine the amount of energy
anxious, talking loudly, al- swollen or painful chest or being or not being used by
most shouting although breast, heart palpitations, each organ. We “read”
they have only been sit- not being able to swallow or feel the pulse on both
ting for a short time. After a in spite of no throat infec- hands to evaluate 29 or-
long unusual season of rain, tion. Some “wind” affect- gan functions. Each pulse
most of us are grateful to sit ed people can be spot- position tells us about a dif-
in the sunshine and invite ted from afar. They have ferent organ and their rela-
the trade winds back. a green hue around their tionships to each other.
However, although it is not mouths. Some as they walk For example, if there is no
yet the time of “high winds” into clinic leave a trail of pulse in the Kidney position, twitching eyes, headaches CARLOS VIANA, Ph. D. is
as spring nears, we have strong perfume being used we know that the adrenal and migraines. an Oriental Medical Doc-
bursts of the heavy breezes, to cover up a sour body gland, which sits on top Adrenaline that is being tor (O.M.D.) having studied
which are the trade mark smell. Some people can of the kidneys, is working over-produced stimulates in China; a US Board Cert.
of our Island. The tropical barely walk in before they overtime. This can interrupt the sympathetic nervous Clinical Nutritionist (C.C.N.),
sun can be unbearable exclaim that they are “go- proper sleep. Without suffi- system. This makes the an Addiction Professional
with no wind, but for some, ing crazy.” cient Kidney Yin, there is no heart beat faster, closes (C.Ad.), Chairperson of
heavy wind becomes just The wind will get stronger “Yin” energy to send to the ore dilates the blood ves- the Latin American Com-
as unbearable. In the Peo- as spring approaches. With Liver. If the liver has no Yin sels and relaxes the bron- mittee of the International
ples Republic of China, we more wind, more people energy, hyperthyroidism or chial tubes. Blood Pressure Academy of Oral Medicine
called the destructive ef- with “affected livers” will ar- over-active thyroid, hyper- can rise and emotional and Toxicology (IAOMT), a
fects of high wind, “wind rive. Many will hear me say tension or high blood pres- problems begin many times Rejuvenating Cell Therapist
evil.” “Your liver is hot!” “What? sure, and/or eye problems leading to prescription specializing in Age Man-
Most people can withstand Is something wrong with my develop because of “Liver tranquilizing medication. agement, has a weekly
the negative consequenc- liver? I just checked and Fire.” If these deficiencies Get The Point! People com- radio program, writes and
es of gale force wind, but my house/family doctor persist, the “Liver Fire” rises ing to clinic complaining of lectures extensively. For in-
some, who have been con- said that everything was and begins to affect the unexplained anger, stom- formation: VIANA HEALING
suming greasy or otherwise normal on my blood tests” stomach and heart. Defi- ach problems, heart prob- CENTER, Kibaima 7, St Cruz
unhealthy foods, drinking A “hot” or “Liver Fire” will cient Heart Yin turns sleep lems, a feeling that “some- TEL: 585-1270 Web Site:
too much alcohol or work- not show up on any medi- problems into full blown thing is stuck in m throat”,
ing too much the wind may cal test, except as possible insomnia, sometimes with headaches at the temples, “Prescriptions from Para-
bring a “sickness.” liver hepatitis. If a medical heart palpitations’ and dizziness, the list goes on; dise” - Dr. Viana’s Award
Anger, frustration, resent- symptom cannot be mea- hearing problems. yet, they are all suffer- Winning BOOK: Prescrip-
ment and hatred over a sured on a lab test, does it Unchecked, this becomes ing from liver fire. Natural tions from Paradise, Intro-
long period of time can really exist? To some doc- “Heart Fire Blazing Up- herbs and acupuncture duction to Biocompatible
also make one susceptible tors, if all the medical tests wards” which can be felt quickly start feeling better. Medicine – Available at
to the negative effects come back “negative,” in the throat as “something We are entering the time local Bookstores, Hotel Gift
of wind. Today’s group then the problem is “in your there,” mucus or a “lump.” of year when liver have a shops and Boticas. Signed
brings a mix of symptoms head.” Oriental Medical Some people have their tendency to “blaze” up- copies at Viana Healing
and complaints which has Doctors (OMD), look at hu- adenoids or tonsils and wards producing all these Center, EBooks: Amazon
not been relieved by other man organs from a differ- even thyroid removed with possible symptoms. Want kindle, Nook, Itunes check
methods. We will begin ent perspective than stan- the feeling continuing. to feel better? Come in so for Events at: facebook.
now, with anemia, men- dard or Western medicine. When the “Fire Blazing Up- we can check the function com/vianahealingcenter.
strual problems, pale, fun- Western medicine studies wards” reaches the head, of your liver and make sure Join the discussion: www.
gus or easily broken finger- only physical aspects of the symptoms include; ringing you are as healthy as you
nails, then liver problems, organs. OMD’s are trained in the ears, dry, watery or can be.q tionsformparadise