Page 20 - AHATA
P. 20

                                                                                                           LOCAL Tuesday 17 sepTember 2019

            Crecentia cujete: Our Calbas Tree                                                                                Episode  XXXV

            Continued from Page14

            We  as  a  small  island  should  soon  come  to
            means, wake up and take action and respon-
            sibility to guard our nature.  Educate ourselves
            that these trees flowers only during night time
            and are manly pollinated by bats whose habi-
            tats  are  also  threatened  by  the  exactly  same
            expansive demand of land.
            We should make it clear that the calbas has a
            great importance in the lives and mythology of
            the Aruban and Meso-Amerindian history and
            societies, and that plant in general carries very
            practical uses. The calbas fruit is utilized today in
            many kitchens and to make beautiful and inter-
            esting hand crafts and souvenirs.
            This  round  or  spherical  fruits  has  a  hard  shell
            which can be separated of the pulp and trans-
            formed into a recipient, a flask or a maraca. In
            some places in Mexico oil, sugar and ethanol is
            extracted from the pulp.
            Arubans  who  still  carry  information  regarding
            the traditional application and care taking of
            islands  ethnobotanical  heritage,  should  be
            taken in consideration to recorded their knowl-
            edge  providing  material  for  further  studies  for
            the coming generations. Finding new ways to  with  a  lot  of  noted  elongated  branches,  has  healing properties have been recorded through
            share  ethno-botanical  wisdom  would  surely  tear- drop leaves that can fall off, leaving the  the ages from different regions and Amerindian
            benefit many when presented in a way it could  tree  leafless  during  the  dry  season.  Every  tree  ethnic groups which could reveal potent cures.
            be applied in a simple and contemporary con-    gives one size and shape of fruit. Flowering oc-  We invite you to make your appointment at Et-
            text of practice.                               curs directly out of stem and branches. These  nia Nativa and find out about our stories, au-
            The common looking tree grows modest in size  trees are still fairly common on the island. Many  thentic Aruban stories.q
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