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A4   U.S. NEWS
                   Monday 14 January 2019

            Trump dodges question on whether he has worked for Russia

                                                                      Friday  cited  unnamed  for-  sia than anybody else, any  sians,  as  well  as  possible
                                                                      mer  law  enforcement  of-   other ... probably any other  obstruction  of  justice  by
                                                                      ficials  and  others  familiar  president,  period,  but  cer-  Trump.  The  Times  says  it's
                                                                      with the investigation.      tainly the last three or four  unclear  whether  Mueller  is
                                                                      Trump  responded  to  the  presidents."                   still  pursuing  the  counterin-
                                                                      story  Saturday  during  a  Trump's claim was disputed  telligence angle.
                                                                      telephone interview broad-   by  Virginia  Sen.  Mark  War-  Sen.  Chris  Coons,  D-Del.,
                                                                      cast on Fox News Channel  ner,  the  top  Democrat  on  said  the  report  "may  well
                                                                      after  host  Jeanine  Pirro,  a  the  Senate  Intelligence  suggest  what  it  was  that
                                                                      personal  friend,  asked  the  Committee. He said almost  helped  start  this  investiga-
                                                                      Russia question.             all  the  sanctions  on  Rus-  tion  in  the  first  place."  He
                                                                      "I think it's the most insulting  sia  arose  not  in  the  White  and other Democratic sen-
                                                                      thing I've ever been asked,"  House  but  in  Congress,  ators  said  this  report  and
                                                                      Trump  said.  "I  think  it's  the  due  to  concerns  by  mem-  others within the past week
            President Donald Trump leads a roundtable discussion on bor-
            der security with local leaders, Friday, Jan. 11, 2019, in the Cabi-  most  insulting  article  I've  bers  of  both  parties  about  questioning Trump's behav-
            net Room of the White House in Washington.                ever had written, and if you  Moscow's  actions.  Warner  ior toward Russia give new
                                                     Associated Press   read  the  article  you'll  see  accused  the  White  House  urgency to the need for the
                                                                      that  they  found  absolutely  of being very slow to put in  Mueller investigation to be
            WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi-     his  behavior  after  he  fired  nothing."                place the penalties.         allowed to run its course.
            dent  Donald  Trump  avoid-  FBI  Director  James  Comey  Trump    never   answered  The Times reported that FBI  A new report in The Wash-
            ed directly answering when  in 2017, had begun investi-   Pirro  directly,  but  went  on  agents  and  some  top  offi-  ington Post said Trump went
            asked whether he currently  gating that possibility.      to  assert  that  no  president  cials became suspicious of  to  extraordinary  lengths  to
            is  or  has  ever  worked  for  Trump said it was the "most  has taken a harder stance  Trump's ties to Russia during  conceal details of his con-
            Russia after a published re-  insulting" question he'd ever  against Russia than he has.  the 2016 presidential cam-  versations with Russian Pres-
            port said law enforcement  been asked.                    "If you ask the folks in Russia,  paign  but  didn't  open  an  ident  Vladimir  Putin  even
            officials,  concerned  about  The  New  York  Times  report  I've  been  tougher  on  Rus-  investigation  at  that  time  from  high-ranking  officials
                                                                                                   because they weren't sure  in  his  own  administration.
                                                                                                   how  to  approach  such  a  The  report  cited  unnamed
                                                                                                   sensitive probe.             current and former U.S. of-
                                                                                                   Trump's  behavior  in  the  ficials.
                                                                                                   days around Comey's May  In  the  Fox  News  interview,
                                                                                                   2017  firing  helped  trigger  Trump questioned why the
                                                                                                   the    counterintelligence  newspaper  made  such
                                                                                                   part of the probe, accord-   a  "big  deal"  out  of  his  dis-
                                                                                                   ing to the newspaper.        cussions  with  Putin  in  Hel-
                                                                                                   In the inquiry, counterintelli-  sinki last summer. "Anybody
                                                                                                   gence investigators sought  could have listened to that
                                                                                                   to evaluate whether Trump  meeting, that meeting is up
                                                                                                   was  a  potential  threat  to  for grabs."
                                                                                                   national   security.   They  Sen.  Ron  Johnson,  R-Wis.,
                                                                                                   also  sought  to  determine  defended  the  president,
                                                                                                   whether  Trump  was  delib-  who  he  said  was  "burned
                                                                                                   erately working for Russia or  earlier by leaks of other pri-
                                                                                                   had  unintentionally  been  vate conversations."
                                                                                                   influenced by Moscow.        Trump's  lawyer  Rudy  Giu-
                                                                                                   Trump tweeted early Satur-   liani  told  the  Times  he
                                                                                                   day that the report showed  had  no  knowledge  of  the
                                                                                                   that  the  FBI  leadership  counterintelligence  inquiry
                                                                                                   "opened  up  an  investiga-  but  said  that  since  it  was
                                                                                                   tion on me, for no reason &  opened a year and a half
                                                                                                   with no proof" after he had  ago and they hadn't heard
                                                                                                   fired Comey.                 anything,  apparently  "they
                                                                                                   Robert  Mueller  took  over  found nothing."
                                                                                                   the  investigation  when  he  Republican  Sen.  Lindsey
                                                                                                   was   appointed    special  Graham,  who  is  close  to
                                                                                                   counsel soon after Comey's  Trump and chairs the Judi-
                                                                                                   firing. The overall investiga-  ciary  Committee,  said  he
                                                                                                   tion  is  looking  into  Russian  intends to ask the FBI direc-
                                                                                                   election  interference  and  tor if there was a counterin-
                                                                                                   whether Trump's campaign  telligence investigation into
                                                                                                   coordinated  with  the  Rus-  the president. q
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