P. 5
Diaranson, 15 Mei 2019 AWEMainta 5
Pueblo a puntra Chicote pa splica con e he- Awor Armand Hessels ta recomenda pa AWEMainta no permiti su
licopter a yuda den combatimento di crimi- mes pa wordo usa den mal forma, pero hecho ta cu Armand Hessels
nalidad. Net nada, pero si pagador di belas- tabata un politico cu lo keda gelink pa su vision politico na tur mo-
ting ta paga p’esaki. mento, mescos cu t’e caso di Henk Kamp cu fraccion di MEP ta haya
Un biaha mas bendedora di Cadena di Lo- di ta ilegal den Comision di Supervision Financiero pa motibo cu e
teria, Get Rich Lottery, a bira victima di un tin un pasado politico. Pues Armand Hessels no ta diferente.
atraco arma.Di dos den lapso di un siman. ++++++++++++++++++++
Armand Hessels un persona cu no a yega
di kibra ningun koppi ta sugeri pa AWE- JOIN OUR AWARD - WINNING TEAM
Mainta coregi un publicacion cu a sali si-
Ranked among top 10 Hotels in the World by TripAdvisor
man pasa, relaciona cu su persona y henter Featured in top 10 Hotels in the Caribbean by Travel + Leisure
e proceso di kende ta integro of no integro. EXCELLENT BENEFITS:
Compeuuve Salaries, Pension Plan, Health-Disability-Life Insurances, Dental & Vision Insurance,Savings
Presidente di Fundacion Deugdelijk Bestu- Plan, Loan Availability, Shii Meal, General Bonus.
ur Aruba ta kere cu e por bin manda y dicidi REQUIREMENTS:
Proficient in English for all posiuons is required.
pa AWEMainta y cu nos tin cu publica e
mesun contenido cu e medio aki a haci rela- FIRST COOK / CHEF DE PARTIE
- Highly confident in your abiliues and detail-oriented
ciona c’un articulo cu a wordo publica riba - Must be able to work all stauons and shiiwork
- Knowledgeable of internauonal cuisine, special diet, vegan and vegetarian food
su persona. - Must be able to delegate to a small kitchen team
Hessels hasta a bin oficina di AWEMainta COST CONTROLLER
y demanda cu Toko Winklaar tin derecho di - Manage and Control Purchasing and receive incoming goods
recibi’e. Di unda a sali? - Costs out menus in conjuncuon with F&B director and acuvely manage cost
- Booking of purchases, requisiuons and reviewing discrepancy report
Mihor e no presenta mas na oficina di AWE- - Conduct month-end inventory and prepare month end reports
- Some relevant experience required
Mainta, pasobra e lo wordo malcorri.
++++++++++++++++++++++ PART-TIME BREAKFAST HOST / HOSTESS
- Outgoing personality with excellent interpersonal skills
Notabel di e parti aki ta cu Armand Hessels - Excellent verbal skills in English, other European language(s) are a plus
ta reta persona di Toko Winklaar y corant
AWEMainta pa pone bon cla, cu ta un tarea BREAKFAST SERVER
di un periodista y corant cu ta respeta su - Must be friendly, courteous, quick and efficient in his/ her work
- Must have some proven knowledge of service excellence standards
mes, a expresa cu si tin cu publica tur locual - Excellent verbal skills in English, other European language(s) are a plus
nos ta tende, ‘no ta resta nada di practica- BEACH ATTENDANT
mente ningun hende na Aruba, incluso mi - Outgoing personality with excellent interpersonal skills
persona.’ - Prior relevant experience is a plus
- Responsible to serve guests and ensure the beach area is maintained in immaculate condiuon
Ma bon, kende Armand Hessels ta kere cu
e ta. Mihor e samina su consenchi, y ta kere WELLNESS EXPERIENCE SUPERVISOR
cu e si por insulta tur hende na Aruba. - Passion and interest in health and holisuc wellness
- Self-starter with great organizauonal and project management skills
++++++++++++++++++++++ - Outgoing personality with excellent interpersonal & sales skills
- Experience in hospitality, wellness or service related industry
Toko Winklaar ta keda para riba cu e mes- - Nutriuonal experuse preferred
- Contacts in and knowledge of the local wellness offerings preferred
ter pasa un screening pa mira, pero esey ta
pa Armand Hessels, cu manera el a laga sa MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN
pa mira, kende ta gosa di mas credibilidad - HVAC, Mechanical and electrical skills / experience
- Ability to work shiis, flexible and can work independently
den comunidad. Ta competencia tin? - Prior relevant work experience required.
Den Hessels su afan p’e pidi coreccion ya HUMAN RESOURCES ASSISTANT
cu e ta sinti su mes ofendi, Armand Hessels
- Works efficient and has excellent interpersonal skills
ta bira ofende hende caminda e mes no ta - Excellent verbal skills in English and Dutch, Papiamento and Spanish are a plus
- Affinity and Interest in Human Resources
cumpliendo cu reglanan cu e mes ta bisa di - Prior HR experience and knowledge of the Aruban labor laws is a plus
- Excellent administrauve skills including Microsoi office
To aply, please send your resume by Email:
+++++++++++++++++++ or Call: 583-1100 ext 136 for more informauon.
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