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P. 11
Tuesday 8 January 2019
Team Aruba readies for 2019 tour, including four NHRA nationals
owner, Ven Eman. “Ameri-
can Airlines has just added
four new straight flights to
Aruba. We can market The
One Happy Island to a new
population, and it’s easier
than ever for them to enjoy
a paradise vacation.”
Mountain Motor Pro Stocks
will run with NHRA at the
Charlotte four wide event,
Dallas, Epping and Bristol.
NHRA is the premier drag
racing organization, world-
“Direct flights are avail-
able from Charlotte and
Houston, so those markets
will be an incredible op-
portunity for us to promote
our island. Racers spend
a lifetime working toward
racing with the NHRA. We
feel extremely privileged
and grateful for this oppor-
ORANJESTAD — Team Aru- tunity.”
ba enjoyed a historic year
in 2018. They debuted a NHRA is the world’s larg-
gorgeous new Jerry Haas- est motorsports sanction-
built 2018 Mustang, at- ing body and the foremost
tended their first ever NHRA promoter of drag racing in
U.S. Nationals, went to the the world, entertaining mil-
semi finals or finals at ev- lions of racing fans with the
ery race, and driver Trevor fastest and most spectacu-
Eman welcomed his sec- lar form of entertainment
ond baby girl, Maya, into on wheels. Up to 125,000
the world. This varied suc- spectators attend each
cess has laid the ground- NHRA Mello Yello Drag
work for a promising 2019. Racing Series event.
Eman and the “We’re very excited about
Mustang will once again our 2019 season. The car
compete on their regular has been running extremely
Professional Drag Racers well, we’ve got an incred-
Association circuit, chas- ible crew, and there are
ing an Extreme Pro Stock many amazing opportuni-
Championship. However, ties ahead for us. We want
after the initial test run to thank our crew: John
for incorporating moun- and Julie Peterson, Hen-
tain motors with the tradi- nito Orman, Bruce Morgan,
tional 500 inch motors of Doug Schriefer, Pat Norcia,
NHRA Pro Stock at the U.S. Jon Kaase Racing Engines
Nationals, NHRA has an- and crew. They work hard
nounced mountain motors to help this car perform well
will be able to join their field and keep us running. We
of Pro Stocks at four events also have deep gratitude
in 2019. for our partners, Aruba.
Combining the two versions com and the Aruba Airport
of Pro Stock was a monu- Authority. Their loyalty over
mental move by NHRA. The the years is what got us this
organization will continue far. Next year is going to
to test the waters in 2019. be very exciting for us, and
Team Aruba is excited to we can’t wait to take them
be a part of the changes. with us.”
“Mountain Motor Pro Follow Team Aruba on
Stock will participate in Facebook and Twitter. Find
four NHRA National events race results, team updates,
in 2019, which could not videos and photos. Also
have come at a better leave your comments to
time,” explained team cheer on Team Aruba!q