Page 14 - AVP
P. 14
2 AWEMainta Diamars, 11 juni 2019
Mike Eman keynote speaker na Providenciales TCI
Ex-Prome Minister Mike Eman a acapara e in managing our present and the bedrock
curason di e sala completo na momento of the principles on which we have to build
cu el a compara e palabranan di e himno our future”.
di Turks & Caicos y esnan di Aruba. Eman
a cita: “O we salute this land of ours, Our Cu e introduccion aki Eman a gradici pa
country we declare, This promise land with a wordo invita pa duna e keynote speech
its beauties grand, Though small is our n’e evento importante aki: “It is with this
own” shared sense of love and pride of country
and heritage that I thank you for the invita-
Nos ta canta cu e mesun orguoyo Eman a tion to be part of this very special moment
bisa citando tambe e Himno di Aruba: This in preserving the history, culture and heri-
pride and love for a rock that reflects in the tage of our sister islands Turks & Caicos.
“Nos ta honra cu e presencia y e disponibi- lyrics of the National Anthem of Turks and I am honored that you have made me part
lidad di ex Prome Minister Mike Eman pa Caicos Islands we sing with the same pride of this momentous occasion with the invi-
compaña nos como e keynote speaker pa and love for our country in Aruba: “you tation to address you tonight.
nos evento pa sostene e causa pa yega na may be small and simple, but yet you are
un Museum Nacional nobo pa Turks & Cai- respected, Oh .. dear country, our rock so Ex-Prome Minister Mike Eman a gradici
cos. beloved, our love for you is so strong, that Prome Minister Cartwright Robinson y e
Mi a conoce Mike Eman ora nos a acepta e nothing can destroy it”. Presidente di Turks & Caicos National Mu-
Presidencia di Asociacion di Paisnan LGO di seum Foundation, Seamus Day y Director
sr. Mike Eman pa mi persona na Aruba. Ex-Prome Minister a expresa cu e simi- dr. Michael Pateman pa nan invitacion p’e
laridad aki ta mustra e amor comparti cu duna e keynote di e anochi.
Su dedicacion y di su antepasadonan na nos tin pa nos islanan: “That is part of our Ex-Prome Minister Mike Eman ta comparti
servicio publico ta admirable y excepi- National Anthem. So you can understand su vision di sustenibilidad y prosperidad
cional. Un berdadero inspiracion”, cu e how much I can identify with you the peo- comparti pa Aruba na tur e presenta-
palabranan aki Prome Minister di Turks & ple of Turks & Caicos, sharing this unique cionnan cu e ta haci internacionalmente.
Caicos, Sharlene Cartwright a presenta ex sense of love for our small, but venerated Esaki recientemente na un lectura na Uni-
Prome Minister Mike Eman pa hiba e key- cradles, in this big world. This love, affec- versidad di Leiden, como keynote speaker
note n’e evento “Building for the future to tion and bond we have with our Islands tambe na conferencianan na Bermuda y
protect the past” na Providenciales, Turks & stem from the heritage we came here to- Belize y awor na Providenciales, Turks &
Caicos Islands. night to preserve and to be our guidance Caicos.
Encuanto ley di disputa
Corsou no kier nada di amienda
Sea ta acepta ehecucion mocion van Laar o nada
WILLEMSTAD - Parlamento di Corsou a rechasa proposicion di Aru- na Rijks Minister Raad den caso di un disputa entre partnernan den
ba pa durante tratamento den Tweede Kamer proximamente pa en- Reino riba “juridischa vraagstukken”.
trega un amienda riba e proposicion di ley di Secretario di Estado, Awe Parlamento di St. Maarten lo tuma su decision riba esaki tambe,
Raymond Knops pa un areglo di disputa. pero segun conocedornan, St. Maarten tambe lo rechasa e proposi-
cion di Aruba.
Posicion di Corsou ta rechasa proposicion di Raymond Knops y cu Ta net ayera tambe, Aruba den un reunion di Comision Central a
mester adopta e proposicion cu Ministernan Plenipotenciario a en- prepara e amienda y cu Corsou su Parlamento a haya pa mira y
trega na 2015 pa un areglo di disputa. manera menciona, Corsou a rechasa esaki.
E proposicion aki ta basa riba e mocion di van Laar di 2014 cu ta Corsou ultimo dianan no ta na gusto cu Hulanda y a laga sa ta trata
bisa cu un organo independiente tin cu duna un “bindend advise” mocion di van Laar o nada. No tin nada mas pa discuti cu Hulanda.