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                 Wednesday 8 February
                   Aruban Artist Invited for Performances in Rotterdam

                                                                      All this as part of a mini-fes-
                                                                      tival  during  the  ‘Divercity’
                                                                      conference at the famous
                                                                      international    Congress
                                                                      Centre ‘De Doelen’ in Rot-
                                                                      terdam. (www.urbandiver-
                                                                      The organization of this EU
                                                                      project seems very excited
                                                                      about  the  participation  of
                                                                      the  famous  Aruban  artist
                                                                      nl)  and  has  even  printed
                                                                      for  this  International  con-
                                                                      ference, special bags with
            ORANJESTAD/ROTTERDAM  (           a  caricature  of  Gustave
            -  Professional  International  gustave-nouel/)           Nouel on it…
            Artist from Aruba, Gustave  Thursday,    February   9th   This  ‘Divercity’  project  in
            Nouel (www.gustavenouel.     2017,  the  professional  Aru-  Rotterdam,  organized  by
  ,  has  been  invit-  ban artist living in Deventer   Anouk Tersteeg and Gide-
            ed  /hired  as  special  artist  can show some of his ‘Aru-  on Bolt, is part of the inter-
            guest,  at  the  EU  financed  ban Culture’ paintings and   national  EU  project  that
            international   conference  make      caricatures   and   the  University  of  Utrecht  is
            ‘Divercity’,  organized  by  quick-sketches  of  the  visi-  leading, about how diver-
            the  University  of  Utrecht.   tors,  as  Live-performance.   sity and integration can be

                                                                                                   most profitable for cities.   in cities and how manage-
                                                                                                   (WWW.URBANDIVERCITIES.       ment  of  this  diversity  can
                                                                                                   EU)    A  comparative  re-   be most profitable…
                                                                                                   search  of  the  13  most  The  management  for  so-
                                                                                                   diverse  cities  in  Europe.  cial  and  economic  flour-
                                                                                                   After  four  years  of  thor-  ishing is analysed critically.
                                                                                                   ough investigation, it’s the  Also  Toronto  in  Canada,
                                                                                                   intention  of  the  Univer-  one of the most diverse cit-
                                                                                                   sity  of  Utrecht  to  organize  ies in the world, has been
                                                                                                   dynamic,      international  included  in  this  research
                                                                                                   events  in  different  cities,  project. The cities included
                                                                                                   where  the  positive  ele-   in  this  research  are  Ant-
                                                                                                   ments  of  urban  diversity,  werp,  Athene,  Budapest,
                                                                                                   where positive elements of  Copenhagen,        Istanbul,
                                                                                                   Urban diversity will be pre-  Leipzig,  London,  Milan,
                                                                                                   sented by means of a mul-    Paris,  Rotterdam,  Talinn,
                                                                                                   tidisciplinary  program  of  Toronto,  Warsaw  and  Zur-
                                                                                                   science, art, music, theatre  ich.  The special invited Art-
                                                                                                   and film. All this has to sim-  ist for this EU-project in Rot-
                                                                                                   ulate  dialogue  between  terdam, from the University
                                                                                                   academic       researchers,  of Utrecht, Gustave Nouel
                                                                                                   policy  makers  and  other  (www.gustavenouel.exto.
                                                                                                   stakeholders,  about  how  org),  is  preparing  for  Art
                                                                                                   urban  diversity  can  have  projects  in  Aruba.  (April
                                                                                                   a positive effect on cohe-   /  May  2017).  A  cultural
                                                                                                   sion,  social  mobility  and  centre  in  Curacao  also
                                                                                                   economic  performances  showed interest.
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