Page 17 - AHATA
P. 17
Thursday 18 april 2019
When the World’s Riches Dissolve
“Join the Fight Against Tangible Heritage Depreciation”
into local sustainable de-
velopment policies. Ca-
pacity-building efforts are
essential for local commu-
nities to manage sites and
reap the economic ben-
efits associated with the
promotion and protection
of natural and cultural heri- sary to implement policies tribute to improving visitor
tage. and strategies to promote experiences and reinvest
responsible tourism and en- the benefits collected on
Continued from Page 16 graphical dispersion, suf- Lastly, Aruba, like many sure its low impact on heri- the site for its conserva-
fer unique and particular islands in the Caribbean tage sites. tion, to create jobs and
vulnerabilities to natural are heavily dependent on improve infrastructure and
Next to this, there are still disasters and the negative Tourism for economic de- Let’s not forget the irre- services for its population
gaps in the elaboration of effects of climate change. velopment. In recent years, sponsible act from tourists and visitors. In the end,
the inventories, situation The Caribbean region has nature-related tourism has towards the Aruban natural even though we cry and
that affects the updating vulnerable coastlines and increased in the Caribbe- heritage, who wrote per- feel sadness watching the
of the tentative list. Despite is constantly affected by an and certainly cultural sonal messages on rock for- Notre Dame cry for help,
the wealth of cultural land- hurricanes, prolonged peri- tourism has the potential mations at the north coast let’s not forget to value
scapes in the Caribbean, ods of drought or rain with to become a great attrac- of the island. The cultural and give that same ap-
According to UNESCO, flooding and other weath- tion for visitors as indicated and natural sector and the preciation and attention
their identification, protec- er phenomena which af- by ATHA and the Aruban tourism industry must work to our own treasures. If we
tion, conservation and pro- fect many of its structures. government. It is neces- together, and thus con- won’t, who will?q
motion is still not enough. Capacity building, tech-
We are simply not doing nology transfer, recognition
enough to protect our tan- of local knowledge, access
gible heritage and Aruba to technical assistance and
should consider how this funding are essential. Let’s
loss will affect cultural de- not forget the hurricane di-
velopment on the island. sasters are sister islands ex-
We are simply not doing perienced in the last years
what we are supposed and decades, resulting in
to and that we will regret tremendous historical and
looking back in a couple of architectural loss within
years. these communities.
It is no secret that climate One of the key indica-
change and global warm- tors mentioned in my 2018
ing will have detrimental bachelor research the par-
consequences on the heri- ticipation of local people
tage preservation efforts is essential in the process
of all islands in the Carib- of identification, conserva-
bean region. Making it tion, protection and man-
even more important to agement of heritage sites.
have safeguarding poli- Similarly, the value of local
cies in place when mother knowledge in managing
nature takes a left turn. Ac- disaster risks must be rec-
cording to UNESCO, Small ognized. UNESCO keeps re-
Island Developing States, iterating that cultural and
SIDS, due to their small size, natural heritage manage-
limited resources and geo- ment must be integrated