P. 7

                                                                                                           LOCAL Tuesday 26 February 2019

            Aruba Marriott Complex Names New General Manager

            PALM BEACH — Karen Chastain  to  build  lasting  and  mutually
            has been named General Man-      beneficial relationships with the
            ager of the Aruba Marriott Com-  community.”
            plex. In her new role, Chastain
            is responsible for providing stra-  Chastain  has  a  strong  back-
            tegic  management  of  opera-    ground  in  financial  leadership
            tions at Aruba Marriott Resort &  and  a  proven  track  record  in
            Stellaris  Casino,  Marriott  Aruba  sales,  management  and  oper-
            Surf  Club,  and  Marriott  Aruba  ations. She is passionate about
            Ocean Club.                      staff development and is highly
                                             focused on ensuring guest sat-
            Chastain  brings  with  her  more  isfaction.
            than  two  decades  of  senior
            leadership experience with the  Chastain  is  a  graduate  of  Ball
            Marriott brand and has held nu-  State University, and holds a B.S.
            merous general manager posi-     in accounting.
            tions  at  Marriott  hotels  across
            the United States, most recently  About Aruba Marriott:
            at Fort Lauderdale Marriott Har-  Aruba Marriott Resort & Stellaris
            bor Beach Resort and Spa, FL.    Casino opened its door in 1995
                                             and  boasts  414  guestrooms.
            “I’ve been fortunate enough to  In  1999  the  Marriott’s  Aruba
            work  on  both  coasts  of  the  US  Ocean  Club  opened  its  door
            with Marriott, and can’t wait to  with 311 guestrooms and in 2004
            see  what  the  vibrant  island  of  Marriott’s  Aruba  Surf  Club  was
            Aruba  and  the  Marriott  Com-  opened  with  900  guestrooms.
            plex have in store,” said Chas-  The  Aruba  Marriott  family  con-
            tain.  “In  addition  to  taking  the  sists  of  about  1100  associates.
            helm  at  one  of  Marriott’s  most  The  Aruba  Marriott  Complex
            prominent  Caribbean  proper-    is  the  largest  in  the  Caribbean
            ties,  I  look  forward  to  immers-  in terms of total guestrooms as
            ing  myself  in  the  local  culture  well total employees.q
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