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A4   U.S. NEWS
                   Thursday 1 augusT 2019

            Fed cuts key rate in its first reduction in more than decade

            By MARTIN CRUTSINGER                                                                                                Trump's  pursuit  of  trade
            AP Economics Writer                                                                                                 conflicts, with his punishing
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  The                                                                                            tariffs  on  hundreds  of  bil-
            Federal Reserve cut its key                                                                                         lions  of  dollars  in  Chinese
            interest rate Wednesday for                                                                                         and European goods, have
            the  first  time  in  a  decade                                                                                     escalated     uncertainties
            to  try  to  counter  threats                                                                                       for  American  companies.
            ranging  from  uncertain-                                                                                           Some companies have put
            ties  caused  by  President                                                                                         off plans to expand and in-
            Donald Trump's trade wars                                                                                           vest.
            to  chronically  low  inflation                                                                                     Powell  has  also  expressed
            and a dim global outlook.                                                                                           concern about undesirably
            The  Fed  also  repeated  a                                                                                         low  inflation.  In  delivering
            pledge  to  "act  as  appro-                                                                                        the Fed's semiannual mon-
            priate  to  sustain  the  ex-                                                                                       etary  report  to  Congress
            pansion"  —  wording  that                                                                                          this  month,  he  noted  that
            the financial markets have                                                                                          the  central  bank  needs  to
            interpreted  as  a  signal  of                                                                                      prevent the economy from
            possible future rate cuts.                                                                                          sinking  into  a  low-inflation
            Stocks  tumbled  soon  after                                                                                        trap  like  the  one  that  has
            the Fed issued its statement                                                                                        bedeviled  Japan's  econo-
            at 2 p.m. Eastern time. The   Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell speaks during a news conference following a two-day   my  for  more  than  two  de-
            Dow  Jones  Industrial  Av-  Federal Open Market Committee meeting in Washington, Wednesday, July 31, 2019.         cades.  Ultra-low  inflation
            erage,  which  had  been                                                                           Associated Press  can  slow  growth  by  caus-
            nearly  flat  before  the  an-                                                                                      ing consumers to postpone
            nouncement, was off near-    which  affects  many  loans  to what's become the lon-    more than a decade ago,  purchases,  which,  in  turn,
            ly 300 points about an hour  for  households  and  busi-  gest expansion on record.    the  economy  is  now  solid  slows  consumer  spending,
            later  just  as  Chairman  Je-  nesses — by a quarter-point  In  addition  to  its  rate  cut,  by  most  measures,  if  not  the economy's main fuel.
            rome Powell was holding a  to a range of 2% to 2.25%.  the  Fed  also  said  it  would  spectacular.   Consumers  Another source of pressure
            news conference. Investors  It's  the  first  rate  cut  since  stop  shrinking  its  enormous  are  spending.  Unemploy-  for the Fed has been a re-
            appeared      disappointed  December 2008 during the  bond  portfolio  in  August,  ment is close to a half-cen-    lentless  series  of  public  at-
            that  Powell  declined  to  depths of the Great Reces-    two  months  earlier  than  tury low. A recession hardly  tacks by Trump over its rate
            say  that  the  Fed  envisions  sion, when the Fed slashed  planned. This step is intend-  seems imminent.          policy under Powell. Trump
            multiple rate cuts to follow  its rate to a record low near  ed to avoid putting upward  Yet  the  Fed  under  Pow-  has  blamed  the  Fed's  four
            Wednesday's.                 zero and kept it there until  pressure  on  long-term  bor-  ell  has  signaled  that  rising  rate hikes in 2018 as a key
            The  central  bank  reduced  2015.  The  economy  is  far  rowing  rates.  The  Fed  had  economic  pressures,  nota-  reason why the U.S. econo-
            its  benchmark  rate  —  healthier  now  despite  risks  aggressively  bought  Trea-   bly from Trump's trade wars  my is slowing.
                                                                      sury  and  mortgage  bonds  and  from  weakness  in  Eu-  This  week,  the  president
                                                                      after  the  financial  crisis  to  rope,  Asia  and  elsewhere,  said  he  wanted  to  see  a
                                                                      drive down long-term rates  have  become  cause  for  "large  cut"  in  rates  as  well
                                                                      but  had  been  gradually  concern.  So  has  an  infla-  as an immediate halt in the
                                                                      shrinking  its  balance  sheet  tion rate that remains stub-  reduction of the Fed's bond
                                                                      as  the  economy  strength-  bornly  below  the  Fed's  2  holdings,  to  avoid  putting
                                                                      ened.  The  Fed's  action  percent target level.          upward  pressure  on  long-
                                                                      Wednesday was approved  So  the  Fed  has  decided  term rates.
                                                                      8-2 vote, with two dissents:  that a rate cut now — and  Powell  has  asserted  that
                                                                      Esther  George,  president  possibly  one  or  more  ad-  Trump's  pressure  has  had
                                                                      of  the  Fed's  Kansas  City  ditional  cuts  to  follow  —  no effect on the rate poli-
                                                                      regional  bank,  and  Eric  could  provide  a  kind  of  cies  of  the  Fed,  which  is
                                                                      Rosengren,  head  of  the  insurance  policy  against  considered  an  indepen-
                                                                      Boston  Fed,  wanted  to  an  economic  downturn.  dent  agency.  But  the
                                                                      keep  rates  unchanged.  The idea is that lowering its  president's  incessant  criti-
                                                                      It  was  the  first  time  there  key  short-term  rate  could  cism  raises  the  question  of
                                                                      have been as many as two  encourage borrowing and  whether the attacks could
                                                                      dissents  since  December  spending     and    energize  eventually undermine con-
                                                                      2017  and  suggested  that  growth. Wall Street has wel-  fidence  that  the  Fed  will
                                                                      Powell  may  face  opposi-   comed  that  prospect  with  remain  politically  indepen-
                                                                      tion if he seeks further rate  a  stock  market  rally  since  dent  and  not  try  to  boost
                                                                      cuts this year.              the start of the year.       the  economy  before  next
                                                                      Compared  with  when  the  A  key  concern  expressed  year's presidential election.
                                                                      Fed  previously  cut  rates  by  the  Powell  Fed  is  that  q
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