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Pagina 22                                                                                                              Diamars 23 Mei 2017
         International Biodiversity Day 2017                                                   Homber cu a scapa

                   celebrated under theme of                                                   di Centro Colorado

                      “Biodiversity and                                                          haciendo fasti oso

                 Sustainable Tourism”                                                              banda di barnan

       -  Tourism  represents  one  of  the  world's   support the very existence of humans.”  Diahuebs  18  di  Mei,      cu su tata, kende a declara
       fastest growing industries                 Countries  are  already  engaging  in       durante cu patruya tabata    cu  Christopher  ta  interna
       -  Many  tourist  destinations  centered   activities   that   support   sustainable   haciendo nan control den     den Centro Colorado. Ora
       around  places  of  natural  beauty  rich  in   tourism  and  biodiversity.  Protected   centro di ciudad na altura   cu  patruya  a  hib’e  eynan,
       biodiversity                               areas, such as national parks, are popular   di The Pleasure Zone nan    e  personal  a  declara  cu
       -  Theme  links  with  the  United  Nation’s   tourism destinations. For example, some   ta  wordo  acerca  door  di   esaki ta e di dos biaha cu
       International Year of Sustainable Tourism   1.4 million people visit Australian parks   un dama di bida alegre. El   e ta scapa  for di e  centro
       for Development.                           annually  to  experience  their  natural    a  declara  cu  un  homber,   y cu no mag di keda mas
       22  May  2017  –  In  today’s  global      landscapes and culture. This contributes    color  cla  cu  petchi  ariba   eynan.
       celebrations of the International Day for   $23 billion to the economy.                su  cabes  y  cu  rugtas  ta
       Biological  Diversity,  under  the  theme  of   Ecotourism  is  another  option  that   haciendo  fastioso.  Segun   E  ora  patruya  a  hib’e  na
       ‘Biodiversity  and  Sustainable  Tourism’,   promotes  responsible  travel  to  natural   e  dama  di  bida  alegre,  e   cas  di  su  tata  na  Caya
       people are examing the positive but also   areas  that  conserve  the  environment     homber  lo  ta  den  ciudad   Tapushi,  pero  esaki  no
       potentially negative impacts that tourism   and  improves  the  wellbeing  of  local   ainda.  Na  altura  di  Java   tabata kier su yiu den cas
       can have on biodiversity.                  people.    Ecotourism     can    provide    Bar  agentenan  policial    a   y  a  bisa  polisnan  cu  nan
       Tourism  represents  one  of  the  world's   livelihoods  for  indigenous  peoples  and   topa cu e homber cu tabata   mester  hib’e  PAAZ.  Pero
       fastest  growing  industries.  According   local communities, as they are often the    cuadra cu e descripcion. E   e  agentenan  a  mustra  e
       to  the  United  Nations  World  Tourism   stewards of biodiversity-rich areas.        tabata para wak paden via    tata  di  Christopher  cu
       Organization, the tourism sector grew by   Dr.    Pașca    Palmer    said:   “Many     di e bentana.                esey ta su responsabilidad
       3.9 per cent in 2016.                      conventional  businesses,  such  as  hotels                              y  no  di  nan.    Un  rato
       Many  tourist  destinations  are  centered   and tourism operators, have taken steps   Bartender  di  Java  Bar  a   despues patruya ta topa cu
       around places of natural beauty and rich   to ensure that they adhere to sustainable   bisa polisnan cu e homber    Christopher  dilanti  di  un
       natural  assets  where  people  can  enjoy   tourism  principles  and  best  practices  in   en cuestion tabata molestia   cas  na  Caya  Bohi.  segun
       outdoor  activities,  or  simply  relax.  This   their day to day operations.”         su  clientenan  y  tambe  su   e  habitante  di  e  cas,  ora
       provides millions of jobs, and income for   This is important, as countless travellers   trahadonan di bida alegre.   el a sali pafo el a topa cu
       local  communities.  For  example,  about   are now making choices based on whether    E  homber  en  cuestion      Christopher den su cura y
       40  million  people  are  drawn  every  year   good practices are followed by operators   tabata e conocido di polis   tabata wak paden.
       to  the  Caribbean’s  beautiful  beaches   at their destinations.”                     Christopher  G.  E  ta  pidi
       and marine life, providing $25 billion of   The  Secretariat  of  the  Biodiversity    patruya un lift pa Playa y   No  a  keda  patruya  otro
       revenue annually –and nearly 50 per cent   Convention  works  with  governments        ta  subi  boluntariamente    opcion  di  bah’e  dilanti
       of the region’s total income.              on  their  tourism  policies,  with  partners   den e patruya.           warda  di  polis.  Despues
       Dr.  Cristiana  Pașca  Palmer,  Executive   as  they  train  protected  area  managers,                             di a hala su atencion, el a
       Secretary of the Convention on Biological   as  well  as  developing  awareness-       Agentenan  ta  hib’e  warda   wordo  cori  for  di  e  sitio.
       Diversity said: “As we celebrate the 16th   raising  tools  for  tourists  and  tourism   di  polis  na  San  Nicolas   E  caso  tin  atencion  di
       edition  of  the  International  Biodiversity   professionals. Available at:  unda  cu  a  tuma  contacto   autoridadnan.
       Day let us all remember that by celebrating   tourism/guidelines.shtml;
       and  protecting  biodiversity  we  respect   Press briefs on ‘Travel Responsibly’ and
       and give consideration to all forms of life   ‘Biodiversity  and  Sustainable  Tourism:
       that exist on this beautiful planet and that   The Pillar of Island

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