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A4   U.S. NEWS
                 Wednesday 27 March 2019

            Trump border emergency survives as House veto override fails

                                                                      By ALAN FRAM                 ler had found Trump didn't  state  attorneys  general
                                                                      Associated Press             scheme with Russia to help  and others that could take
                                                                      WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  The  his 2016 election, Tuesday's  years to resolve.
                                                                      Democratic-led       House  vote    bolstered   Trump's  Trump  insisted  during  his
                                                                      failed  Tuesday  to  override  drive to build a wall along  campaign  that  Mexico,
                                                                      President  Donald  Trump's  the boundary with Mexico,  not  taxpayers,  would  pay
                                                                      first  veto,  salvaging  his  ef-  a hallmark of his 2016 presi-  for  the  wall.  To  keep  the
                                                                      fort to steer billions of extra  dential  campaign  and  a  issue  alive  into  the  2020
                                                                      dollars  to  erecting  border  priority of his presidency.  campaign  season,  House
                                                                      barriers  and  delivering  a  "Thank  you  to  the  House  Democrats may force fresh
                                                                      victory to the White House  Republicans for sticking to-  votes  on  the  emergency
                                                                      in a constitutional and po-  gether and the BIG WIN to-   declaration  in  six  months,
                                                                      litical clash that's raged for  day  on  the  Border,"  Trump  as the law allows.
                                                                      months.                      tweeted. "Today's vote sim-  The Pentagon sent lawmak-
                                                                      Lawmakers  voted  248-181  ply reaffirms Congressional  ers  a  list  last  week  of  hun-
                                                                      to  overturn  Trump's  veto,  Democrats are the party of  dreds  of  military  construc-
                                                                      but  that  fell  38  votes  shy  Open  Borders,  Drugs  and  tion projects that might be
            President  Donald  Trump  accompanied  by  Senate  Majority   of  the  required  two-thirds  Crime!"                cut to pay for barrier work.
            Leader Mitch McConnell of Ky., left, arrives for a Senate Repub-  margin. Just days after At-  While  clearly  a  defeat  for  Though  the  list  was  tenta-
            lican policy lunch on Capitol Hill in Washington, Tuesday, March   torney   General   William  Democrats,  the  vote  af-  tive, Democrats say that by
            26, 2019.                                                 Barr  announced  that  spe-  forded  them  a  chance  backing  Trump,  GOP  law-
                                                     Associated Press  cial  counsel  Robert  Muel-  to  reemphasize  policy  dif-  makers  were  endangering
                                                                                                   ferences  with  Trump  and  local  bases  to  pay  for  the
                                                                                                   change  the  subject  from  wall.
                                                                                                   collusion  allegations  that  Unhappiness  over  Trump's
                                                                                                   have  lost  political  clout.  plan  to  siphon  the  money
                                                                                                   Underscoring  that,  House  from  the  military  has  be-
                                                                                                   Speaker    Nancy     Pelosi  come  a  bipartisan  con-
                                                                                                   placed  her  name  atop  a  cern.  On  top  of  the  $3.6
                                                                                                   House  Democratic  fund-     billion  from  construction,
                                                                                                   raising  email  referencing  the Pentagon has informed
                                                                                                   the  failed  veto  override,  Congress  that  it  wants  to
                                                                                                   writing,   "I   know   grass-  steer another $1 billion from
                                                                                                   roots  Democrats  won't  let  personnel accounts to bor-
                                                                                                   Trump's enablers get away  der barriers.
                                                                                                   with this."                  At  a  House  Armed  Ser-
                                                                                                   Just  14  Republicans  joined  vices  Committee  hearing
                                                                                                   all  voting  Democrats  in  Tuesday,  panel  Chairman
                                                                                                   Tuesday's  futile  effort  to  Adam Smith, D-Wash., said
                                                                                                   void Trump's declaration of  it  was  wrong  to  use  the
                                                                                                   a  national  emergency  at  Pentagon as "sort of a pig-
                                                                                                   the Southwest border.        gybank-slash-slush   fund."
                                                                                                   By  invoking  that  power,  The  committee's  top  Re-
                                                                                                   Trump has said he will shift  publican,  Mac  Thornberry
                                                                                                   $3.6  billion  from  military  of  Texas,  also  said  he  op-
                                                                                                   construction  to  erecting  poses  redirecting  defense
                                                                                                   barriers  along  that  bound-  funds.
                                                                                                   ary. Congress has voted to  Acting  Defense  Secretary
                                                                                                   provide less than $1.4 billion  Patrick  Shanahan  told  the
                                                                                                   for  border  barriers,  leav-  lawmakers  that  while  his
                                                                                                   ing  Democrats  and  some  department  could  pay  a
                                                                                                   Republicans  fuming  that  future  price  for  maneuver-
                                                                                                   Trump  is  abusing  his  pow-  ing  around  Congress,  he
                                                                                                   ers  by  ignoring  Congress'  was  following  a  "legal  or-
                                                                                                   constitutional  control  over  der  from  the  commander
                                                                                                   spending.                    in chief." Congress had ap-
                                                                                                   Despite his veto remaining  proved  a  resolution  annul-
                                                                                                   intact,  Trump  may  not  be  ling the national emergen-
                                                                                                   able  to  spend  the  money  cy that Trump declared at
                                                                                                   for barriers quickly because  the  U.S.-Mexico  border  in
                                                                                                   of  lawsuits  by  Democratic  February.q
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