Page 17 - ARUBA BANK
P. 17
Wednesday 20 March 2019
Honoring of loyal and friendly visitors at the Divi Phoenix
PALM BEACH— Jonathan is presented on behalf of consecutively.
Boekhoudt of the Aruba the Minister of Tourism, as
Tourism Authority had the a token of appreciation to The honorees are Mr. Frank
great pleasure to honor the guests who visit Aruba and Mrs. Patricia Calioro
several of Aruba’s loyal and 10 years and more consec- from Massachusetts to-
friendly visitors as Distin- utively. The Goodwill Am- gether with Mr. Joseph and
guished Visitors and Good- bassador certificate is pre- Mrs. Jeanne Katrenak from
will Ambassadors. The Dis- sented to guests who visit Dudley, who have been
tinguished Visitor certificate Aruba 20 years and more honored as Distinguished
Visitors as they have been lovely people, the amaz-
visiting Aruba for 10 con- ing beaches the variety of
secutive years. food and the fun they have
when being here.
Also honored were Mr. Da-
vid and Mrs. Phyllis Sheuer Boekhoudt together with
from Massachusetts who representatives of the Divi
received the Goodwill Phoenix Aruba presented
Ambassador certificate the certificates to the hon-
as they have been visiting orees, and also handed
Aruba for 20 consecutive over some presents and
years. thanked them for choos-
ing Aruba as their favorite
The honorees stated that vacation destination and
they love coming to the as their home away from
island especially for the home.q
Foreign Exchange Earnings from Tourism Drive NFA growth
Summary of the Monthly Bulletin of January 2019
ORANJESTAD— Monetary Total government revenue
developments amounted to Afl. 115.9 mil-
Compared to December lion in January 2019, Afl. 15.5
2018, money supply con- million more than the same
tracted in January 2019 month of the previous year.
by Afl. 37.6 million to Afl. This outcome resulted from
4,339.3 million, due to a a rise in tax revenue (+Afl.
decrease in net domestic 28.0 million), which was
assets (-Afl. 48.1 million), partially mitigated by a re-
which was partially offset duction in nontax revenue
by an increase in net for- (-Afl. 12.5 million). The rise in
eign assets (+Afl. 10.5 mil- tax revenue resulted mainly
lion). from a rise in income from
turnover tax (+Afl. 8.5 mil-
The contraction in the do- lion; introduction of the
mestic component of the B.A.V.P as opposed to the
money supply was due to a same month in 2018), mo-
fall in domestic credit (-Afl. rise in government depos- purchases of foreign ex- year-over-year (YOY). The tor vehicle fees (+Afl. 4.8
33.4 million) and non-cred- its (+Afl. 42.8 million) and change from the public main contributors to this million), profit tax (+Afl. 4.1
it related balance sheet a slight increase in gross (+Afl. 269.9 million), mainly rise were the components million), wage tax (+Afl. 3.4
items (-Afl. 14.7 million). claims (+Afl. 0.2 million). On associated with foreign “Food and Non-Alcoholic million), income tax (+Afl.
The downturn in domestic the other hand, claims of exchange revenue from Beverages” and “Com- 3.3 million) and foreign ex-
credit resulted from a de- the banking sector on the tourism exports. This was munication”. Furthermore, change tax (+Afl. 2.1 mil-
cline in the net claims of private sector expanded largely offset by net sales by excluding the effect of lion), among others. These
the banking sector on the due to higher consumer of foreign exchange (-Afl. food and energy, the core increases were partly offset
public sector (-Afl. 42.6 mil- credits (+Afl. 5.0 million) 259.4 million) to the public CPI grew by 2.3 percent by decreases in transfer tax
lion) and a rise in the claims and business loans (+Afl. related mostly to payments (YOY). The 12-month aver- (-Afl. 1.4 million) and land
of the banking sector on 4.0 million), while housing for goods. age inflation rate was 3.8 tax (-Afl. 0.6 million).
the private sector (+Afl. 9.2 mortgages remained un- percent in January 2019,
million). changed. Inflation compared to 3.6 percent Tourism
The drop in net claims of the The growth in the net for- The consumer price index in December 2018. Please note that figures on
banking sector on the pub- eign assets of the banking (CPI) for January 2019 not- tourism were not yet avail-
lic sector was caused by a sector resulted from net ed a 3.9 percent increase Government able at the time of publica-