Page 17 - CMB
P. 17
Maandag 17 juni 2019 Maandag 17 juni 2019 Antilliaans Dagblad 15 Achtergrond Why does Holland believe that it has the ‘God-given right to interfere in our internal affairs’? Does Holland have an Little to no attention is being paid to the social-economic situation of the inhabitants of Curaçao
Antilliaans Dagblad The weaponization of Cft Emsley Tromp, voormalig president-directeur van de Centrale Bank. governance. good promote While I am still a proponent of those programs, I believe that the unfettered implementation of those programs without par- liamentary oversight created a set
thus gradually transformed from a ‘necessary’ to a ‘suffi- cient’ condition. Policy disputes with Cft are being solved by yiel- ding to Dutch pressure. That may calm tension (with RMR), but at an intolerably high price: a stagnant economy, high unemployment, and increased
Causes and consequences
through. I hope to convince the readers that despite the dark clouds covering our
This note is written against the background of the turbulent times we are living
islands, a concerted effort by everyone will certainly put us back on the road to
The Rijkswet financieel toe- zicht (Rft) and its constituent in- strument, the CFT with their ri- gid imposition of the budget ru- les and their consequent measures, have created a state of constant polarization both among our policymakers, as well as between our policyma-
Achtergrond prosperity for all of us. By dr. Emsley D. Tromp he economic crisis we have been facing during the last few years should not ha- ve come as a surpri- T se. It is, to a major extent, the re- sult of capricious policymaking, lack of oversight by parliament, and what was meant t