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A4   U.S. NEWS
                    Thursday 11 april 2019

            Trump says he won’t deliver tax returns to Congress

            By  ANDREW  TAYLOR  and                                                                seeing his taxes and would  said  Wednesday.  “I’ll  let
            JONATHAN LEMIRE                                                                        do so again.                 you know fast.”
            Associated Press                                                                       “Remember, I got elected  The request for Trump’s tax
            WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi-                                                               last time — the same exact  filings  is  but  one  of  many
            dent Donald Trump, facing                                                              issue,” Trump said. “Frankly,  oversight  efforts  launched
            a  congressional  deadline                                                             the people don’t care.”      by  Democrats  after  taking
            for  his  administration  to                                                           The  president  has  told  back the House in last fall’s
            provide his tax returns, said                                                          those close to him that the  midterms. Neal is relying on
            Wednesday that he “won’t                                                               attempt  to  get  his  returns  a  1920s-era  law  that  says
            do it” while he’s under au-                                                            were an invasion of his pri-  the  IRS  “shall  furnish”  any
            dit by the IRS.                                                                        vacy  and  a  further  exam-  tax return requested by the
            Trump told reporters at the                                                            ple  of  the  Democratic-led  chairmen of key House and
            White  House  that  “I  would                                                          “witch hunt” — like special  Senate committees.
            love to give them, but I’m                                                             counsel  Robert  Mueller’s  Mnuchin  told  lawmakers
            not  going  to  do  it  while                                                          probe  —  meant  to  dam-    that  his  department  will
            I’m  under  audit.”  The  IRS   President Donald Trump speaks to members of the media on the   age him.             “follow the law” but hasn’t
            says there’s no rule against   South Lawn of the White House in Washington, before boarding   Trump   has   repeatedly  shared  the  department’s
            subjects  of  an  audit  from   Marine One helicopter, Wednesday, April 10, 2019.      asked  aides  as  to  the  sta-  interpretation  of  the  stat-
            publicly  releasing  their  tax                                       Associated Press  tus  of  the  House  request,  ute.
            filings.                     the end of the day. Trump  dit and therefore could not    and  has  inquired  about  The  White  House  did  not
            Rep. Richard Neal, D-Mass.,  has  broken  with  decades  release  his  returns.  But  in   the “loyalty” of the top of-  respond  to  questions  as
            chairman  of  the  House  of precedent by not volun-      recent weeks, he has add-    ficials at the IRS, according  to  whether  the  president
            Ways and Means Commit-       tarily releasing his returns to  ed  to  the  argument,  say-  to one outside adviser who  asked  Mnuchin  or  the  IRS
            tee,  has  asked  the  IRS  to  the public.               ing  publicly  and  privately   requested  anonymity  to  head  to  intervene.  The
            turn  over  six  years’  of  the  Trump’s  position  has  long  that  the  American  people   discuss  private  conversa-  president’s  outside  attor-
            president’s  tax  returns  by  been  that  he  is  under  au-  elected  him  once  without   tions                  ney also did not respond to
                                                                                                   Treasury  Secretary  Steven  a request for comment.
                                                                                                   Mnuchin,  who  supervises  The head of the IRS faced
                                                                                                   the  IRS,  said  Tuesday  that  questions  from  lawmakers
                                                                                                   he’s  not  seeking  direction  for a second day on his re-
                                                                                                   from  the  White  House  on  sponse to Neal’s request.
                                                                                                   whether to comply. He said  “You  are  on  the  receiving
                                                                                                   the department would like-   end  of  a  very  aggressive
                                                                                                   ly respond by Neal’s dead-   political  campaign  by  the
                                                                                                   line but didn’t say whether  Trump  administration.  ...
                                                                                                   he  would  provide  the  re-  It is your job, and your job
                                                                                                   turns as demanded.           alone, to respond to Chair-
                                                                                                   Democrats  don’t  expect  man  Neal’s  request,”  Sen.
                                                                                                   the department to comply,  Ron  Wyden  of  Oregon,
                                                                                                   but they haven’t sketched  the  senior  Democrat  on
                                                                                                   out their next steps.        the  Senate  Finance  Com-
                                                                                                   Neal  has  adopted  a  me-   mittee,  told  Commissioner
                                                                                                   thodical approach to seek-   Charles Rettig.
                                                                                                   ing Trump’s returns. He has  Wyden  cited  the  impor-
                                                                                                   the  option  of  eventually  tance of the IRS to be inde-
                                                                                                   seeking  to  subpoena  the  pendent  of  political  pres-
                                                                                                   records  or  to  go  to  court  sure.
                                                                                                   if the IRS does not comply,  “We’re  working  on  a  re-
                                                                                                   but it’s not clear he’ll adopt  sponse  with  counsel  and
                                                                                                   a more confrontational ap-   we  will  respond,”  Rettig
                                                                                                   proach just yet.             said.
                                                                                                   Neal’s  initial  letter,  sent  a  Rettig  had  agreed  with
                                                                                                   week  ago,  didn’t  lay  out  Democrats   on   Tuesday
                                                                                                   any consequences for the  that  it’s  primarily  his  deci-
                                                                                                   IRS if it didn’t comply, and  sion  to  make,  though  he
                                                                                                   a  spokesman  said  a  likely  reports  to  Mnuchin.  “You
                                                                                                   course would be a second,  must be aware that we’re
                                                                                                   more insistent, letter.      a  bureau  of  Treasury,  and
                                                                                                   “We    intend   to   follow  Treasury  supervises  us,”  he
                                                                                                   through  with  this,”  Neal  told Wyden.q
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