P. 28

Pagina 28                                                                                                     Diarazon 14 December 2016

       CHAPI VERF                   TA HUUR na Santa Cruz                         Engravings Elegance                       TA HUUR

        Nos ta chapi, verf cas,       Tereno pa pone trailer max. 40 pia.             Engravings on Tombstones
                                                                                      all types of Cemetery Jobs
         rosa tereno, y limpia,        Como vivienda pa un periodo di 2           Awards,Glass,Mirrors,Champagne         Ta huur un apt di 1 camber
          tira sushi na dump.         aña. Trailer MESTER ta gekeurd of            flutes, Marble,Granite and much           na Santa Cruz sala

                                     den bon estado. Awg. 500,00 pa luna.                       more...                  cushina apart semi muebla
         E prijs mas barata na                                                                                            awa,coriente,cable y gas
                ARUBA               Pa mas informacion yama                                Hooiberg 81B                            apart

         WHATSAPP 561 1397                738-0101 / 739-0101                       Tel: 586-1908 / 593-4757
                                                                                                                          Awg. 850 pa luna +borg
          Fuel Injector Cleaning                                 TRAINING: “TAAL”              TA HUUR
                                                                    (BEGRIJPEND LEZEN)
                       & Service                               (pa:alumno di 6de klas di scol basico)  un apt di 1 camber na santa   pa mas info 6617158

                                                               Dianan di training: dec.3,9,10,16,17,19   cruz sala cushina y baño   Tip line 5926895

                                                                                              apart semi muebla awa,
         cambia basket filter seal ultrasonic cleaning           Lugar: Club Don Bosco (Noord)  coriente, cable y gas apart pa
        high speed test, volume test, resistance test,                                          900 pa luna + borg        solo di pueblo @
                        idle test, lead test.                       Docente:drs. Rudolf Kelly                                       Pa mas info por jama
                                                                Info: 562-2119/ 594-9771/ 585-9774.   5858137 of 5657366
             Pa mas info:741-6275                                  Email:

                                                                             Laga Solo di Pueblo cubri bo

                                                                          celebracion, bo fiesta, b-day, of

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