Page 9 - AHATA
P. 9
LOCAL Saturday 4 auguSt 2018
Aruba’s loyal & Friendly visitors.
PALM BEACH — Recently, 10-20 and more consecu- their children and friends
Ms. Emely Ridderstaat of tive years. in all these years. They love
Aruba Tourism Authority our island very much.
had the great pleasure to The honorees Mr. Nicholas
honor Loyal and Friendly & Mrs. Theresa Frattina have Ms. Emely Ridderstaat pre-
visitors of Aruba as Good- been visiting Aruba for 35 sented the certificate to
will Ambassadors. The consecutive years and the honorees and hand-
symbolic honorary title is are staying at Playa Linda ed over some presents to
presented on behalf of the Beach Resort. They bought them and thanked them
Minister of Tourism, Trans- their timeshare while Playa for choosing Aruba as their
portation, as a token of Linda was still under con- vacation destination and
appreciation to the guests struction 34 years ago. They as their home away from
who visit Aruba between have been bringing all of home for so many years.q