P. 2
LOCAL Wednesday 5 april 2017
Post Aruba NV Unveils Souvenir Sheet ‘Underwater Panorama 2017’
underneath them.
This sheet is available at
all Post Aruba locations,
namely in Oranjestad, San
Nicolas, Sta. Cruz and Palm
Beach Plaza Mall.
Make sure that you have
this souvenir sheet in your
collection as the stock is
For more information on the
“Underwater Panorama
2017” stamp issue please
contact the Philatelic De-
partment at 528-7678 /
main office located at J.E.
Irausquinplein # 9, Oranjes-
tad or visit their Facebook
page Aruba Stamps.
ORANJESTAD – Recently als can also be seen near and shelter for the fishes.
Post Aruba NV emitted a the surface of the sea.
souvenir sheet of 4 stamps 650c
entitled “Underwater Pan- 220c At the bottom of the sea
orama 2017”. Larger fishes such as the you will find sea fans. They
This souvenir sheet con- barracuda and parrotfish are similar to soft corals,
sists of 4 stamp values, can be found at the bot- however, they anchor
namely 90c, 130c, 220c, tom of the sea too. Sting- themselves in mud or sand
and 650c for the total rays and sea stars enjoy the instead of attaching them-
price of Afl. 10,90 and the sandy surface. Aruba has selves to hard substrates.
accompanied FDC costs some amazing shipwrecks Many colorful fishes like to
Afl. 12,40. where beautiful coral is hang around these corals
This souvenir sheet was formed to provide food and sea turtles often sleep
printed by ‘Johan En-
schedé Security Print’ and
designed by Armando
Goedgedrag. Beth Israel Aruba to Host a First Night Seder
90c tive freedom songs and
Elkhorn Corals can be seen readings from the Hagga-
in the very shallow waters. dah, to retell the story of lib-
These branches create eration. Memories of family
habitats for many other and friends, the four cups
reef species, such as lob- of wine, the four questions,
sters, parrot-fish, snapper all of these are part of the
shrimps and other reef fish. Passover experience.
Eagle rays swim sometimes Included in the Seder will
with large groups in the far be a lovely dinner comple-
distance of the sea. mented by spiritual insights.
Join us for an inspiration-
130c al Seder led by our rabbi
At the surface of the Daniel Kripper. Reserva-
sea, sea turtles can of- tions can be made online
ten be seen catching ORANJESTAD - On Monday night Seder. Passover is is a celebration of freedom, at rabbi@bethisraelaruba.
a breath for some air. April 10, at 6:30 PM, Beth one of our most celebrated family and community. com, or call (297) 582-
Colorful reef fishes and cor- Israel Aruba will host a first holidays. Today the holiday The Seder will include fes- 3272.q