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                                                                                                                           Friday 7 december 2018

            Christmas Fair 2018 at the Promenade in San Nicolas

            SAN  NICOLAS  —  Aruba  from 6 PM till 11 PM.             70  pictures  were  sent  with  rounded  by  the  unique  beautiful  Christmas  deco-
            Events Foundation together                                the  reflection  of  the  most  art pieces, handmade art,  ration  and  so  much  more
            with  Aruba  Art  Fair  would  The Program                beautiful and unique faces  murals  or  even  with  Santa  presented  by  Aruba  Event
            like  to  invite  you  to  the  Enjoy  a  spectacular  show  of the Arubans and also our  Claus.  Get  to  know  san  Foundation for San Nicolas.
            Christmas Fair 2018 that will  presented  by  our  local  nature.  Everyone  present  Nicolas’  museums,  culture  The best of it, It’s complete-
            take  place  at  the  Prome-  young artists Kitai de Jong,  will be able to vote for the  and  art  in  this  wonderful  ly  free!!  For  more  informa-
            nade in San Nicolas. It will  Ivy-Ann  Bryson  and  fol-  top  5.  The  winners  will  be  Christmas ambience.      tion check out their website
            be  a  memorable  evening  lowed  by  Rejoice  Choir.  exhibiting their art pieces in                               www.arubachristmasfair.
            for the whole family.        Kozlov   Dance     Theatre  Colombia,  Miami  and  the  It will be a night filled with  com or call at 5934475. q
                                         will  be  presenting  the  fa-  Netherlands.              music,   dance,    singing,
            The  City  of  San  Nicolas  mous  Christmas  Musical
            knows  as  Chocolate  City  the Nutcrackers Suite. Also  Project  “Making  a  child
            or Sunrise City will be com-  the  wellknown  Gregory  happy”
            pletely  transformed  into  a  Goedgedrag and his band  This  evening  the  organiza-
            Real  Christmas  Village.  To-  and  choir  will  be  singing  tion will continue with their
            gether with the department  Christmas  carols  and  gos-  project  “Making  a  child
            of  Infrastructure  which  has  pels.  Thaissa  Aleyne  and  happy”  in  which  over  100
            always  been  in  charge  of  her  group  will  be  dancing  kids will be part of a Christ-
            decorating  the  streets  of  and  singing  on  the  beat  mas dinner and will also re-
            San Nicolas they managed  of  Christmas  carols.  Club  ceive  presents  and  much
            to turn the Promenade into  di Movemento will be pre-     more. The majority of these
            a unique attraction with art  senting different classic bal-  kids are working at the Aru-
            and lights. Imagine walking  let with their ballet dancers  ba art Fair and have been
            under the spectacular skies  from all ages. The night will  part  of  it  for  over  3  years.
            surrounded by magnificent  be closed with a huge sur-     Many of these kids are also
            artpieces  made  by  local  prise.                        outstanding athletes which
            artist  Richard  Wout,  trees                             makes the organization ex-
            all  decorated  in  different  NATURE AND FACES           tremely proud of them.
            styles  and  all  focusing  on  During Christmas Fair 2018,
            the  extraordinary  murals.  there  will  be  an  exhibition  The  public  will  be  able  to
            The  Christmas  Fair  will  be  of Nature and Faces. Over  take  family  pictures  sur-

                                                                                                     The Government of Aruba officially announces that
                                                                                                     the import, production and selling of plastic, oxyben-
                                                                                                     zone and styrofoam are forbidden per January 1st,
                                                                                                     2019. Sanctions will apply from January 1st, 2020.
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