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                                                                                               CLASSIFIED Thursday 1 december 2016
                                                                                                                                  dOCTOR ON dUTY
            Korean Air traveler                                                                                                             Oranjestad
            in beer brawl gets           FOR  SALE:  brand  New  condo                                                                    Dr. Sneek
                                                                                                                                          Tel. 587 7100
            2-year prison term           -1  bedroom-  1  bath  -  Furniture                                                              Dr. Linden v/d
                                                                                                                                            San Nicolas
                                         included  -Location  Palm  beach   Time Share Resale      TIMESHARE FOR SALE                     Tel. 584 6427
            HAGATNA, Guam (AP) — A       aruba, Top Location! - Location   Divi Links (Golf)       RENAISSANCE                     EMERGENCIA 911
            Guam  judge  has  ordered    5 minutes, walking distance from   studio week 48 room #2108  week   room   price
            more than two years prison   the beach and high rise hotels -   Walk to the pool       wk 13 &14 337  $11,500
                                                                                                   wk 35  314
            time  for  a  Korean  Air  pas-  sales  Price  Negotiable,  Offers   33 weeks remain on the contract  wk 29  332   $3,000
            senger who pleaded guilty    are welcome | usd 351000.00 |   studio week 50 room # 2108  wk 27  103   $3,500
            to fighting with a flight at-  Quick code: 018173 |       28 weeks remain on the contract  wk 25  522   $4,500      POLICE           100
            tendant  who  refused  to                                 Price :$4500 each            wk 22  338     $3,800        ORANJESTAD     527-3140
            serve  him  beer,  but  gave   Family  of  4  is  looking  for  a   call:(297) 630-1307  wk 50  546   $6,000        NOORD            527-3200
            lawyers  until  Wednesday    house/apt  to  rent  in  February-  wk 1+2  517   $19,000    STA. CRUZ        527-2900
                                                                                                   wk 44  332
            to assess whether he could   march 2017. 2 young children so                    206294  wk 45  128    $3,000        SAN NICOLAS     584-5000
            serve  it  in  home  confine-  preferably fenced. | afl. 2000.00 |   __________________________  wk 47,48,49,50 203 $4,500each  POLICE TIPLINE    11141
            ment  instead  of  behind    Quick code: 021382 |         Time Share Resale            wk 51  542     $8,000        FIRE DEPT.       115
            bars.                        Long term rental |  afl. 4000.00 |   La Cabana BRC        Contact Brian Cell: 593 0200   FIRE DEPT.      582-1108
            Chief  Judge  Frances  Tyd-  Quick code: 021383 |         1 br week 49 room # 404 a     206271  DENTAL CLINIC    587-9850
            ingco-Gatewood  on  Tues-                                 Pool/Ocean View  sunday check   __________________________   AMBULANCE      582-1234
            day gave Kwon Woo Sung       For  Sale  Freehold  modern  T1   in 1 br week 50 room # 410 a  RENT A FRIEND          IMSAN            524-8833
            a three-year sentence but    fully  Furnished  with  sea  View   Pool/Ocean View sunday check   Rent  a  local  Friend  to  hang   Women in Difficulties
            gave  him  credit  for  the   |  usd 68000.00 | Quick code:   in $4500 each            out with, go to a movie or res-   PHARMACY
            seven  months  he  already   020688 |                     call:(297) 630-1307          taurant  with,  or  to  a  party  or   Oranjestad:
            served  under  house  arrest                         event.  Rent  a  friend  to  teach   Dakota Tel. 588 7364
            and federal detention, The   Newly refurbished eden seaview                     206294  you a new skill or hobby, or to   San Nicolas
                                                                                                   show you around.
            Pacific  Daily  News  report-  Fully sea View condo batu Fer   __________________________  Services strictly for friendship  Centro Medico Tel. 584 5794
            ed. Kwon, a South Korean     |  usd  138000.00  |Quick  code:   Time Share Resale      Call 592 6085
            dentist, had pleaded guilty   020689 |                    Divi Dutch Village                                 206291  INFORMATION   118
            to  interfering  with  flight                             1 br week 46 room #71 $6000  __________________________   TAXI-TAS      587-5900
            crew members and atten-      Various apts full furnished near   16 weeks remain on the contract   FOR RENT DAILY OR   PROF. TAXI   588-0035
            dants on an April flight from   by high rise hotels, rest. mini   2 br week 47 room # 103 $7000  WEEKLY BASIS       TAXI D.T.S.   587-2300
                                                                                                   One bedroom sui with Resort
            Seoul to Guam.               markets,  banks  bus  stop,  laun-  17 weeks remain n the contract  style pool, situated in a gated   SERVICE AUA   583-3232
                                                                                                                                A1 TAXI SERVICES 587-8850
            He  is  accused  of  smoking   dry,  beaches,malls,union  ca-  call:(297) 630-1307     community rate per night.                       280-2828
            a  cigarette  in  the  plane’s   ribe,  available  to  share  starting  For info: Call  +297 594 1955
            restroom and then fighting   from  awg.  1100.00  ,  inc.  gas,                 206294  E-mail:                         cruIse shIP
            with  the  flight  attendant   tv  cable,  wifi  one  and  two  bed-  __________________________
            who  refused  to  serve  him   rooms  in  Palm  beach  Noord  |   Time Share Resale    __________________________
            another beer.                Quick code: 021384 |         Aruba Divi Phoenix           FOR RENT DAILY OR
            Five  passengers  helped                                  1 br week 47 room #1206      WEEKLY
            subdue Kwon and tied him     For  rent  nice  aparment,  situ-  Ocean View Palm beach  Two  story  spacious  4  bead-       DECEMBER 1
            up  until  the  plane  landed   ated  in  Ponton.  One  bedroom,   17 weeks remain on the contract   room  Villa  with  Resort  style   Adventure of the Seas
            about an hour later.         bathroom,  living  room  and   7 can be accelerated       Pool  &  Pool  Bar  in  a  private   Coral Princess
            Kwon and his mother fell to   kichen  fully  equipped.  |  Quick   $6000               gated  community  area  Rate       Carnival Conquest
                                                                                                   per night
            their knees in court on Mon-  code: 021311 |              call:(297)630-1307           For info: Call  +297 594 1955  Aruba Airport   524-2424
                                                                                                                                American Airlines 582-2700
            day,  crying  and  pleading                          or email:                    Avianca       588-0059
 They  had  argued  that   with the judge for leniency.  For rent nice fully equipped and   206294
 Kwon  suffers  from  anxiety,   His  lawyers  also  gave  the        __________________________                                Aruba Airlines  583-8300
                                                                                                                                Jet Blue
 depression  and  anger  is-  judge apology letters from   furnished.  2  bedrooms,1  bath-  Time Share Resale           206292  Surinam      582-7896
                                         room,  living  room,  dining  and
 sues.      Kwon  to  passengers,  flight                             Marriott Ocean Club          __________________________   Venezolana    583-7674
 Kwon  must  also  pay  a   crew  members  and  the   kitchen. pool and laundry facility.   1 br Ocean View Gold $6000  TIME SHARE FOR SALE
                                         very quiet and safe place. close
 $10,500   fine,   including   chief  executive  officer  of          1 br Ocean Front Gold $9000   wk 50, 12/10 1br Unit 2304  Aruba Foundation
 $1,000  for  smoking  in  the   Korean Air.q  to high rise hotel. Walk distance   2 br Ocean View Gold $9000  La Quinta $1300 B.O., also   For those Visually Incapasitated
                                         to  beach  |  afl.  2443.00  |  Quick
 plane’s   restroom.   The                                            2 br Ocean Front Gold $16,000  La Cabana bluegreen member   Tel. 582-5051
                                                                                                    ship  or  use  at  50  other  loca-
 money will be taken out of              code: 021312 |               call:(297) 630-1307           tions,  1000  extra  points  with
 Kwon’s $100,000 cash bail.                                       membership $1,200 B.O.      AL-ANON group
                                                                                                                                Sabana Liber #8, Noord
 Kwon still has the option of            One  Bedroom  apartment  for                       206294  Local 565 9394 until 12/3   Tel. 736-2952 or 593-7081
                                         rent situated in the heart of cura
 withdrawing the guilty plea                                          __________________________    E-mail:
 if he does not accept the               cabai, san Nicolaas. This beau-  Time Share Resale         508 651 0016                FUNDACIONS
                                         tifull,  newly  constructed  apart-
 court’s sentence.                                                                                                              Tel. 582-4433
                                         ment  consist  of  One  large  bed-  Marriott Surf Club                          206296
                                         room, bathroom, Livingroom and   2 br Garden View Gold $8000  __________________________  Centro Diabetic Arubano
                                                                                                    XMAS WEEK TIMESSHARE
                                         adjoining kitchen area. address:   2 br Ocean View Gold $9000  For Rent 1 br Paradise Beach   Tel. 524-8888
                                         cura  cabai  126a  Price:  750fl   2 br Ocean side Gold $10,000  Resort  12/24  to  12/31  $995
                                         P/month  +  One  month  |  Quick   2 br Ocean Front Gold $16,000  B.O. or Studio king bed queen   Narcotics Anonymous
                                         code: 020626 |               3 br Ocean View Gold $17,000  sofa Divi Village. Ground FL E    Tel. 583-8989
            TIMESSHARE                                                                              bldg,  AE  unit  12/25  to  1/1/17,
            Divi Dutch Villas                                         call:(297) 630-1307           $895                        QUOTA Club
            For  7  days  starting  12/10  pay   Long-Term,  rooi  santo,  1  min  Local 565 9394 until 12/3  Tel. 525-2672
            for 6 days $550, 7th  days free,   from Ting Wei supermarket Fully              206294  E-mail:
            also  1  br  Playa  Linda  ocean   Furnished  1-bedroom,  porch,   __________________________   508 651 0016        Women in Difficulties
            front, one day  start 12/3 $110      $890  per  month  and  1-bed-                                                  Foundation
            Local 565 9394 until 12/3    room,  garden,  $990  per  month                                                 206297  Tel. 583-5400
            E-mail:                                                                  __________________________
            508 651 0016                 1-bedroom,  porch(small),  $890                                                        Bloodbank Aruba
                                         per  month  Incl  Wifi/cable  and                                                      Tel. 587-0002
                                  206298  Gas excl. electricity and Water |
                                         Quick code: 020512
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