Page 60 - MIN VOS
P. 60
Wednesday 10 May 2017
Whirling Rooms
By: Dr Carlos Viana
With my eyes closed my composure of both the Some people are affected command is broken. Men-
airplane instructor twists plane and myself. in both ears; others just one strual flow becomes heavy
and turns the plane so that Vertigo from Latin that ear. Onset of Mèniére’s or “reckless” and menstrual
it is not flying level. This is a means “whirling about” de- is sometimes related to problems; bladder and
classic “unusual attitude” scribes a medical condition stress. Regular medicine painful lower stomachs
training every pilot needs in which somebody feels usually looks for problems develop. Although, sexual
to repeat to stay a safe the sensation of dizziness with the inner ear for dizzy desire drops, satisfying sex-
pilot. I groan as I fight to with the room spinning. Diz- symptoms. However, most ual activity is a great way
keep from vomiting my ziness is an indistinct term people that we see have to help “calm” the Liver. In
breakfast. “OK, open your which describes a variety been dizzy for more than a our clinic we have found ings of dizziness; come in
eyes and straighten the air- of conditions ranging from couple of days. acupuncture treatments to have a TCM liver evalu-
craft”, orders my instructor. lightheadedness, unsteadi- As a Traditional Chinese to be fantastic in improv- ation. Let us help you cool
I open my eyes to find my ness to vertigo and spans a Medical (TCM) physician I ing a “hot” Liver, therefore the fire in your body’s pal-
instructor has covered my large range of symptoms. know the liver is involved in helping dizzy symptoms. ace and stop the whirling
airplane instruments. Not These symptoms range many problems with dizzi- Milk Thistle, Astragalus root, room.q
good my instincts scream. from the most dramatic, ness. The liver detoxifies our Black Cohosh root, Don
Facing out to sea I cannot vertigo, to the least se- blood and an overworked Quai Root, Red Clover and CARLOS VIANA, Ph. D. is
tell the difference between vere, imbalance. Included liver produces a condi- Rhodiola root as well as an Oriental Medical Doc-
sky and ocean and my in these feelings is fainting, tion that we call “liver fire”; Evening Primrose Oil are tor (O.M.D.) having studied
brain is telling me we are which results in a loss of whose symptoms are dizzi- beneficial herbs and oils for in China; a US Board Cert.
turning left. consciousness. ness, pain on the sides of the liver. You improve liver Clinical Nutritionist (C.C.N.),
The seconds tick off as I As a private pilot I know it is the head at the temples, function by slowing down an Addiction Professional
try to adjust the aircraft the sensory system located a sensation that you are alcohol consumption, ex- (C.Ad.), Chairperson of the
to what I feel is going on. in the inner ear that helps choking, heart palpitations, ercising and eating natu- Latin American Committee
“Now”, I say implying that the body to maintain bal- and stomach upset. People ral food that is good for of the International Acad-
I think I have control of the ance. Balance in the hu- with liver fire usually have your metabolic type and emy of Oral Medicine and
airplane to my instructor as man body is coordinated a green hue around their prepare food that has not Toxicology (IAOMT), a Re-
he uncovers my airplane in- by the brainstem, which mouths, wake up around been fried, helps dramati- juvenating Cell Therapist
struments. As I look at my in- collects information from 3:00am and get angry eas- cally. specializing in Age Man-
struments. I am headed into other parts of the brain and ily. Get The Point! Modern agement, has a weekly
the ground turning slowly sensory organs throughout Lifestyle choices, including life can affect our body’s radio program, writes and
in a classic flying problem, the body. The sensory or- eating processed foods, equilibrium, particularly lectures extensively. For in-
called the “graveyard spi- gans that play critical roles taking pharmaceutical or because of the toxins we formation: VIANA HEALING
ral”. relaying information to the other drugs, working or liv- are exposed to every day CENTER, Kibaima 7, St Cruz
I have done this maneu- brain-stem include the skin, ing with chemicals, bom- in our air, water and food. TEL: 585-1270 Web Site:
ver before and I know eyes, muscles and joints, bardment of EMF’s (elec- Additionally, sedentary
that in a spinning cockpit and the vestibular system in trometric fields) and not lifestyle, chemicals, medi- “Prescriptions from Para-
I have to trust my instru- the inner ear. Dizziness may getting enough exercise cines, electrometric fields dise” - Dr. Viana’s Award
ments even though my result with dysfunction in all contribute to our toxic from computers, electri- Winning BOOK: Prescrip-
sense of balance, coming any of these components overload, making it impos- cal transformers and cell tions from Paradise, Intro-
from my middle ear is tell- or in the nerves that con- sible for our livers to work phone towers all affect our duction to Biocompatible
ing me different. I line up nect them. efficiently. balance. The right diet, Medicine – Available at
the plane according to my French physician Pros- Interestingly, historically this acupuncture and herbs local Bookstores, Hotel Gift
instruments and start feel- per Mèniére described condition was known here can help our body regain shops and Boticas. Signed
ing a sensation of whirling Mèniére’s disease as hav- in Aruba and was called control of the spinning copies at Viana Healing
or tilting that causes a loss ing four particular symp- ‘madder”. TCM views a room. After you and you Center, EBooks: Amazon
of balance, a dizziness that toms: vertigo lasting for an healthy Liver as “The Gen- have explored possible in- kindle, Nook, Itunes check
puts my stomach wanting hour or more, but less than eral” who sends energy in fections of your inner ear, for Events at: facebook.
to give up breakfast. “Ver- 24 hours; ringing or buzzing the form of fluid to various ruled out anemia, brain tu- com/vianahealingcenter.
tigo”, I complain as my in- sounds in the ear; feeling parts of the body. If the mors, stroke, migraines, epi- Join the discussion: www.
structor intently watches to of pressure or fullness in the General’s “palace,” the lepsy, or multiple sclerosis,
make sure I have regained ear; and some hearing loss. liver, is on fire, the chain of all which may result in feel- tionsformparadise