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15      EXPLANATORY NOTES TO  OF ORCO BANK N.V. / about / general  THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS Based on these factors, the Bank classified its debt instruments into the following measurement categories: Assets that are held for collection of contractual cash flows where those cash flows represent solely payments of  principal and interest (‘SPPI’), and that are not designated at FVPL, are measured at amortized cost. The c

   ADVERTENTIE   - Amortized cost:   method. - Fair value through profit or loss (“FVPL”):   using the effective interest rate method.  Derecognition of financial assets ‘new’ asset at fair value and recalculates a new effective interest rate for the asset.  Expected credit loss principles incurred loss approach with a forward-looking Expected Credit Loss (“ECL”) approach.   •   Stage 2;  •   loan has bee

   Dinsdag 23 april 2019  The principal accounting policies adopted in the preparation of the Consolidated Financial Highlights of Orco  Bank N.V. and its subsidiaries (the ‘Bank’) are set out below. These explanatory notes are an extract of the detailed  notes included in the consolidated financial statements and are consistent in all material respects with those  The Bank’s consolidated financial statem

   Antilliaans Dagblad  Accounting policies  from which they have been derived.  derived, are prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (‘IFRS’).   Changes in accounting policies  been significantly impacted and remains at amortized cost.  are de-consolidated from the date that control ceases.  The following subsidiaries have been consolidated as of December 31, 2018: Investm

                            General     31-Dec-2018     31-Dec-2017  183,402  39,626  614,571  18,558  Basis of preparation  6,316  nearest thousand.   717,309  842     6,514  below.  7,489  24,221  -  756,375  7,774  18  18  24,817     73,489   106,098  Basis of consolidation      31-Dec-2018    31-Dec-2017  39,046               14,086   24,960   4,165  -  -  4,165  509  depend on:  601  (i)   1,110  (ii

   Dinsdag 23 april 2019  CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET OF ORCO BANK N.V. (All amounts are expressed in thousands of Antillean Guilders)                                     127,393  12,717                                  681,301  16,978          5,567                             843,956     862,473  719,346        175        6,263        9,021     734,805  7,774  27,558        73,801   109,151 Total shareho

   Antilliaans Dagblad    Cash and cash equivalents     Investment securities  Loans and advances to customers  Bank premises and equipment                 Deposits from customers     Amounts due to banks     Deferred tax liabilities   General provision on loans and leases     Total net interest income     Fee and commission income  Fee and commission expense    Total net fee and commission income     Oth

                Assets  Other assets   Total assets   Liabilities  Other liabilities  Funds borrowed  Shareholder’s equity  Issued capital   Share premium  Retained earnings  Interest income  Interest expense  Net trading income  Total income  Occupancy expenses  Operating expenses  Net result before tax   Profit tax expense   Assets  Investment securities  Total investments  Net investments  Retail custo

                ANG 842 to ANG 175 and Other borrowings from ANG 24,221 to  ANG 0.00. On the other hand, although in a competitive market  and a market showing no economic growth, the Loans and  advances to customers showed an increase from ANG 614,571 to  loss model led to a decrease in total assets of ANG 2,526 and a  decrease of the retained earnings of ANG 1,970 (net of deferred  tax) as per 1 January

   ADVERTENTIE      ANG 681,301. The first time adoption of the IFRS 9 expected credit   The increase in Net interest income to ANG 27,375 (10%), decrease  of Interest expenses to ANG 11,568 (-18%) and increase of the Net   expenses from ANG 24,510 to ANG 26,104, of which the Personnel   Corporate Governance Structure is derived. It is based on a two-tier   Management Board and the functioning of the Bank

          December 31, 2018  Consolidated Financial Highlights  Report of the Managing Board  Orco Bank in 2018 continued to differentiate itself by offering tailor- made products throughout Curaçao, Bonaire and Sint Maarten.  The regulatory laws and procedures, especially in the fields of  compliance and corporate governance continue to increase and has  put an increased strain on the operations of the B

       >        Introduction  market.             activities at Isla.  consumer loans (2.6%).  time-critical.  Client Awareness Assessments.   requirements.  the credit facilities.
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