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                                                                                                           LOCAL Thursday 23 augusT 2018

            Local Art & Farmer's Market “Under The Stars” (Music Edition)

            ORANJESTAD  —  Imagine
            a  night  under  the  beauti-
            ful skies of Aruba filled with
            authentic  local  food,  fan-
            tastic art pieces, and joyful
            music.  All  this  will  be  pos-
            sible on the next edition of
            ‘Under the stars’ Local Art &
            Farmer’s Market Music Edi-
            tion  by  Aruba  Cosecha  in
            partnership  with  Taste  my

            Taste my Aruba, an unpre-
            tentious  and  authentic  lo-
            cal  Aruban  café  that  uses
            recipes from the good old
            days will be delighting you
            with  succulent  typical  lo-
            cal  dishes  such  as  “arros
            con pollo” (mixed rice with
            chicken),  stewed  conch,  and  crafts  that  provides  at Cosecha have received  presenting  their  products  like you can even grab the
            oyster  soup,  just  to  name  locals  and  visitors  with  a  the   Aruba   Certification  such  as  Cunucu297  with  microphone  and  perform
            a  few  and  of  course  the  pure  representation  of  the  Seal.                     water melons and their de-   for  the  whole  audience.  It
            sweet and delicious deserts  Aruban  heritage.  You  can                               licious fruit shakes, Ecoliving  will be a night to fulfill your
            that will make you just fall in  find a diversification of the  At the Farmers market you  Aruba  will  have  eggplants  5 senses. Be part of an au-
            love again.                  Aruban craft heritage and  will find all kinds of fresh, or-  and organic eggs and Cu-  thentic experience.
                                         artistic  supply  of  artisans,  ganic  and  local  fruits  and  nucu Mondi Fierno will have
            Aruba  Cosecha  will  also  through  their  personal  sto-  vegetables  cultivated  by  different  wines  and  spirits.  For more information check
            be open for all the arts and  ries, inspirations and crafts-  our own local farmers. Unit-  Come and mingle with our  the  Facebook  page  of
            crafts  lovers.  Cosecha  is  a  manship  exposed  in  their  ed  farmers  Aruba  will  be  local  artist,  while  enjoying  Taste My Aruba. q
            haven for locally made arts  products. All products sold  there  with  their  members  some live music, and if you
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