Page 14 - AHATA
P. 14

             Wednesday 27 February 2019

            Ray Ellin, comedian, host and producer:

            ‘It Feels Good’

                                                                                                   her. It was positive and fun,  er  film  makers  all  brought
                                                                                                   I loved it.” He told his dad  large  support  staffs.  I  was
                                                                                                   that he wanted to be a co-   sitting in an office in the ho-
                                                                                                   median,  and  of  course  he  tel alone, cutting my mov-
                                                                                                   was not too wild about the  ie  promo  flyers  by  hand.
                                                                                                   idea. “But I told him: this is  They  were  just  terrible.  The
            By Linda Reijnders           Aruba  outside  the  resort.  man  will  climb  the  stage.  what  I  want  to  do.  It  was  other movies had beautiful
            “It feels good to make oth-  Ray  is  happy  here,  during  And  of  course,  the  shows  very  clear  to  me.  My  first  posters,  I  had  these  lousy
            ers  feel  good.”  Ray  Ellin  is  the day enjoying his Aruba  are hosted by Ray himself.  performance  was  when  paper  flyers.  A  week  after
            a kind of half Aruban so to  and during his shows in the  These shows have become  I  was  11  years  old,  during  the  festival  a  guy  called
            speak.  Well,  he  lives  here  evenings  making  people  THE MOST popular thing to  6th grade graduation, and  me  from  a  movie  studio:
            almost  half  the  year  and  laugh. “It is a great feeling,  do at night in Aruba – it is  it went well. After that I did  “Can you send me a copy
            his nickname is Aruba Ray.  a  positive  affirmation.  You  rated Number One on Trip  standup  at  summer  camp  of your movie. I picked up
            The  American  comedian,  know that you make other  Advisor  in  three  different  and  school  talent  shows.”  your  flyer  at  the  festival
            host and producer lives the  people feel good and that  categories. You are almost  When he was 15 years old,  and  I  thought  it  looked  in-
            other half of the year in New  makes you feel good. There  guaranteed  to  laugh  your  Ray  performed  at  night-  teresting’. You never know
            York.  He  just  finished  pro-  is just one big positive vibe  heart out.             clubs  in  Boston.  He  would  where the magic might oc-
            ducing the first season of a  in the room.  Of course that                             take  the  train  by  himself  cur!“  Ray  laughs  out  loud.
            television show for Comedy  feeds  your  ego.  It’s  great  Little Ray                 to  downtown  Boston  to  Before  Ray  had  his  suc-
            Central  called  “This  Week  energy.”                    “When  I  was  11  years  old,  comedy clubs in pretty ter-  cesses,  he  had  day  jobs
            at the Comedy Cellar” (Ray                                I  used  to  watch  Saturday  rible  neighborhoods.  “One  like  bartending  and  wait-
            was  one  of  the  Executive  Big Names                   Night Live and also the To-  was  in  a  neighborhood  ing  tables.  He  even  sold
            Producers),  which  was  ex-  The  comedians  he  brings  night  Show.  When  I  was  called ‘The Combat Zone.’  uniforms  to  mailmen,  did
            tremely successful. Here at  here  are  not  just  any  nine  I  vividly  remember  A  fifteen  year  old  had  no  all kinds of jobs while in the
            One  Happy  Island  he  cre-  names. They are very expe-  watching SNL and thought:  business  being  there,”  he  evenings  he  performed  in
            ated, produced, and hosts  rienced, very talented per-    what  is  this,  this  is  great.”  laughs. He kept performing,  different  comedy  clubs  in
            a  very  successful  nightly  formers,  who  have  been  Little Ray made kids laugh  and got better and better,  New York. He found Aruba
            live   stand-up    comedy  on dozens of tv shows and  in  school,  as  well  as  rela-  determined in following his  after finishing working on a
            show through his company  movies. This run of shows will  tives when he was only 3 or  passion.                     tv  show:  “I  hosted  the  talk
            Aruba  Ray,  called  Aruba  include Chuck Nice, Chris-    4 years old. “I got that from  Ray studied Film at College  show  LateNet  for  a  while,
            Ray’s Comedy, which is at  tine  Hurley,  Tony  V,  Pete  my mother, I would see her  and  after  that  he  moved  a live show for the internet,
            the Marriott Resort & Stellaris  Lee, Judy Gold, Mike Vec-  entertaining  people  in  our  to  New  York  City.  He  act-  which was way ahead of its
            Casino.  The  comedy  show  chione,  Robert  Kelly,  Ricky  house when I was a kid. She  ed  in  many  tv  commer-  time. People called in from
            is rated as Number One on  Velez,  Chloe  Hilliard,  Brian  is very outgoing and funny,  cials,    a  few  films,  hosted  all  over  the  world  to  inter-
            TripAdvisor  in  three  differ-  Scott  McFadden,  Rachel  and a classical pianist, so I  several  tv  shows,  and  was  act  with  my  guests,  who
            ent  categories,  including  Feinstein,  and  Dan  Natur-  kind of picked stuff up from  asked  to  produce  a  com-  were big big stars. It did re-
            ‘Best Nightlife Activity.” The                                                         edy  tour  with  Latino  co-  ally well, was fun, got a lot
            comedy shows have been                                                                 medians  throughout  the  of  great  press  and  amaz-
            entertaining people for five                                                           States.  “That  gave  me  the  ing guests. After that show
            years.  Today  was  curious                                                            idea of making the movie.  finished I needed a break,
            about the man behind the                                                               I  produced  and  directed   and ended up having a trip
            laughs.                                                                                ‘The Latin Legends of Com-   to Aruba. I fell in love with
                                                                                                   edy’ which I financed with  Aruba,  and  that  is  where
            “I  really  think  I  became                                                           6 credit cards. While I was  this journey started.”
            the  number  1  ambassa-                                                               in  the  middle  of  making
            dor for Aruba in the States.                                                           the  film,  someone  called  The  Aruba  Ray’s  Comedy
            When I am on different TV                                                              to  tell  me  that  only  2  or  3  Shows  have  started  again
            shows like on NBC and Fox                                                              percent  of  all  movies  that  with  shows  until  April  3rd
            I always talk about Aruba. I                                                           are  made  end  up  being  (some days are off, check
            love it, it’s a part of my soul.”                                                      sold.  But  fortunately,  I  sold  the  schedule  at  www.Aru-
            He  wants  people  to  know                                                            it to 20th Century Fox. Dur-  Curious
            how much he loves the is-                                                              ing the opening weekend,  about  Ray  and  his  fellow
            land  and  does  the  best                                                             the film finished third in per-  comedians? Visit the show
            he  can  to  promote  it.  He                                                          screen average behind Os-    and let your smiles flow. To
            also brings big name com-                                                              car winners The Last King of  Ray  it  is  all  clear:  “If  I  am
            ics  here  that  are  followed                                                         Scotland and The Queen.”  not  on  stage  for  a  week  I
            by  many,  many  people.                                                               The success of the film was  feel weird, it’s a part of my
            He  takes  the  comedians                                                              meant to be: “I was at this  system.  Eating,  breathing,
            around  to  show  them  the                                                            film  festival,  and  the  oth-  performing.”q
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