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                 Monday 23 January 2017
                  Participate with the largest volunteer initiative in the Kingdom!

            On  the  10th  and  11th  of  underscores how much fun
            March  2017,  the  DOET  ini-  volunteering can be!
            tiatives  will  take  place  Hundreds  of  projects  are
            once  again.  This  initiative  implemented  during  two
            of  OranjeFonds  started  in  days  at  foundations,  heal-
            the  Netherlands  with  NL-  thinstitutions  and  associa-
            doet.  In  partnership  with  tions  in  the  Netherlands
            local  organizations  on  all  and on the 5 Caribbean is-
            the  islands,  BON  DOET,  lands. Everyone is invited to
            ARUBA  DOET,  CURA  DOET,  participate!  In  2016,  there
            SXM DOET and STATIA DOET  were  more  than500  proj-
            have also been successful-   ects  registered  and  more
            ly  organized  in  these  past  than  6000  people  volun-
            years.  Volunteers  are  the  teered.  The  organisations
            beating  hearts  of  many  hope that in 2017, there will
            social  initiatives.  Oranje-  be even more projects and
            Fonds  wants  to  show  with  volunteers than in previous
            the  DOET  campaign  how  years.
            important  active  citizens    Foundations  and  asso-
            are for the community. For  ciations  still  have  the  time
            foundations  and  associa-   to  register  a  project;  from
            tions, it is also a wonderful  painting  the  community
            opportunity  to  complete  centre and fixing the play-
            projects and engage new  ground to organizing a fun       websites  of  the  different
            volunteers  with  their  or-  day out for the elderly, ev-  islands  to  confirm  registra-
            ganisation. And of course it  erything is possible! Visit the   tion deadlines and all oth-

                                                                                                   er information.              DOET  stated  that  “it  was
                                                                                                   Everyone who wants to be     an  effective  way  to  help
                                                                                                   part  of  the  biggest  volun-  and a lot of fun” and that
                                                                                                   teer  initiative  in  the  King-  “families  can  also  make  it
                                                                                                   dom  and  is  willing  to  lend   a fun family day out”. The
                                                                                                   a hand for (part) of a day   volunteers  and  organisa-
                                                                                                   at a foundation, health in-  tions   that   participated
                                                                                                   stitution or association can   with CURA DOET also were
                                                                                                   register  to  volunteer.  By   very  positive  about  their
                                                                                                   participating you get intro-  experience:  “Our  activ-
                                                                                                   duced  to  volunteer  work   ity  was  great.  Much  more
                                                                                                   in  a  fun  and  exciting  way   fun than we expected”, “it
                                                                                                   and you help an organisa-    was so nice to see our cli-
                                                                                                   tion to get projects done.   ents and colleagues work-
                                                                                                   Volunteers can sign up for   ing  together  in  the  same
                                                                                                   a  project  starting  Janu-  uniform”  and  “the  seniors
                                                                                                   ary  2017.  With  the  slogan   of Ser’iOtrobanda were so
                                                                                                   “many  hands  make  light    happy with their excursion
                                                                                                   work”,  the  DOET  initiative   to  Banda  Abou,  many  of
                                                                                                   encourages    people    to   them  had  not  visited  in  a
                                                                                                   also  join  forces  together   while”.q
                                                                                                   and  sign  up  to  volunteer   Supported  by  Nationale
                                                                                                   together with family mem-    Postcode    Lotterij,   Ned-
                                                                                                   bers,  colleagues,  class-   erlandselotterij,  and  gifts
                                                                                                   mates  or  members  of  a    from  donors  and  compa-
                                                                                                   sport club.                  nies,  OranjeFonds  spends
                                                                                                   Every  year  there  are  hun-  about €30 million annually
                                                                                                   dreds   of   organisations   in  direct  financial  contri-
                                                                                                   and volunteers who speak     butions  to  9000  social  ini-
                    For reservations: 525-4000 ext. 172 or through @ Paradise Beach Villas  highly of the initiative of het   tiatives  in  the  Netherlands
                                                                                                   OranjeFonds.    Volunteers   and in the Caribbean part
                                                                                                   who participated with BON    of the Kingdom.q
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