P. 5
Diamars, 28 Augustus 2018 AWEMainta 5
Organisacionnan di San Nicolas a crea nan
propio plataforma pa traha pa e ciudad
RECIENTEMENTE radero pa San Nicolas.
tabatin un reunion Durante e anochi ey
masha importante pa tambe SNBA a amplia
bario di San Nicolas, su directiva cu 5 miem-
durante cual mas cu 10
organisacion a reuni cu bro nobo mientras cu
e meta pa trata di trece Mr. Rafael Estrada y
un union y alabes crea Mario Enrique Croes a
un plataforma comun: tuma nan retiro for di
“Plataforma San e directiva board. Am-
Nicolas”. E nomber so bos miembro a word
lo yuda crea e union nombra miembronan
tan necesario pa pro-
move e area di pariba honorario y lo conti-
di Aruba. E iniciativa di San cu na final di dia a crea placa di caha di Aruba nua follow-up activa-
Nicolas Business Asso- mente den e “team of
Segun a wordo splica, ciation (SNBA) pa tra- gastamento di hopi y no tabatin efecto du- consultants” di SNBA.
un di e motibonan ur- ha e mapa aki a trece
gente pa cual a tene e un reaccion
reunion tabata un doc- positivo na San Nicolas
umento cu nan a ricibi y rond Aruba. SNBA a Your future.
“National Transforma- wordo aserca door di
tion Map. San Nico- diferente organisacion
las City of Innovation cu e pregunta con nan Now open.
and Culture” cu San idea- y proposicionnan
Nicolas Business Asso- tambe por wordo tuma
ciation a presenta riba en cuenta cerca e gobi-
Unlock your potential for growth by helping the world’s most dynamic organisations unlock
16 di mei na Gobierno erno di Aruba. theirs. At Grant Thornton, we’re looking for people who are looking for tomorrow’s solutions.
For our office in Aruba we have the following opportunities:
di Aruba (Prome Min-
ister) y comunidad di E organisacionnan di Tax Assistant
As a tax assistant, you assist the Senior Advisors in the preparation of tax advice.
Aruba en general. San Nicolas y pariba di
Brand & Communication Officer
brug ta bay uni y cera As a Brand & Communication Officer you’ll be continually enhancing our brand image and
E National Transfor- cabes pa conhunta- implementing our communication and PR strategy.
mation Map tabata e mente Assistant Manager IT Audit
resultado di comber- ehecuta riba nan mes You are responsible for the implementation of IT and operational audits, Revenue Assurance,
Risk Management and consultancy assignments.
sacionnan extenso cu actividadnan positivo
Associate Audit
a tuma luga cu organ- pa e ciudad aki y trece As an Associate you conduct audits of financial statements in accordance with applicable
isacionnan y exper- na oido di gobierno accounting and reporting frameworks.
tonan y asina crea un loke For more detailed information about each opportunity, visit our Facebook or
mapa con pa transfor- Pueblo ta considera LinkedIn page, or send an e-mail to before 30 August 2018.
ma San Nicolas y Aru- primario y importante To explore your opportunities, visit us at:
ba pa asina e area aki pa nan comunidad. Di
por sobrebibi y pros- e forma aki ta bay evi-
pera den e era di glo- ta cu Audit | Tax | Advisory
balisacion competitivo manera den pasado ta
cu ta biba aden actual- bin cu iniciativanan © 2018 Grant Thornton. All rights reserved. Grant Thornton in Aruba, Bonaire, Curaçao and St. Maarten is a member firm of Grant
Thornton International Limited (GTIL). GTIL and the member firms are not a worldwide partnership. Services are delivered by the
member firms. GTIL and its member firms are not agents of, and do not obligate, one another and are not liable for one another’s acts
mente. adhoc y fragmentisa or omissions. Please see for further details.