P. 10

A4   U.S. NEWS
             Wednesday 27 February 2019

            The precarious perch of a potential Pentagon chief

            By ROBERT BURNS                                                                        publican and a member of  came mired in controversy
             AP National Security Writer                                                           the  Armed  Services  Com-   and ultimately failed to be
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  Pat-                                                              mittee, has publicly argued  confirmed  by  the  Senate.
            rick  Shanahan,  the  former                                                           for  Air  Force  Secretary  Dick  Cheney,  the  future
            Boeing  executive,  was  in                                                            Heather  Wilson,  a  former  vice  president  under  Presi-
            a familiar place — aboard                                                              congresswoman from New  dent George W. Bush, then
            an airplane — when he got                                                              Mexico, to be defense sec-   was  nominated  and  con-
            word  of  a  bolt-from-the-                                                            retary. Ernst told the AP that  firmed.
            blue political shot across his                                                         if Shanahan gets the nomi-   Presidents  typically  take
            bow, an apparent blow to                                                               nation she would revisit his  pains to ensure the Penta-
            his chances of being nomi-                                                             background  "just  to  make  gon is being run by a Sen-
            nated as the next secretary                                                            sure  there's  no  conflict  of  ate-confirmed  official,  giv-
            of defense.                                                                            interest," calling herself un-  en the grave responsibilities
            Sen.  James  Inhofe,  the                                                              decided.                     that include sending young
            White  House-friendly  Re-                                                             Sen.  Deb  Fischer,  a  Ne-  Americans  into  battle,  en-
            publican  chairman  of  the                                                            braska  Republican,  called  suring  the  military  is  ready
            committee that would pass                                                              Shanahan  "very  forthright"  for  extreme  emergencies
            judgment  on  the  nomina-   In  this  Feb.  11,  2019,  photo,  acting  Defense  Secretary  Patrick   but  would  not  say  direct-  like nuclear war and man-
            tion,  was  being  quoted    Shanahan,  left,  arrives  in  Kabul,  Afghanistan  to  consult  with   ly  whether  she  thinks  he  aging  overseas  alliances
                                         Army Gen. Scott Miller, right, commander of U.S. and coalition
            in  news  reports  as  saying   forces, and senior Afghan government leaders.          should get the job.          that are central to U.S. se-
            he  didn't  think  Shanahan                                           Associated Press   Shanahan was the deputy  curity.
            would  get  the  nod,  and                                                             secretary of defense during  Trump  seemed  attracted
            that  Shanahan  lacked  hu-  led the Pentagon, Shanah-    that experience in defense  Mattis' two-year tenure. No  to  Shanahan  partially  for
            mility.                      an has avoided public mis-   industry  issues  could  work  one thought of him then as  his work on one of the presi-
            Within   hours,   however,  steps  while  handling  such  to Shanahan's benefit.       a  potential  No.  1;  he  had  dent's  pet  projects  --  cre-
            the  crisis  passed  as  Inhofe  politically sensitive issues as  "We need a strong defense  never  previously  served  in  ating  a  Space  Force.  He
            backtracked,  insisting  he  sending  military  reinforce-  industrial  base,  and  so  government  and  carried  also  has  publicly  lauded
            had  not  meant  to  say  he  ments  to  the  U.S.-Mexico  anybody  who  is  reflexively  little political sway in Wash-  Shanahan's  former  em-
            had a problem with Shana-    border.  Shanahan  has  a  against his association with  ington or in foreign capitals.  ployer,  Boeing,  builder  of
            han.  "I like the guy. I would  less  defined  track  record  industry  needs  to  rethink  Aides say that during his 17  many of the military's most
            support  him"  if  nominated,  on  policy  issues  than  Mat-  how  you  build  a  strong  months  as  deputy,  Shana-  prominent  aircraft,  includ-
            Inhofe told The Associated  tis,  perhaps  giving  him  a  military in a modern society  han  was  deeply  engaged  ing  the  Apache  and  Chi-
            Press.                       more friction-free start with  like  ours,"  O'Hanlon  said  in  in  the  full  range  of  policy  nook  helicopters,  the  C-17
            The episode, which played  Trump.                         an interview.                issues  and  briefed  on  mili-  cargo  plane  and  the  B-52
            out while Shanahan was fly-  Shanahan,  56,  grew  up  in  "In the end, I don't expect  tary  operations.  He  shares  bomber,  as  well  as  the
            ing  from  Baghdad  to  Brus-  Seattle. He earned a Bach-  that to be a huge sticking  Mattis's conviction that the  iconic  presidential  aircraft,
            sels  on  his  first  trip  abroad  elor  of  Science  degree  in  point"  to  Senate  confirma-  Pentagon needs to shift its  Air Force One.
            as  the  acting  secretary  of  mechanical   engineering  tion,  should  Shanahan  get  focus  from  fighting  insur-  Trump  seemed  to  tire  of
            defense, highlights the pre-  from the University of Wash-  the  nomination,  O'Hanlon  gent wars to preparing for  Mattis'  reputation  as  the
            carious  position  he  occu-  ington and two advanced  added.                          and  deterring  armed  con-  administration's  moderat-
            pies while waiting for Presi-  degrees  from  the  Massa-  Although  a  few  members  flict  with  big  powers  like  ing  influence  on  national
            dent  Donald  Trump  to  de-  chusetts  Institute  of  Tech-  of the Senate have rhetori-  China.                   security issues. But when he
            cide who he will nominate  nology. He joined Boeing in  cally  roughed  up  Shana-     "China, China, China," was  quit,  there  was  no  sudden
            as successor to Jim Mattis,  1986, rose through its ranks  han, he has not generated  his  message  to  senior  de-  rush of candidates to fill his
            the  retired  Marine  general  and is credited with rescu-  broad  opposition  during  partment  officials  the  day  shoes.
            who quit in December after  ing  a  troubled  Dreamliner  two  months  of  auditioning  he  took  over  for  Mattis,  Shanahan  "may  be  not  so
            nearly two years of leading  787  program.  He  also  led  for  the  nomination.  Sen.  aides said.                 bad  an  option,"  O'Hanlon
            the Pentagon.                the  company's  missile  de-  Lindsey Graham, the South  Trump  installed  Shanahan  said.
            With  no  other  candidate  fense and military helicop-   Carolina  Republican,  has  as the acting secretary on  "You get a person who's got
            emerging  as  the  clear  ter programs.                   butted  heads  with  Shana-  Jan.  1  and  has  since  spo-  some  of  the  Mattis  world
            front-runner,  expectations  Some  have  questioned  han  over  the  administra-       ken  admiringly  of  him.  This  view now inculcated inside
            inside  the  Pentagon  are  whether Shanahan's back-      tion's  Syria  policy,  but  that  is only the third time in his-  of him but without that kind
            that  Shanahan  will  soon  ground  amounts  to  an  in-  confrontation  quickly  fad-  tory  that  the  Pentagon  of  star  power,"  he  added.
            be  nominated  and  that  herent  conflict  of  interest  ed  after  the  White  House  has been led by an acting  "That may actually be what
            he likely would win Senate  for  a  defense  secretary  partially  reversed  course  chief.  The  last  was  William  Trump wants.
            confirmation. He would be  presiding  over  a  multi-     by agreeing to keep a few  H. Taft, who served for two  So, whether it's my own rec-
            the  first  career  defense  in-  billion-dollar   procure-  hundred  troops  in  Syria  months  in  1989  after  Presi-  ommendation  or  my  own
            dustry executive to serve as  ment  budget.  But  Michael  rather than withdrawing all  dent  George  H.W.  Bush's  prediction, I see no reason
            defense secretary.           O'Hanlon, an analyst at the  2,000.                       first  choice  to  be  defense  not  to  lean  in  Shanahan's
            In  the  two  months  he  has  Brookings Institution, argues  Sen. Joni Ernst, an Iowa Re-  secretary, John Tower, be-  favor."q
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