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Thursday 18 July 2019
Nuclear industry push for reduced
oversight gaining traction
WASHINGTON (AP) — Fewer the country's nuclear indus- seek broader public com-
mock commando raids to try under President Donald ment before proceeding.
test nuclear power plants' Trump and already ap- The country's nuclear regu-
defenses against terror- proved or pending approv- lators were looking at "far-
ist attacks. Fewer, smaller al by the Nuclear Regulato- reaching changes to the
government inspections ry Commission, largely with NRC's regulatory regime
for plant safety issues. Less little input from the general without first actively con-
notice to the public and public. ducting robust public out-
to state governors when The nuclear power industry reach and engagement,"
In this March 22, 2019 file photo, the construction site of Vogtle problems arise. says the safety culture at New Jersey Democrat
Units 4 at the Alvin W. Vogtle Electric Generating Plant is seen, They're part of the money- the U.S. nuclear industry — Frank Pallone Jr., chairman
Friday, March 22, 2019 in Waynesboro, Ga. saving rollbacks sought by 40 years after partial melt- of the House Energy and
Associated Press
down of a nuclear reactor Commerce Committee,
at Three Mile Island — is said in a letter to NRC Chair-
"exceptional" and merits woman Kristine Svinicki.
the easing of government Svinicki and two other NRC
inspections. commissioners did not re-
Maria Korsnick, president spond Wednesday to re-
of the industry's Nuclear En- quests for comment made
ergy Institute trade group, through the agency's pub-
said she welcomed chang- lic affairs staff. NRC pub-
es in NRC plant oversight lic affairs director David
procedure "to ensure that Castelveter said the NRC
it reflects a more robust un- would respond directly to
derstanding of the current lawmakers on Pallone's let-
performance of the U.S. ter.
nuclear fleet." A fourth commissioner, Jeff
Opponents say the chang- Baran, spoke out Tuesday,
es are bringing the admin- saying he opposed cutting
istration's business-friendly, inspections and reducing
rule-cutting mission to an oversight. Baran called for
industry — nuclear reactors more public input on pro-
— where the stakes are too posed rollbacks.
high to cut corners. Nuclear regulators post no-
While many of the regula- tices of meetings on pro-
tory rollbacks happening posed rollbacks on over-
at other agencies under sight of nuclear power
the current administration plants on the NRC website.
may be concerning, "there Lawmakers complained
aren't many that come there's been scant notice
with the existential risks of to the public at large about
a nuclear reactor having the meetings or proposals.
a malfunction," said Geoff In general, according to
Fettus, an attorney for the attendance logs, the roll-
Natural Resources Defense backs are being hashed
Council on nuclear issues. out at meetings attended
This week, the NRC re- almost solely by NRC staff
leased staff recommenda- and nuclear industry rep-
tions for rollbacks in safety resentatives. Occasionally,
inspections for the 90-plus a single reporter or repre-
U.S. nuclear power plants sentative for private groups
and for less flagging of monitoring or opposing
plant problems for the pub- nuclear power is shown as
lic. Democratic lawmak- attending. Korsnick, the in-
ers and one NRC commis- dustry trade group head,
sioner expressed concern said the safety of workers
about the safety risks and and the public remains the
urged the commission to priority.q