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                Thursday 5 January 2017
            During an elegant holiday party

                La Cabana honors its top performers

                                           of the year

            EAGLE BEACH – La Cabana
            Beach Resort & Casino re-
            cently hosted its entire staff
            for  a  memorable  holiday
            celebration, bringing them
            together  to  enjoy  a  fun
            party over food, drinks and
            lots of dancing.
              The  associates  were  re-
            ceived at the door by Gen-
            eral  Manager  Joe  Najjar,
            the  Executive  Committee

                                                                      Public Area Housekeeping
                                                                      Team as Team of the Year,
                                                                      2016.  Photos  show  the
                                                                      proud winners posing with
                                                                      their  beautifully  sculpted

            and  Department  Heads,       of the Year for 2016. Other
            before  Assistant  General    winners  included  Helen
            Manager  Jessica  Franken,    Weleman  of  the  Execu-
            MC  for  the  evening,  took   tive  Office  for  Supervisor
            to  the  stage  for  a  wel-  of  the  Year,  Frank  Sabajo
            come speech followed by       of  Engineering  for  Man-
            a Christmas Blessing, which   ager of the Year, and the
            opened  the  buffet-style
            dinner.  After  enjoying  the                                                          plaques of recognition and  Florin  Grocery  Shopping
            delicious  dinner,  everyone                                                           the executive team.          Spree.
            took to the dance floor to                                                              The evening also included    The  party  continued  with
            dance  to  the  tunes  of  DJ                                                          a  door  prize  raffle,  with  more dancing and fun, as
            Metropolis  and  D’-Licious                                                            Sherryl  D’arsie  winning  a  the  employees  and  man-
            Band.                                                                                  certificate  for  a  500  Florin  agement  celebrated  an-
              The  highlight  of  the  eve-                                                        Grocery  Shopping  Spree,  other successful year, wish-
            ning  was  the  announce-                                                              and Carmen Odor receiv-      ing  each  other  a  happy
            ment  of  La  Cabana’s  top                                                            ing  the  prize  for  the  1000  and healthy 2017. q
            performers of the year. Ma-
            rina Stamper, from Food &
            Beverage, was selected as
            the First Runner Up for Asso-
            ciate of the Year, but it was
            Minerva Hayes from House-
            keeping  who  won  the
            maximum title of Associate
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